Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

You plan on discussing what your main class is just hide behind double speak?

I’ve been playing and raiding since Vanilla.

you are full of sh!t

i have seen ur profile and check mine earliest acheive 2004

I don’t have to prove anything to anyone here on GD.

Take my opinion or don’t engage… simple.

It’s just the way it’s… your precious streamers never had negative feedback regarding poor balancing of specs most of the time regardless I’ve yet to see a video of them giving “feedback” while a raid is live… they are busy doing what the 1% does, they don’t care about low tier specs performing for months and months… they just wait to move to the next fotm.

Example: This covenant debate has 2 sides… and neither I feel I’m part of them.
Signature spells and spec spells should be scrapped, because they can’t balance.

yea but you do have to prove dont be a snowflake you dont get a ribbon for participation prove it and join the real world

this is the problem with kids

This was never phrased this way, would love a timestamp

They didn’t complain about this, they questioned why it needed to be in.

They mentioned nobody has found a skip because they keys are too low.

Removing the ability to pull trash during bosses lowers the skill ceiling

They didn’t defend snapping, they even criticised it because Legion was done without snapping.

Very few people are excited about the AoE cap.

They actually asked why hasn’t m+ had anything new in 5 years.

Oh no, asking how to help engage the community, TERRIBLE!!

This is a good point, someone who does a +25 has no discernible difference to someone who did a +15. PvP players have pvp gear/sets/mounts/titles, CE raiders have gear/sets/mounts/titles. M+ has nothing.

You’re a clown.

Achievements weren’t in the game in 2004 you goose.

How would i have the achievement for partaking in the scourge event and opening the dark portal?

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hey im justy gonna say somew sh!t but i dont have to prove it

so why post in the 1st place?

this is what these kids are brought up just fake it till you make it

Extremely low quality.

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kids these days?
yea low quality
and dont you dare challenge me because" i dont have to prove myself" i just say what i want

This much effort in explaining him isn’t worth it because he probably has you on ignore and isn’t seeing your responses.

He definitely does after I pointed out his spriest has BIS corruptions/essences/stats and talents except for the first row.

But other people can witness his argument being dismantled. The quicker people realise what ralph is the better.

Considering nobody watched the video.


I know you want atention so here, I will give you some “adult”.

I wont report you but you’re trying too hard.

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You plan on answering me what your main class is?

No, I will not.

Good luck.

i shave my arms because im a bodybuilder
i have high standards and have more options because girls want to fk me without dragons and auction houses

Nothing but a clown, thanks for stopping by.

Classic This user’s public profile is hidden poster.

well ty but stop editing your posts

I didn’t read all of it as I stopped at the AoE cap part. Someone actually LIKES that? Why? I understand why blizzard implemented it(to ease server load to make room for the ridiculous rng corruptions, essences, etc) but why would a player want it capped?