Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

the guy has been around for 14 years
do i look at wow through rose colored galsses after 14 years? is it the same game i fell in love with 14 years ago?
look you dont attack preach you dont know preach and you havent watched his content for 10+ years i will put money on it
dont try to discredit the vets , listen to your elders this isnt a new “project” for him he tries and he has been around longer than your halflife and has been involved’
back off man

Reading through this thread is so hilarious, I don’t think even Ralph watched it.

He brought 4 extremely highly skilled player who run MDI (M+ Invitational) who discuss key issues. It has nothing to do with his viewers.

I agree with almost all those dot points maybe aside from the ammo for ranged weapons back and that’s purely because it effects one class way more than others

Or at least make them stackable in the thousands

Yeah I ran out of ammo mid boss once

The covenant system will not attract new players, it’s going to confuse them at the start to the point where they look up a guide and will end up picking what some steamer tells them to pick

If not they’re more than likely going to be picking up the covenant with the ability they liked the best

WoW is old now, I don’t know what the intake of new players is like but I’m going to assume most people currently playing have played for a long long time

If anything these systems are aimed at people who spend more money on the game than the average player

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Another Ralph thread where the sheep just attack him for his name, rather than his argument.

Because his argument is nothing but incoherent ranting. He didn’t watch the video at all.

Also, he has everyone who disagrees with him muted anyway

i agree and damitt im pissed at how because of a name people attack these vets who have put many years into the game long before alakhazam or throtbot i myself am a highly sexual and good looking man as well as a sharp dresser as seen in these videos

so i feel for preach being attacked

edit _

I would make them both highly stackable, and make the quiver/ammo bag slot a free slot for any character that can use them so they don’t have to give up a bag slot for it.

I accept these terms and conditions

We would be sheep if we followed Ion the Shepard

I disagree with almost everything this guy says in this post

And he hasn’t presented anything he didn’t in the last 50 posts he made about the subject

If your known for your low energy troll threads. expect those low energy arguments where people just go “lol ralph thread”

The most hilarious about this thread that anyone agreeing with Ralphe seems to miss is these 5 people on the video weren’t begging Blizzard or asking for anything. It was 5 guys discussing m+, mythic dungeons in beta, how classes feel in beta.

Yet somehow:

Nobody ever said “everyone”. They said they’re pretty sure most people don’t like it.

They literally state it over and over that this impacts people who run keys a lot.

High end isn’t their priority except CE raiders keep getting beta invites. Hmm… They also confirm Blizzard is watching the stream(??)

They were asking why M+ hasn’t had changes in 5 years.

Which is a horrid way to design an MMORPG.

Yes, people intent on competing with other people should randomly be inferior after weeks or months of progressing their characters. /s

And by inferior I mean no redeeming qualities in comparison to others.

That’s just bad class design.

Can we just ban anyone from commenting on this until they watch the video?

usually those videos are nothing but echo chambers.

easy skip… aside I wont invest 2 hours of my life to watch other 1% players with their personal agendas that wont even benefit the 99%.


Although I agree with the majority of the post…

Everybody does hate AoE cap thats not just Preach

Yeah better hop on to talk trash about them right!

The most hilarious thing is they put a bunch of suggestions out to discuss combating non hardcore players adapting the meta of the higher skilled players.

Quick let’s go back to talking trash.

I agree with the original post despite not watching the two hour video :clown_face:

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there’s no youtuber or twitch streamer that ever speak in favour of my main class that I raid and do m+ they have the easy way out by having 4-5 characters of the same class and constantly re roll to the fotm.

look proof by the vets if you want to bash vets you better know wtf you are talking about because we will beat you down untill you are crumpled on the floor like a used kleenex
you have been warned

TL:DS, the game being a game not designed for them even when Ion told Preach to his face that the game is for the broader audience, high end isnt their priority.
-“Oh noez we actually have to do the content instead of skip half the dungeon with rogue, nightfae, venthyr”
-“Flavor from covenants (buffs, skips etc)in dungeons is stupid and will be toxic and totes not related to tryhards wanting to tryhard because they dont care about the game, only the optimal comp and flavor adds more choices”
-“Oh look, venthyr was all the rage and tryhards talking about how OP it was yet there has still been no major skips with it”
-“Its bad I can tryhard by pulling trash on bosses for muh MDI even though Ion repeatedly told preach the game is for the broader community, not for mdi tryhards”
-"We are so sad we have yet to find any way to cause mobs to snap and easily exploit dungeons by having all mobs teleport at one point we can mass cc/stun and delete with no real danger aka what ion called degenerate gameplay’
-“A lot of the playerbase is rly concerned about the AoE keep” Preach said while pretending non tryhards pull crazy or care even though in reality on tryhards care about aoe cap. “Nobody seems happy about it” said tryhards that are completely out of touch.
-Tryhards: "We dont understand why blizzard does anything that stops us, it isnt like Ion explained that some ways of playing are wrong and degenerate and the devs are taking steps to stop/remove them
-“wah they are developing fun torghast stuff for solo players instead of pandering to us m+ tryhards wahh ;_;”
-“Tyranical is bad cuz we want m+ to always be the same so we just use our specific comb to roflstomp through every week because variety is bad”
-“Being one shot because I decided to do m+ levels which arent mathematically possible is bad, I know i am not meant to time them but I am gonna whine about it anyway”
-“How do we convert more people into tryhards that push for m29s, these poor casuals are scared by timers”
-“We deserve special recognition for doing high m+ above 15s because we are special and the keystone achievement and rewards arent enough, we need more special stuff for doing 25s”
-“The trickle down effect to tryhards who create a toxic community is very real, what is your opinions or is that how the world works so we good and we dont need to do anything about and let it keep existing”

In other words people being competitive in a non competitive game.