Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

you are so full of sh!t \seen your profile and a mage not talking about aoe?gtfo

Good RPGs don’t punish you for experimenting with different builds.

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That’s all from one post. Blizz needs to put “tryhard” in the filter. Maybe then Ralphie would expand his vocabulary a smidgen instead of using a lame insult for people who simply want to better themselves.


You know what’s hilarious? SL dungeons have trash packs that have 6 or more mobs in them when some classes have a 5 target AoE cap.


Enjoy your failed game design.


Yeah that is great lol, you are meant to switch to higher HP target in bolstering weeks instead of mongo aoe everything down brainlessly.

If they cant do that then clearly they arent that good of a player and they DESERVE to fail

The sad thing is OP himself isn’t a tryhard in the truest sense of the word.

Doesn’t raid, doesn’t push keys, and yet creates forum posts complaining about people that do.

Not only not a “tryhard” … he barely tries at all. Methinks these forum posts are feeding some type of social insecurity because he’s clearly NOT an authority on his preferred topic as someone who barely even plays the game beyond RP/Questing.


Ralphe doesn’t know the meaning of difficult content. :upside_down_face:


Can we just like… all flag this and pray?

Maybe start putting in tickets?

I flag all Ralphe’s posts now.

Wanna make 17 forum posts on the same topic? Do it AFTER you actually PLAY the game and the content you’re condemning. One paid heroic run and some key carries don’t give you the podium to stand on.

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Sure he does, it’s something he pays others to do for him.

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90% of the community does not do mythic raiding lol. The people who do mythic raids are usually doing it in full heroic quality/mythic+ chest gear. You don’t seem to understand the amount of work the world first raiders are doing to be able to “rofl” stomp bosses week one. Those last bosses take 200+ pulls (Unat took 731 pulls). Saying that they could have done that with unoptimal classes in the same time frame is delusional.