Just so nobody is confused, Ralph does mythic content. He’s done 4 bosses in 7 months. He’s not a cutting-edge raider but still uses BIS corruptions, talents and Azerite.
He uses 1 ability that isn’t “meta” and considers himself a beacon of the every day player.
?? some advice. Ladies don’t like it when you stalk, and get extra clingy. Not only do you twist the words of everyone who proves you wrong, you keep trying to get people to team up, like fight your own battles.
Well why play a mmo? The fun of it is making new builds, and seeing how far you can get. With the endless mode having cosmetic rewards tied to it. We are all hyped what it could shape to be. We are not at it yet, but blizzard is slowly changing it.
Like someone before me said there are much better ways to stop this type of gameplay than aoe capping. And the reason for it in their eyes is to partially increase the viability of casters in mythic+ by giving them a bigger aoe cap. It is focused around high end balance because people in the 0-15 range probably only pull sub 5 mobs unless they are tiny ones.
Lets be real. Their goal might be semi-nice but it is unrealistic. They will be horribly unbalanced and the game will be slammed for it.
Like what? Rain of fire and blizzard are essentially the same spell but they were not created to make a homogenized game. Having only 1 class with a specific functionality or utility might promote an “rpg” feel but it will be heavily imbalanced. Thats why they give them different flavors to different classes like freezing trap, sap, imprison, and paralysis.
Oh are we really going to go that path? Wait a second, lets see…Do you see dungeons on my armory? No? So maybe I just like the spell? I’ve used them all. Gasp i know shocker right?
And you clearly don’t understand the tower system. keep trying to get things changed.
The fact that you don’t even understand how it works makes me laugh hard.
when you balance content based on making sure people who are, for lack of a better term, bad the content is always going to have balance issues. you cannot make content that is doable by everyone that is also fun and engaging for everyone. it has to be simple enough for anyone to be able to do. realistically, visions are as good as it gets for solo content that can still be challenging but even then there is a very low ceiling on it.
the reason content that is balanced for, again for lack of a better term, better players is always more engaging and enjoyable is because it has a higher ceiling. that makes people care about it. it makes people try. and because of the challenge, they complete it they actually feel good.
So in other words, you are doing it yet again. Anyone who proves you wrong, you twist words. You are so easy to show true colors.
The covenant system and Towers are not the same. Towers are fun because of the wacky improvements you an make to your spells causing new builds to be had. Covenant system just adds new skills, and souls can change some, but it is not the same thing. Since im a tester and need to teach you about the basics of shadowland.
Why is it so hard for people on these forums to understand that these discussions are specifically for the people at the top end to have a platform for their voices to be heard?
They aren’t talking about your concerns with shadowlands because they don’t have the same issues you do. They have their own personal concerns and someone is giving them a chance to discuss it and you’re treating it like a personal attack on you.
Preach is a mythic raider. So when he talks to Ion he is going to talk to him about his problems with the mythic scene. When he has MDI players on then they are going to talk about Mythic+ problems.
It’s because they need to feel like they are a valued member of the WoW community, which everyone is. The problem is Preach and co aren’t discussing removing LFR and Normal Mode to make it harder for casuals, yet on the flipside a lot of people in here are trying to put a bigger and bigger mythic raiding tax on players.
One is is just a bunch of snide children mad that others are playing with toys that don’t play with.
I don’t agree with that at all, well I do some but not to what you are saying.
Content out in the world needs to be be able to be done at your own pace, and still provide toughness to test yourself.
A casual player and a hardcore player both want the same thing, It is a matter of time spent that divides the two. A casual player wants to do tough content, wants to have a reason to get better gear and to chase the carrot. To say it can’t be done, is a cope out. Being able to do things in smaller groups, and being not timed, but add a scaling that test someone to see how far they can go can be done with wow systems.
Because I came on it one time, asked two people and got a answer and logged off? LIke I said, but your lack of reading seems to think I was part of that community? You really got to learn how to read and think.