Blizzard seems to right now only really care if the package as a whole is doing okay or not, so I suspect that’s what we’ll see in Shadowlands.
If a covenant is really that bad it’ll probably get buffed, but I wouldn’t expect individual choices within covenants to be all that well balanced. It’s how they work with talents right now and you’d think they would do something about it, but it seems like they don’t care much right now.
My original point was that if players really started ragging on them as much as they’re going on about covenants, they might actually change their approach so they don’t leave those near-zero pick rate choices in the dumpster.
Blizzard doesn’t do everything the forums tells them, but neither is them actually listening to us completely unheard of.
Blizzard has realized there’s no point ruining and homogenizing the game to pander to muh balance competitive in a non competitive game crowd.
That is why they are free to have fun and make all kinds of crazy abilities instead of playing ti safe and making boring similar abilities for the sake of balance.
This is an rpg, rpgs will never be balanced an a mathematically best build will always exist for each encounter therefore we need to stop people from changing to that all the times and force them to create builds for the entire content
yeah battle for naz, visions of nzoth, island expeditions, warfronts, and uldum/vale assaults were totally just raids and dungeons and totally targeted towards the evil min max raiders
no matter the outcome you guys are always just going to blame raiders for your problems with the game. exhausting.
maybe because content targeted towards people that dont know how to use their spellbooks is always going to be shallow and short lived and “bad” because it has to be
which is why content made for raiders and good players is always what people end up playing for the whole expansion
they poured TONNES of resources into islands and warfronts especially, but they were targeted towards a demographic of player that cannot complete a challenge so the content was made with that in mind.
which is why i laugh at all the people that don’t want content balanced around raiders or min maxers lmao. when you dont, you get content that has no longevity.
The funny thing is some* people act like we asked for it.
Yeah we totally asked to have to do content not designed for us like Visions. The majority of us just want to raid, Blizzard keep putting more and more hurdles in front of raiding.
It comes about because Blizzard designs new things (islands, etc.) and needs people to do them so that they can justify the dev costs with high participation numbers.
Since Blizzard knows that raiders are their most avid, loyal, and numerous players, they rely on us to carry the participation metrics on new systems. So they factor into raiding that you have to do these things, to buff up their participation stats.
Your answer is silly, but hey that is fine if you think that.
Tons of resources and that is the best they came up with? Half of the cool things they said islands would be did not make the cut.
Also, Raiding and Dungeons don’t have it also. Hate to tell you this, Even if what you saying is true, and we both know it is not. The fact that raiders have said BFA had some of the best raiding content ever, and bfa is consider one of the worse expansion does not help your case at all.
The point is, Better Trade Skills. Content like Tower coming up where you can solo duo and push yourself, a reason for people who play casual to get stronger and go at his or her own pace is the answer, and is the best choice blizzard can make.
Oh and the rpg elements. That makes a good mmo, and community but that is a lost cause unless we nerf armory.