Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

So pages upon pages upon pages of class feedback from here, reddit, and various discords haven’t been getting on their case? I’m thinking you might just pick and choose what you actually want to see.

Pick a utility talent row and I’ll show you a talent that is pretty much dead.

So there are pages upon pages of people insisting that Blizzard fix the underperforming fire mage talents? That Blizzard fix all the talents that are dumpster fires even on the classes/specs that otherwise are doing fine?

Or is it only people caring about the package as a whole and asking for buffs to Feral Druids, or nerfs to Demon Hunters?

Because I sure as hell haven’t seen a lot of people trying to get them to fix Retribution Aura. That’s why I brought it up as an example.

Thing is if this is the case then the game is more or less screwed anyway if people aren’t going to advocate that they actually get some people with creativity and passion, and start paying them properly.

If all we’re going to get is talents 2.0 that sounds incredibly boring and neither fun nor interesting to me. I already think talents are in a bad place right now, so people advocating that covenants become exactly like them isn’t making me think that’s going to make the game more enjoyable.

I mean you are more than welcome to take a stroll through the class forums. Make sure to take off your blinders first though.

Off topic and not relevant to the discussion at hand. Don’t try to move the goal posts.

I mean that’s more or less exactly what we are getting. Conduits are literally just a repackaged version of Azerite and yeah, Azerite is basically just full of useless traits.

Funny, the Paladin forums don’t seem to have a whole lot of people insisting Blizzard buff up underperforming build options.

Certainly not the “pages upon pages” that I was told exists.

It’s completely relevant to what Aedred posted about the dev team being creatively bankrupt.

It’s more of an amalgamation of several systems, though I imagine it’ll have its useless options too.

and I’m pretty sure I wont see a lot of threads wanting to buff those useless options provided that the class package as a whole works fine.

Which is kind of my point here.

Like I said, you need to take those blinders off first.

No it’s not because the people in question here aren’t even a part of what you are talking about.

Of course you won’t see what you choose not to see.

So I can see what, exactly?

People complaining about baseline Paladin mobility that isn’t a choice?

People not liking Shadowland’s version of Ret Aura which is just a rebranded Retribution passive and not a talent anymore?

People wanting the old seal system back?

Sorry but people aren’t actually vying for Blizzard to fix up the underperforming options. At least not with Paladins.

If you’ve actual evidence then I’d love to see it, otherwise you telling me I should go out and prove your own argument for you is pointless.

It’s your job to prove your own arguments, which you seem to be unwilling to do.

Literally took 2 seconds. Like I said, you only choose to see what you want to see. I guess to make yourself feel right? I don’t know.

Also for the love of god higher end players don’t create these problems

They just understand how the game damn well works then highlight them

I don’t know what this is about but dead or bad abilities should be pruned or fixed.

Agreed, sir.

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It took you 2 seconds to find a thread that A. I already referenced and B. wasn’t about what I’m talking about?

What was that about only choosing to see what you want to see?

Rofl, ok bud. It’s ok to admit when you are wrong.

How does a thread talking about a baseline passive in Shadowlands have anything to do with me being right or wrong about people insisting Blizzard fix our underperforming talent choices?

Retribution Aura in Shadowlands isn’t a talent anymore. It’s literally just one of our current baseline talents renamed.

But yes, it is okay to admit when you’re wrong =P

You: “No one on the paladin forums discusses fixing dead talents.”

Me: Links thread discussing fixing a dead talent

You: “Whaaa, that’s not what I’m talking about!”

But you could fairly easily switch around your talents. There wasn’t any multi-week grind if you wanted to experiment with things.

Why do we need players to ask Blizzard to do something they should already be working on?

It’s not what I’m talking about because that thread isn’t about a talent.

It’s about a passive in Shadowlands that is using the same name as a BfA talent.

I’ve also said before that the 1 week thing should be much lower than it currently is.

Ideally we shouldn’t have to, but they’re obviously not going to just randomly decide to start doing it if players aren’t complaining about it.

No it doesn’t.

All it does is ensure the classes with the right toolkits will continue to be selected and they’ll pull fewer mobs at a time.

Nobody is going to bring a turret to a fight where they need to move all the time. That would be stupid.

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Sure, for conduits, but then what about covenants? We don’t even know yet how long it’s going to take people to switch back.

You’d think that they’d notice that some talents have a near-zero pick rate and do something, anything, about it. I have no earthly idea why they would allow some talents to basically exist as traps. That’s one of the reasons they got rid of the old trees, and now we’re right back where we started.

After going on a ganking rampage in stv on rouge in classic

I…like old talent trees xD.