Devotion Aura is a defensive aura. So, it only makes sense that retribution aura is a dps or throughput aura.
A dps aura would be something that effects only dps (sorry healers) such as cause everyone within 40 yards to deal 3% additional damage as holy damage.
A throughput aura would be something that effects the output of heals and damage. An Aura that increases haste or crit by 3% would be an example of a throughput aura.
I will say my examples are simple and people will probably call them boring but I really don’t like people suggesting fixes for retribution while trying to stick to blizzards vision even thought it is flawed by design. Retribution aura needs to be scrapped and fixed from the ground up as a dps or throughput aura.
I think a better use for Retribution Aura is a hybrid of the old retribution aura (which is basically Thorns from Diablo) with bits of Visions of Perfection.
Every time an ally within X yards takes damage (capped at every Y seconds):
If avenging wrath is on cooldown, its cooldown is reduced by T seconds
If avenging wrath is active, its duration is increased by Z seconds
This just doesn’t help the group though. The tank and ret gets a little extra damage. A raiding getting 3% more healing and damage is huge. Just like Devo is huge.
I know retribution aura doesn’t feel good, but during early progression, it will be essential when you’re on the last 10% and people start going down when the healers run out of mana. It’ll lose value as the expac goes on as you’re going to have less situations like you see in the first raid. Maybe blizzard will change it as the expac goes on and its value decreases.
Oh sweet summer child.
All they’ll do is overnerf us because we’ll be doing too much damage early in the raid cause people keep dying. Because obviously they don’t account Retribution Passive into tuning…
The passive was hated in Legion, it was hated in BfA, and how they think making it an active ability is a good idea is beyond me. I don’t think having to chose to save someone or let them die for my dps is in keeping with the paladin theme.
They really need to take this back to the drawing board.
This would be really strong in bgs and on fights where your group is taking aoe damage consistently to the point it would have to be tuned to be very weak. This is why I think ret aura should be a throughput aura.
I love this idea! Where you have an aura up all the time and you get to choose a second aura. However, again there would be a problem with ret aura being a damage reflect aura and retribution paladins always having it up. In pvp, if you went up against a retribution paladin all you would have to do is put a dot up them or any target within 40 yards of them to have all cc on you be broken. So, unless we made the aura such that it didn’t break cc it wouldn’t work. Again I will make the suggestion that ret aura be a throughput aura. Let ret aura be the antithesis to devo aura. I think that is great class flavor.
In wrath Ret aura does the effect of Sanctity Aura because it was stupid to not have Ret Aura be the dps Aura when there is a spec with the very same name. As for the Ret Aura, they can simply make it a dmg reflect so it affects both melee & magic and also have that 3% dmg buff it had back in wrath so its actually useful for dps or maybe make Sanctified Retribution (3% dmg increase buff) baseline for Ret so while the other 2 spec have ret aura that does dmg reflection
My idea for ret aura would be to give paladin abilities to do extra holy damage and apply a debuff on the target for like 3 seconds that works similarly to the Holy/Protection pally talent Judgment of Light, where attacks heal players for a little bit.
Otherwise, I’d prefer ret aura to work like the passive for visions of perfection.
I see ret paladins really wanting to keep vision of perfection. Besides power what mechanically is desirable about it? It can’t be an rng proc we have trinkets that do that.
Why can’t I enjoy the rng proc of wings? I actually liked when it procced and will miss not having it. We aren’t overpowered from having it and it will allow more hammer of wrath usage.
Retribution Aura - You and your allies within 60 yards are protected by an Aura that lashes out for 1.2% of your Attack Power as Holy damage when dealt direct damage. When you heal an ally affected by Retribution Aura who is below 25% health, you gain Avenging Wrath for 8 seconds.
You are allowed to enjoy it. I mistakenly made an assumption by dismissing it could be a proc that gives power because we will have those via trinkets. But you can enjoy having more procs and ones tied to our major cooldown.
Because that is entirely un-engaging and doesn’t actually modify the gameplay experience in any way.
So long as Retribution Aura is on the table to be changed it would be nice if it was made somewhat interesting.
Sounds like a gameplay decision that good players will be able to take safe advantage of and that bad players will suffer for. Cautious players will just forget it exists.
I’d like to point towards monks Touch of Karma as an example of a similar mechanic already in-game.