I assume it is this, just started it and he is already gloating, it truly is pretty disgusting.
I don’t exactly know why people think there is some secret cabal of elite players that sit around a table plotting out ways to smite casual players
It sounds more like casual players are getting salty because they don’t fully understand what happens at higher levels of play and what is required
Most progression guilds need progression builds because if you hit a road block it can snap your guild and then you need to start from scratch
Higher level pugs look for more meta builds because the likelihood of failure starts to drop and they don’t waste their key and their time
Hyper elite players barely interact with the player base because they’re in their own community
When top level players attack design choices it’s because they’ve spent their whole lives playing WoW and they know better than most how things are going to end up effecting the game and the community at large
OP is fighting ghosts
Completely agree. Legion was such an amazing expansion (Artifact weapon, traits, amazing lore and zones, order halls. but man I saw the path the game was taking and I did not like it at all.
People like Preach love the current setup of the game in Legion and BFA. I personally think it has actually hurt the game big time, and needs to change drastically. So anything to move it away from the current setup, works for me.
Yawn. Ion has also stated that they have at times taken that too far. No one wants Overwatch with Raids. Not even preach. No one wants Raids with Infinite Stars. Not even Ion.
So… great strawman.
The fact you think this is going to stop that is… cute.
So being able to build your character for separate forms of content and change it as you want is… not character building.
But being able to select one specific loadout and only one load out… is… character building?
They’re both character building. One just has more control than the other.
Again… People have been doing this for 15 years. It’s… cute that you think it won’t still happen.
Which just means effectively… everyone will class stack like they did in the past when your line of thinking was how the game was built.
Oh we’re on H Spine? Anyone who isn’t a rogue, mage, or shaman… go roll one. Cause you’re effectively useless.
Imagine being this elitist over people playing the game differently than them.
Little fox that is not the case
People are more concerned about getting pigeon hold’d by their choice and not being able to customise
I think those people that swap talents for every fight are a bit over the top
This game is pretty much just recreating WotLK class design at this point but just with way more annoying steps
I think legion is living proof they wanted to design the game like it used to be designed premop
And for some god unknown reason they won’t just add a more robust talent tree and glyphs back
Yup he has made a new Ralphe to make more of the same multiple threads a day with .
Pardon the pun but I’m starting to think it is time for Ralphe to get a you.
People hated the artifact trees. Why would Blizzard ever go back to Talent trees?
I thought people liked the trees themselves but didn’t like the locking you into the spec aspect of it
Also we keep having systems that mimic talent trees
Like every single time we get these new systems they’re just filling the holes that the talent trees left
We will be able to customize though.
We are kindof already pigeon-holed to some degree by our spec and class choices. Some are good one thing and others at others.
If they make everyone just good at everything all the time. Why even have classes or specs or anything else.
This might shock you but you barely have any options in your talent tree, it might look like you do but you don’t
You’re going to have a utility row, damage rows, AoE damage rows and defensive rows
You’re just going to end up picking the strongest talent most the time
The people that are swapping talents per fight are just trying to top logs, I’d say most players will be able to play their normal build with out ever gimping them selves too hard
Ah yes the average complacent elitist attitude of “Does this hurt the community? Well its normal and I wont bother doing or changing anything about it and I dont care cuz it doesnt affect me”
Looks like the devs detected your Gamer complacency and decided to fix the issue themselves.
There is no character building when you change to most optimal set up for a boss, there is no choice, there’s a mathematical best choice ALWAYS in rpgs and by changing to those mathematical best builds for each boss you do 0 character building, you are copying.
Character building means having STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES, you dont get to change your strenghts to fit content.
Sounds like you were just either too bad or you werent meant to kill that boss until you got more gear.
And if you go by some weird “x fight wanst balanced enough so X was mandatory to even beat mathematically”, todays bosses arent that unbalanced, if you need to stack to beat it you are either bad or need more gear.
Great ending to your very complacent wannabe elitist argument xD
We aren’t locked into covenants. Where are people getting this information from? You can swap covenants with a quest.
It’s not all casuals . There are a lot that don’t like the idea of being locked in . Those that like to do different content on a single character , those that play more then on spec on a toon as well as those that even if they don’t do higher content still like to push themselves to the best of their abilities because some day they might decide " you know what I’m going to give that harder content a try"
By casuals I should have said “casuals”
As a casual myself I think this lock in system is going back to the restrictions we used to have, then going back further
What really gets my goat about this is that WoW was initially made FOR CASUAL players.
People keep harping how much harder classic was. NO IT WAS NOT. It just took longer to level. Thats how it should be. The game should be an adventure, not a week grind to max level.
Guess what? On my casual noob druid in classic I could get wildheart gear pretty easily, and then I could raid Molten Core if I wanted to on the hardest difficulty level.
Now? Lol good luck. Game is harder and more time intensive (not levelling time intensive, wipe 500 times on hardest content intensive).
Somehow these losers have taken over the whole game now. They are the reason older mmos failed. Companies would cater to them and drive everyone else out.
WoW needs to remember why it was so successful. It hit its peek around WOLK. Even as a filthy casual I did half of the bosses in ICC on heroic difficulty. And that was playing 2-3 times a week max.
These clowns need to go away. Blizzard needs to cut the cord and take the risk imo even though they spent 2 expansions alienating casuals, I still think they will come back if the game is designed around them and these hardcore tryhards are the ones getting thrown a bone here and there.
Why do the blizzard forums allow posts personally attacking people in their community? In this case, someone they appear to have a friendly business relationship with.
The systems they keep stabbing into the game aren’t even good for elite players, they’re just annoying time sinks for everyone involved
Find me a mythic raider that finds it fun to grind every single world quest to get a 2 more ilvls on their neck
Half the problem is half the player base got way better at the game over time and the other half just remained mediocre
The difference in skill from some players is huge
Look man it’s beyond me how this guy hasn’t been getting silenced every time he makes one of these insane posts
It’s even in the CoC to not agitate the forums and create small scale wars
I can understand why you would not like his post, but to sit there and attack the vast majority of WOW players, calling us nub lfr’ers, get a grip kid. You’re calling him toxic while attacking almost every player and bundling them into one “nub” group. Just because I don’t wanna spend all day in stupid repetitive m+ doesn’t make me a nub. Not wanting to do mythic raiding doesn’t make me a nub. So dumb to call someone toxic while being toxic. SL is still in Beat and everyone thinks they know exactly how everyone will be effected.
And none of this matters, cause if you know your character, and if you are good at it, you’re not getting kicked out of raiding guilds, unless they are elitists. Nothing wrong with elitists, just there’s only a small amount of super strict guilds, and the rest, pull fair dps, don’t pull extra, n stay alive. This theory that you gotta follow a cookie cutter mold to succeed only holds true if the people you roll with are the same mindset.