Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

I mean… You’re not really solidifying that you actually know his points.

Also, it’s fine to talk about things from a top-end perspective, so long as you state explicitly that that’s where you’re coming from. Which he has done routinely. He’s also repeatedly stated that all of their design decisions will be perfectly fine for the vast majority of the player base. What other hedging do you need?

When he made a video long time ago laughing at the LFR rewards got gutted in WoD i never take him seriously anymore hes a manchild in my eyes.

What exactly happened back then? I wasnt in touch with the youtubers at the time and that sounds pretty bad, I remember hearing some ppl whining about lfr trinkets or something but never actually found out what was that about.

I mean… that’s more a statement of yourself than him. He gave an opinion at the time, and has since admitted that he was wrong. That’s called growth. Writing someone off for making a mistake isn’t a really great attitude to have.


Disagree but you can like him all you want i don’t.

I just find it hilarious that OP turns all of these posts into his rage against people who want to play the game at a higher level than he does (which wouldn’t be hard, he doesn’t do much).

Being able to swap covenants is NOT … NOT going to affect ANYONE playing at OP’s level of gameplay. Choose your one covenant and enjoy. Swap, don’t swap doesn’t matter. Worried about being declined from the group cause “meta?” Then don’t apply to those groups. Warlocks aren’t the “meta” and are known to be terrible in keys and yet I have never NOT been able to find a key run on my warlock. Get denied some, sure. Always find one to do, yes.

Again, OP is screaming “insecurity” and “I’m tried of playing a game where I can’t/don’t play at a level other people play at and I DON’T WANT THEM TO PLAY AT THAT LEVEL EITHER!”

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He made a vid saying THANK YOU for gutting lfr rewards back in wod days.Very easy to find as well.

Talk about sad, the fact that people who have the highest ilvl are so elitist to the point they get mad that some players might get a fraction of that ilvl shows how unhealthy and how dependent their ego is on their ingame ilvl.

Which is the only explanation because any secure person would never have issues with people getting some loot as well, not like lfr players would ever reach his total ilvl.

You should hear the vid yourself hes bragging like crazy in it lol.

Oh no Ion now thinks you should play alts because no 1 toon should be able to be good at Raids , mythic + or pvp . You will now need a toon for each game activity and a toon for every covenant to make sure you have the right covenant for said activity . You will have to do that with all classes you play

And how does it affect you that others want to play at the highest possible level? Can’t you just stay bad and be happy or you won’t be happy until everyone is swimming in the same puddle of mediocrity that you evidently are happy in?

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Sigh… And this is why it’s important to ask for clarification when it comes to these points. It’s also why these forums are completely useless as people come here already with their mind made up. They then do what ralph does and just block anyone who disagrees effectively making echo chambers where they just think they’re right.

You’re both wrong on why he said any of that about LFR. I also find it hilarious that you’re disparaging him about that, when LFR currently is almost pointless from a gearing standpoint.

Imagine getting your feelings hurt over someone’s opinion of a video game.

hehe bookmarked my answer thankfully

-Fact, WoW as an RPG will always have non skill elements affecting your performance like Ion said, people who truly care about skill and competition dont belong in an RPG aka being competitive in a non competitive game, so anyone obsessing over the “top 100” doesnt say much about their “ability” because RPGs are nowhere near as competitive as overwatch, counter strike, mobas, starcraft. (In a sense RPGS is where average people who cant compete on those games go to feel “skilled”)

-The tryhard attitude has a trickle down effect to bad players who dont understand the game and instead try to copy “what is best” end up making the community and worse and more toxic by refusing to invite or kicking class classes that are not seeing as “meta” even though they can easily do the content they were doing. Example being kicking a TD tank and demanding a vers stack tank for a 15 while vers stack tanks are only needed for 25+, it shows their ignorance and that ignorance is hurting the community.

-Fact, RPGs are for people who enjoy character building, if you have no interest in character building or systems or mechanics and your only interest is to get in, get your gear and “win” you dont belong to the RPG genre. Ion said it best, THIS ISNT AN FPS WHERE YOU JUMP IN, GET YOUR LOADOUT AND FIGHT.

-Bad players by copying the meta remain bad players because they dont learn or understand their class in depth and often perform worse compared to a non meta player who knows their class well, that is why in dungeons you meet BM hunters or DHs who should be obliterating you in AoE yet a shadow priest beats them, therefore we need to push for people to stick to classes they like instead of “what is good” so they focus on learning their class and improving their actual skills instead of copying meta.

-BALANCE, that is a major point for Blizzard. Raids, m+ and all content is balanced around healthy combs without everyone being ultra optimal, unlike what tryhards want to tell themselves Blizzard doesnt balance around optimal combs and players otherwise 95% of the playerbase wouldnt be able to beat the content. Therefore we balance around healthy combs that are below ultra optimal classes and combs. Let’s say we have an AoE boss, that boss should be beatable on mythic by a balanced group of 20 skilled players without needing everyone to be uber aoe optimal, now the tryhard group instead of doing the fight will instead stack 14 AoE specs with huge aoe focused builds and legendaries and will roflstomp through the encounter therefore reducing the difficulty of the encounter to baby mode. While the other guild who did the encounter with a balanced comb dealt with the difficulty the devs intended.

-Delusions. People who play meta often arent that good but because they get carried by meta, as well as the fact that they are invited to groups they dont deserve (I ve seen leaders invite DHs because they are seen as meta in a m+ only for us to carry them, the leader didnt care to search for signs of skill, they just though demon hunters are good therefore invite) therefore getting more chances to actually also have good gear. This creates the delusion of skill while in reality if you put that person to play a sub optimal class their total cluelessness and lack of skill would be revealed.
The same can happen with guilds, tryhard guilds that stack FotM or the broken OP AoE spec for the AoE raid boss fight are nowhere near as skilled as a group that beats the same boss with a balanced comb, so bad players can become very toxic because they have deluded themselves they are great players so any wipe can trigger them into a toxic outburst which is another thing that makes the community worse.

The pandemic really got people writing dissertations on Youtubers

I don’t have feelings on the internet non of what happens here effects my happy real life but nice try :slight_smile:

You’re on narcotics if you think I’m going to read that dribble.

Clearly bringing up a 6 year old video and pointing out “THIS is why I don’t like this guy” indicates your feelings are still hurt by it.

I’m going to stop you there. You can have your own personal thoughts about something and still discuss it objectively.

Furthermore, if Preach claims to “speak for the playerbase”, that is nothing short egotistical at best. Preach does not speak for me. I am capable of speaking for myself.

Honestly what I feel we’re seeing is that tryhards and losing their mind that they can’t cookie cutter min/max every single fight because it looks like Blizzard wants to move away from that kind of play.

You don’t have to like this, and evidently, Preach doesn’t. I do, however, and would rather pick what’s overall good than constantly be swapping things around fight to fight. Now if something simply does not work, then I’ll change things up.

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Not at all but you stay here talking to yourself now im going to play some WoW now peace.