I’m not a fan of the AoE cap.
It makes sense though. It prevents excluding classes and specs for the most in keys and raid fights. However they also said they want the casters to be the true AoE’ers which does make sense since its like that in any other RPG. Good example is look how extremely well BM does currently in keys especially with beast cleave. MM never went into keys because of the AoE it lacked though it was bursty. Now BM and MM are on the same level except currently in beta with volley doing a lot of damage, so expect that to be tuned back some.
People replying to another “Ralphe hates elitists” post.
I sincerely don’t understand what your issues are Ralphe. You don’t raid, you don’t really look like you’re all that into keys … what does it matter what they do with the Covenant system? You don’t really seem to take the game all that seriously anyway so not like the system will affect your gameplay at all.
These posts just come across like a scream of insecurity.
It’s pretty wild that even T&E are trending negative towards Blizzard nowadays.
Taliesin was all-in on making snide remarks about people who didn’t like the way BfA launched.
I’m the furthest thing from an elitist - yet I fully agreed with what Preach was saying. Putting arbitrary restrictions on letting you choose different abilities and ways to play your character is lame and just causes a negative feeling. Heck, I go as far as saying every covenant should have the exact same abilities, but just have a different animation.
Dude buys carries from so called try hards and wannabe elitists and then comes here ranting against them.
So did your pandaren get banned?
I do lots of stuff much higher than LFR and I don’t care.
You seem to have no idea how the forums work lol
Im starting to think people who supposedly love rpgs and think locking covenants is good havent really played a rpg in the past decade. Many of them allow respec at a cost and even if they didnt, theres this crazy thing all of them have called a save feature which allows you to go back to a point as much as you want to make different choices if you want.
Yeah just like azerite reforger is there to allow people to change azerite for other specs or if they decide to change to a new build long term.
Ion understands that there needs to be an option for such people, the problem is tryhards then go on and use that system to change builds for every single boss to be optimal without relevant weakness in its fight
That is what covenants are here to stop and what azerite reforging failed to achieve because people were even paying 200k for the change.
That is also why conduits have a week cooldown for changing them, these people are the ones abusing a system that mainly existed for people who would want to change spec or builds long term and instead use it to change all the time.
That kind of playing is no longer welcome and not allowed anymore which is why covenants are locked.
Can i ask…what does that have to do with you if someone wants to change their build 10 times a day. How does that affect your experience exactly?
So why do you care what the so-called “try hards” are doing? You don’t do any real content. From the looks of it, you might have paid for one heroic run (from so-called try-hards) and maybe bought a few 15 key runs.
Your posts are infantile and scream “I wanna be better at the game but I can’t so i don’t want anyone else to play it better either.”
Seriously dude. Your need fill up the forum with these elitist-bashing topics just makes you look small … and sad.
i agree he really wants call of duty in wow imho instead of a rpg.
Ok I am tired of explaining multiple times but I ll do it one more so i can bookmark it and copy paste it for future yous.
-Fact, WoW as an RPG will always have non skill elements affecting your performance like Ion said, people who truly care about skill and competition dont belong in an RPG aka being competitive in a non competitive game, so anyone obsessing over the “top 100” doesnt say much about their “ability” because RPGs are nowhere near as competitive as overwatch, counter strike, mobas, starcraft. (In a sense RPGS is where average people who cant compete on those games go to feel “skilled”)
-The tryhard attitude has a trickle down effect to bad players who dont understand the game and instead try to copy “what is best” end up making the community and worse and more toxic by refusing to invite or kicking class classes that are not seeing as “meta” even though they can easily do the content they were doing. Example being kicking a TD tank and demanding a vers stack tank for a 15 while vers stack tanks are only needed for 25+, it shows their ignorance and that ignorance is hurting the community.
-Fact, RPGs are for people who enjoy character building, if you have no interest in character building or systems or mechanics and your only interest is to get in, get your gear and “win” you dont belong to the RPG genre. Ion said it best, THIS ISNT AN FPS WHERE YOU JUMP IN, GET YOUR LOADOUT AND FIGHT.
-Bad players by copying the meta remain bad players because they dont learn or understand their class in depth and often perform worse compared to a non meta player who knows their class well, that is why in dungeons you meet BM hunters or DHs who should be obliterating you in AoE yet a shadow priest beats them, therefore we need to push for people to stick to classes they like instead of “what is good” so they focus on learning their class and improving their actual skills instead of copying meta.
-BALANCE, that is a major point for Blizzard. Raids, m+ and all content is balanced around healthy combs without everyone being ultra optimal, unlike what tryhards want to tell themselves Blizzard doesnt balance around optimal combs and players otherwise 95% of the playerbase wouldnt be able to beat the content. Therefore we balance around healthy combs that are below ultra optimal classes and combs. Let’s say we have an AoE boss, that boss should be beatable on mythic by a balanced group of 20 skilled players without needing everyone to be uber aoe optimal, now the tryhard group instead of doing the fight will instead stack 14 AoE specs with huge aoe focused builds and legendaries and will roflstomp through the encounter therefore reducing the difficulty of the encounter to baby mode. While the other guild who did the encounter with a balanced comb dealt with the difficulty the devs intended.
-Delusions. People who play meta often arent that good but because they get carried by meta, as well as the fact that they are invited to groups they dont deserve (I ve seen leaders invite DHs because they are seen as meta in a m+ only for us to carry them, the leader didnt care to search for signs of skill, they just though demon hunters are good therefore invite) therefore getting more chances to actually also have good gear. This creates the delusion of skill while in reality if you put that person to play a sub optimal class their total cluelessness and lack of skill would be revealed.
The same can happen with guilds, tryhard guilds that stack FotM or the broken OP AoE spec for the AoE raid boss fight are nowhere near as skilled as a group that beats the same boss with a balanced comb, so bad players can become very toxic because they have deluded themselves they are great players so any wipe can trigger them into a toxic outburst which is another thing that makes the community worse.
Time to bookmark this to copy paste.
That’s the point with blizzard they want you to have hard chooses.
Yeah no not even close.
Tired but makes six threads a day.
Im seeing zero issues here.
Well said King of the GD forum well said indeed!