Preach and Asmon are both done

no they can’t. thats the problem. preach even alluded to it in his quitting video that most of their consumer base only cares about wow.

Asmongold will 100% be back once he sees his viewer #s without wow for a few weeks. preach likely too

They’ll be back, just wait until 10.0.

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I don’t base my enjoyment off of somebody elses view sooooo i’ll be on wow.

FF14 even has a better bald ginger man. It’s absolutely over.

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This game is trash. Anyone playing it at this point is either doing it for nostalgic reasons or because they love MMOs and don’t think there is a better option. How anybody can enjoy an incredibly dull endgame with half baked systems and storytelling is beyond me. We complain because we care, we want WoW to be good again. The bottom line is that it is not good, it is complete and utter dog sh*t


Partially this.
And because I love laughing at people who refuse to see reason and remain in the fire screaming: “This is fine!”

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Asmongold isn’t done and he said so a bajillion times

Yeah, he’ll be back for the next raid, do it and then go play other games again.

Look, I’ve never played anything because of a YouTuber or streamer. If I’m interested in something I certainly am not going to watch something to have it spoiled. To me its like lemmings. Oh Asimogold’s hating on WoW, I will hate on WoW. Oh Asimogold’s playing FFXIV, I will play FFXIV. Oh Asimogold’s quitting WoW, I will quit WoW. I think if you stay or go in a game its perfectly fine. I do it all the time. But group think is a bit overboard.

I personally do not get the love for FFXIV for example. You ask why people like it. The main reason I’m pulled into a game is what’s the story about because all I hear is its got a great story. But no one tells us about it because they don’t want to spoil it. We spoil things all the time. I keep meaning to just see if I can find a play through to see for myself because when I played the story was one of the stinkers. Unless you want to know how the game was trash at launch and rebirth itself. That’s everywhere.

And one thing about microtransactions, I’m still puzzled how the tokens have helped WoW’s problems because I got some money and if buying some tokens make it better let me know what I need to do since the game needs help from somewhere.

Asmongold and preach will follow the money. you don’t need much more information than that.

Losing the streamers itself sucks, but if it means losing even a fraction of the people who followed them it would probably even out on the good vs bad.

When zack isn’t in asmongold character he’s extremely tolerable to listen to and watch. But when he’s doing his stream bit it’s absolutely insufferable and the people who follow him everywhere plaguing anything he touches really sour a community quick based on their actions.

If his following wasn’t such an army of tools every single thread with his name wouldn’t be downvoted into oblivion.

I don’t have much to say on preach, the guy has managed to complain more than me and I complain alot and he’s quit many times so I don’t consider it a big deal to lose him respectfully.

Madseason quitting hurts the most and I don’t really watch him or anyone for that matter. But his voice is super soothing and the content is better than most.

It is hard when someone loves a story.
The story is fairly deep and there is a whole lot of twists and turns throughout the expansion. The base game, first, second, third and the upcoming fourth expansion all tell a coherent story with one overarching story. It is somewhat layered, really.

Really, there is no need to buy the game, one could just do the trial and go through the base game and first expansion. There is also story to be uncovered in the raids, which a trial also has access to. It is full access all the way up to and with level 60, which is the base game and first expansion.

Or just buy it while it is on sale right now, 24 dollar I have heard for everything except the newest expansion.

Don’t know, he seems quite tolerable even when streaming.

His community seems extremely split to me, whenever someone does some crap that is disrespectful to others, his entire chat appears to object a lot to the act. Especially now that Asmongold also have gotten the attention of some FFXIV players.

It is hard, however, to deny that there will always be bad apples in every large gathering.

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Time played model = wow killer

So I’m just gonna say I don’t believe either are done, at least not permanently. Their business models rely on jumping on popular sentiments. The current popular thing to garner clicks is to say I QUIT.

I guarantee you if there was some mind boggling change at blizzard that appeases the community, they’d be making sensationalist headlining videos about maybe returning to wow or whatever.

I’m not sure why content creators saying I QUIT to generate clicks is shocking.

Then you don’t think that word means what I think it means.

Maybe I’m not understanding, but if Preach can make content about other stuff, can’t his staff stay on and help him with whatever else he does? Like you said, they all decided to stop working on WoW content… doesn’t mean they all lose their jobs now, unless he decides to do something that doesn’t require that extended staff.

The rubber jaw cut scenes kill me.

Asmonbald isn’t gonna ever quit WoW LOL

They will be back or they maybe still playing when the cameras are off.