Preach and Asmon are both done

That man talks to his subscribers like they’re trash he could care less about something that happened to some girl years ago

Yeah, if the new content is of interest to viewers they can stay on. Which is what they are going to try to do.

I dont care.

Asmon being gone is fine.
He’s kind of toxic. And I don’t think he’s ever really provided any useful feedback.

Preach being gone is a bigger issue.

Every twitch zoomer kid might not care who preach is. but every streamer, every single one, knows who preach is.

If they’re jumping ship over this they were looking for a reason to leave anyways

I need support the people that are trying to make a change in the company if we leave their organize their jobs

Preach said he is going to look at some changes - still try to keep the staff but they’re gonna try some new things. He seems like a smart, genuine guy - and hopefully he’ll be able to segway into something else.

That said, I think he mentioned if WoW gets its act together he would return.

Good, best thing that could happen to this game is that the people who came to the game that are their fan base left.

That way the only people left would be the fans of warcraft from the begining and then blizzard would be forced to actually start listening to them.

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Good. I don’t watch either one on purpose, but have clicked links several times and witnessed their antics.

Any streamer that focusses on “------ reaction to ------” is just boring as hell and the reactions are fake acting and plain silly.

And not just the Raiders the ones I really like the game

You can literally just google how much Xaryu makes. This isn’t an exercise in rocket science, but his net worth makes him pretty firmly a millionaire.

You are the one that has chosen to saddle yourself with this narrative that streaming is somehow some irreconcilable state of misery in an effort to downplay their influence and significance as influencers.

In reality these people make several times more money than you on a monthly basis and get to play the game they love while doing it.

I’m not ignoring the overhead involved and obvious potential for burnout, but not every streamer has to deal with that in the same way, and that varies from person to person in how they deal with it whether it be branching out to other games, or taking momentary break periods.

Also, lol at acting like some kind of sleuth, of course I’m jealous LOL, I’d love to stream full-time playing a game I love, but I’m realistic about my opportunities based on my own circumstances. At least I can be happy for them that they made it.

You’re the one who’s downplaying it, using meme-worthy, and over-tired narratives like “The streamers are actually miserable on the inside!” because you just can’t fathom how they are more successful than you doing something probably way easier and more fun, so you have to justify it to yourself that it’s not what they actually want or what anyone else would actually want to do.

I have an idea though, they’re probably more fun to watch and interact with online, if this conversation is any indication…


Asmon does a good job on his Zackrawrr yt channel. I don’t really care to watch his Asmon stuff, but I think he’s pretty thoughtful and sincere on that one. And it is too bad that things are working out this way, because he and Preach and others can be a voice in helping Blizz understand what is working and what isn’t. It’s not always a perfect relationship, but losing streamers that can make Blizzard devs take notice is a bad thing.

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Let’s hope this is a catalyst for positive change instead of a death knell.

I don’t disagree there are issues with the game, but Preach and Asmon leaving is nothing but good news. These people don’t represent the community, they only represent their community, which is NOT the same thing. And for the record, the only reason Asmon is so popular isn’t because he was playing a fun and awesome game that everyone else loved and wants to watch. He’s entertaining because he’s a loud and obnoxious idiot (his words) that says lots of loud and obnoxious things … and idiots alike flock to each other. That’s what they find entertaining. (And I say this as someone that agrees with some of his and Preach’s feedback for the game.) I’m willing to bet the vast majority of his followers don’t even play the game and couldn’t care less about what he wants the game to be.

Again, this is good news, no longer does a game need to be held hostage by dumb and obnoxious personalities. Whatever happens, happens. Whoever leaves, leaves. What remains is yet to be seen, but change is good. Just not for those longing for the past.

Most people who play WoW are old and stale. They can’t imagine anything new and they will criticize anything new.

They are the new “Rock n roll is the devils work” generation.

I firmly believe later generations have eventually learned that above kind of mentality is a crap mentality to hold. Now we just need to get the old, stale generations out of this world so that we can fix it.

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I stream Runescape professionally. myself and my 3 subscribers have no idea who he is.

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Yeah, I think people have this mistaken belief that the game will be better once this is all sorted out. For all we know, it could end up worse.

Danuser’s still going to be the lead writer, and he sucks. Ion is still going to be the director, and he sucks. Bobby is still going to be their boss, and he sucks.


And they will be back and Blizzard will give them early alpha beta access next expansion blah blah blah…

Ok? Preach made his career on Youtube, not Twitch. Numbers there are much closer.

And more importantly, every employee of Blizzard. Preach had his own yearly Con which was regularly attended by other major WoW creators.

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