Preach and Asmon are both done

Let’s all real-talk for a minute. This probably has only a small part to do with the current allegations, and more to do with the state of the game. It’s terrible. The writing is a joke and a half and the design team actively ignores player feedback because “There’s just so much, we couldn’t possibly make everyone happy.”

As if we’re asking for them to make everyone happy. Other mmo’s definitely have microtransactions, but this game is clearly designed with time metrics and tokens as the primary goal. Problem is that’s a short term strategy, and people are bailing in droves.

The recent Elune arc is garbage. The QOL is garbage.

Irrespective of the allegations, if you have so much disdain for the player base, just shut down the game.

This isn’t hyperbole. If the people whose livelihoods are based on this game are ready to bounce, you’re doing something fundamentally wrong on a basic gameplay level.



Dear diary…


I still enjoy the game, and have played FF14. I for one do not like FF14, the combat is horrible to me, and isn’t as fast paced as WoW’s combat or as “floaty” feeling.

I have no idea how player progression works in FF14. (I only got to 60 and then quit.) But, if you’re time spent playing FF14 gives you choices that are worth your time in player power, and cosmetics that are actually rewarding to get, then I can see why people are quitting for FF14.


Technically these guys already have their audiences, they could stream about anything at this point and do just fine.

To your other points, there is definitely a lot of room for improvement. Not sure shutting the game down is an option they want to shoot to the shareholders. The amount of changes necessary to make this game better (close to what it was in the past) would take multiple expansions. Can’t undo so much harm in a single release.


I dont really care too much for asmongoloid. but i have to admit his takes are fairly accurate.

Preach leaving is huge. HUGE.

I mean asmond leaving is huge too, as asmond is really popular.
but preach leaving is bigger than people understand.

This is a good thing, because with these people leaving it shows that THINGS, NEED, TO, CHANGE. Both in how they treat employees and how the game is. We must be uncompromising if we EVER hope to return home. Only good can come of this, and if the company can’t adapt and make the game that needs to be made and a safe office setting for employees then it deserves to sink. No if ands or buts about it.


I’ve never been entirely opposed to cash shops. I definitely won’t play an MMO if the cash shops provide player power advantages, (which, ironically the tokens can do that indirectly). But, if it’s just cosmetics, I’m ok with it, especially if the MMO doesn’t charge a sub. The fact that Blizzard charges a sub and has these types of microtransactions has never sat well with me, especially considering how bad the game has become. I feel like all of this money is going into executive pockets without anything worthwhile to show for it. Even before the lawsuit, I was becoming more and more disgusted with Blizzard, but I kept holding on because of the history I had with the game. It’s hard to give up on a character you’ve been playing for 15 years. It feels like a mourning, of some sort.

WoW will be around for a long time in some form, but I truly think we have hit a point where it’s obvious that there’s no way it can redeem itself - at least for me.


Begs the question at this point… how long until WoW goes free to play?


Most people won’t read past your title. We don’t care about streamers.


Streamers go to where the big dollars are. Right now, it isn’t WoW. Next month, it might be. You’ve got to do what you feel is best for you. Just don’t do it because some streamer tells you to.


Preach / Asmon Hot Tub streams when?


Preach is done, but Asmongold is 50/50. They just don’t like WoW’s direction right now plus the heat they give them. WoW still milking us regardless of the recent incident with their employees. Will the lawsuit make anything better? That is something I do not know considering the mix signals that were being sent out, but i know chances are very slim.


Preach isn’t a “streamer”


I don’t normally listen to Asmongold but his point about the work environment effecting the output is very wise.

The current lore is built off of the likes of Afrasiabi and Kosak. S in, S out. We have high ranking systems designers implicated in the information revealed just today. S in. S out.


He does stream games apparently. Just not WoW. He said that in his quitting WoW video.

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Well if the game continues its route and storyboard. Give it 2 years because their next expansion has to be that good if they want their audience back.


So is madseason.


OH MY!! No Streamer, streams forever.


I though aobut the same like the way how WoW quest works is more simple but after awhile I like FF14. It seems there are stuff to do and the world is bigger to explore. There are also a lot of sides which you don’t have to do. I think for some class the combat might be slower since most skills have a CD and have to do combo while others is less of an issue. What I like more about FF14 they have these alerts that people do. And also as you are doing quest and running around the world you can press H and see a list of mobs you need to kill to get more experience. In FF14 I never felt the need to use the mount and just get my quest done and move on. I actually read what I need to do. in WOW is like just go there do the quest done ingore all story since is bad anyways.


Are there actually people who let their interests be dictated by streamers and youtubers

That’s a rhetorical question, I know they exist but their existence baffles me


How far did you get? The combat gets as fast or faster with weave skills on later levels. If your saying this based on the first 50 lvls or less, then you didn’t get to experience the real combat with full skills you get at 50-60, and later on to 80. Same thing happens with wow thought, you barely have any skills early lvls so it feels slow.