FFXIV combat is well and truly a matter of
L2P, unironically.
Xenosys is amazing.
He certainly has an amazing beard!
It rivals even a dwarf.
No lies. I wish I could grow a beard like that.
Blizzard hates Asmongold because he isn’t a Yes Man for their PR. They don’t care if he leaves.
Conduit energy
Target cap
Annoying M+ affixes / making every week have at least one annoying affix this season
Covenant locking
Nerfed pvp gear
Stingy rewards in general
MMR system sucks ( its been nerfed, you used to be able to climb with 45% win loss now u lose more CR than u win at same mmr )
Most classes not fun compared to Legion and BFA post essences
Espacially M+ design omg everyhing is designed ANTI fun
Torghast rating system sucks ( blizz: you skip all of our content and kill bosses only?? well $%%$ YOU lmao cant do next layer lmao get $%%%$% " )
5 weeks of torghast to make a rank 6 leggo
Stingy rewards / unfun classes / m+ designed less fun compared to legion and BFA s2 and s4
I agree with the OP. the work envoirement is the straw that broke camels backs but if they just had a fun product people would still play. Even before this lawsuit I had less and less people to play with PvP ladder already dieing Guilds dieing hard to find players for pvp hard to find tanks for m+ ( LUL necrotic week Bolstering week ) next week will be explosive week.
Oh did I mention archivest rep OMG soooo stingy
Dom sockets LMAO u didnt get ur bonus well get benched for some one who did.
THe game isnt fun man Dom sockets dont even do anything except NUMBERS at least corruption was FUN
It’s sad seeing the handful of people claiming streamers leaving is “big.” These newer generation gamers don’t understand that the game thrived without streamers and will do fine with them gone.
I don’t watch them. However, I’ve seen a couple videos to see what the fuss was about and it was a guy saying things that people have been saying on the forums for a long time followed by sycophants pretending like its news and giving them false accolades.
The game will survive with streamers leaving.
The game will not survive continued poor developement.
It is the latter which caused an mass-exodus to begin with, the streamers just managed to pull the eyes of many to somewhere else.
Asmon quit? Oh well, at least we can take comfort in the fact that something good came from it
Not an Asmongold sheep, but from what I can tell he doesn’t really quit anything. He just does what he wants. If he decides to sub for a month and play wow, he will. If he decides he wants to play nothing but girly dress-up games, he will. He took months off to decide if he wanted to keep streaming in the first place. I hardly see Asmon do any original lore and gameplay critiques, he merely reacts to the other content creators and throws out his opinions and ideas.
All the others tend to just find anything negative about the game and yell it on the mountaintops.
I find the writing to be fine, most people are just unforgiving and put their expectations too high. Player feedback is a tough issue. The opinions of the players are all over the place. Many of us still love the game, many hate it. Casual vrs. Elitist differences, pvp vrs pve opinions, what should be canon or retconned.
Wildstar actually had the token system in place before WoW did and it was highly liked… the game just got hit by poor decisions by NCSOFT and never stood a chance.
I actually loved the Elune arc… She didn’t know they would go to the MAW, she was only trying to save her sister and by proxy Ardenweald. Their deathswould have not caused those souls to be lost, but to be reborn. Life and Death to them were only parts of an endless cycle. The tear coming from the Night Warrior was one of the most beautiful cutscene’s I’ve seen in-game.
Allegations happen in every company. Many business leads try to get away with extortions, embezzlements, sexual harassments, illegally cutting corners, falsifying documents, to flat out lying to their own employees and customers. Its happened almost everywhere in some way or fashion. Heck even the little guys are known to do all the above. There are plenty of people on both sides of the fence doing these acts.
I personally know a man who’s wife slept with her boss to get a promotion. He was actually okay with it, heck he almost quit his job after she got it. My old boss used business expenses to cover his home remodel. He bought a fancy new fridge and nearly got away with it. During the remodel we got a renovated breakroom and it called for a new fridge except it was noted by our home-office that it might not be needed due to how new the current one was. Well they went to inspect it and found out it was still the original one from store opening. After an investigation they found out he had spent nearly $50k of the store budget on personal items for his house over the last 10 years. — Promptly fired and sued.
People suck, but don’t assume you know everything.
Real talk… Your opinions don’t invalidate others.
WoW will be around for many years to come, this is only a setback.
They won’t leave cause they are entirely dependent on WoW for content (unlike Asmon and Preach who both play other games). I can guarantee you that behind the scenes they are looking at other options right now… it would be foolish not to
Sad part is this is not a result of working from home. This is a result of out of touch developers who despise their own customers. Even during BFA I did not see this kind of fallout from my guild and friends. I think people have just about had it.
That’s correct. The development for this game has not been great since all the higher ticket developers and other staff left the company a long time ago.
Imagine relying on streamers to tell you what’s fun.
I don’t know why, but I had to reply just to agree with this
Remember when asmongold said he was going to make a mythic team for Sanctum of Domination at the end of the month? i do! well its almost the start of next month and there is no indication he is doing that at all. I dont blame him either, the shard of domination system is garbage
Preach isnt just a streamer, actually hes primarily a Youtuber that makes content with a staff of people behind him. They all decided it was time for to stop with WoW because of the game primarily.
So while Preach can go on and stream, what about the other staff?
The game is garbage, there werent supposed to be new systems, the people that created the shards system supposedly thinks they are tier sets or sees them that way but the players know that its just bs. They arent even close. Not to mention the shards system is a mess, not balanced (go figure) and it feels like the entire game is just created by people that dont actually care about it. Write some code, get a paycheck, go home. Thats what it feels like, there is no investment into it.
That’s a real possibility. Activision may just cut their losses and clean house, especially if subscriptions plummet in protest.
First things first…i HATE streamers. Hate them.
Preach Sub Count - 224,210
Asmongold Sub count - 2,289,276
this is from twitchstats for 2021
Preach Who???