Asmon is not done, and says he is coming back to the game soon (and always will)
In my opinion Preach messed up by giving his statement, and MadSeason messed up making his quitting video. They basically have to quit making WoW videos now. Both of them do. It might have been too hasty. Going to be hard to switch games and have the same success imo
I mean take as much copium as you’d like, plenty of streamers out there who are in great physical shape and don’t do the “act” like Asmongold does, and just play purely to show off their skill. Take Xaryu for example, who literally streams his workouts with his SO, and he’s not mega-unique.
You’ve boxed your own pre-determined idea of what a “streamer” is to suit your narrative and that’s fine, but it just comes off like jealousy.
I mean…no they don’t? It’s not like if they changed their mind and came back that it would mean anything that would be a detriment to their reputation as content creators…
WHO CARES? Who are they? They dont dictate if I would like WoW or not. They have their own opinion and I have my own opinion. I would rather play the game myself than listen to their biased opinion.
Pass, I’m quite happy with Wow and would prefer this to not be the course of action. I would much rather people who feel this way find happiness within the game or a game that brings them the happiness they seek
WHat? Nobody in his chat has been wanting him to play WoW…just because one or two trolls pop up saying “play wow dude” doesn’t mean thats the majority.
I have a sneaking suspicion the only jealousy that exists between the two of us, is with you. Which the jealousy comment was a really odd take to begin with.
If I were offered a cool mil a year to sit in front of a screen, which quadruples what I make now, I’d turn it down. Gaming for me only serves to waste time and get some cheap entertainment. It gives me absolutely no sense of purpose. As it is and has been for a few years now, I have a damn hard time maintaining any desire to sit down for more than an hour, two at the most to play any game.
You brought up millionaire, so that’s what I was addressing. Xayru isn’t that. Is he likely happier than Asmon? Who really knows, but it’s not a stretch to say probably. Is Xayru happier than the average person who makes a hundred or two hundred grand a year, or lets say even less? Again, who knows. Completely disregarding the uncountable amount of factors (internal/external) that dictate a persons happiness, income aside.
I’m saying, being a streamer isn’t an envious lifestyle to many people but typically the same people who idolize it are 1) young or mentally immature 2) really believe its a get-rich-fast-doing-what-you-love gig 3) have some desire of fame 4) would have compunction to view becoming a musician or actor at or around the same consideration. The bar to become a streamer with a modicum of success is so much lower so it’s no surprise why it’s attractive to people who have little or no vocation in life, or otherwise marketable skills should the dream fall short.
I dont think you guys fully value activisons goals… They will let this game rot before they give this team creative time to develop something decent. Add on top of that the old guard is completely vilified and with that the old standard what this company stood for is in shambles because no one is left that knew what that standard even was. Its over man this games only goal going forward is to separate you from your money and activison will make sure of that.
Are you serious? Dudes a multi millionaire. He owns his OWN company (OTK), and has been the highest viewed streamer on Twitch while even playing FF14. WoW does not keep the lights on. He hasn’t even logged into WoW for 9+ days. He has had more viewers than ever and the most subs ever.
WoW is far from his income source. Infact all the millions he makes off YouTUbe he doesnt even take in, he gives it to his editors and staff.
I am literally watching his Youtube vod about trying FF14 right now that was posted on Jun 12, 2021 titled, " “I Will Try FFXIV!” Asmongold Makes the Move from WoW?" where the majority of his chat is tell him no lol.
Just the loud minority. Since he has been doing it there has been very little negativity in chat about him playing 14, and I think it’s helped a lot towards how drawn in he has been over it and loving the game.