Preach and Asmon are both done

So this is your first expansion. Good to know.


No? It’s my 3rd. What does that have to do with anything lol.

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If you remember TBC then you know this game is nothing like it was. It’s a bunch of systems to keep you busy to stay relevant IF you raid and do nothing else. A never ending well you keep pouring crap into and never fill it up. Give us a New BG maybe less reskinned mounts. Something that makes you stop in your tracks and go holy sh*t look at that guy. We shall never see its like again. <3


I could literally fix everything in a patch. Not because I’m some great game designer or anything…it only takes me 15 mins or so to test the balance of stuff on PTR, I legitimately am confused and don’t understand how things like Dom sockets or corruptions / soulbinds go live in such an unbalanced state.

I could balance all the Dom socket bonuses in an afternoon, and I’m pretty sure even your average heroic raider could do the same. Honestly what’s so hard about testing something and tweaking the numbers…why do we accept that it takes a multi billion dollar company weeks or months to do what hundreds of players do in an afternoon on the PTR, only to have their feedback ignored.

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Pretty sure Asmongold isn’t done unless something came up in the last couple hours or something. He said he wouldn’t be playing WoW for a while and this isn’t the first time he’s taken an extended break from WoW.

But yeah, Preach is done for the foreseeable future.

If you truly think these people play their “main game” for money, you really don’t know them at all.

lol… whatever, you want to believe is ok by me. Just keep paying the dude. He has bills to pay.

Asmongold has 40k Twitch subs and Twitch streamers earn 50% of the subscription fees, which are available in increments of $4.99, $9.99, and $24.99 per month. This is not including his sponsors, Youtube revenue, etc. You do the math.

Oh no, a streamer plays a different game, I guess I got to quit too.

Nah, I hate FFXIV, I think it’s trash.

I play what’s fun for ME, I don’t let others dictate what my actions or thoughts should be.

Asmongold didn’t quit WoW.

Preach will be back, can’t count how many times Heelvsbabyface said the same thing and kept coming back and back and back.

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Why do I need to do the math? I don’t need to be convinced that he will go to where ever he needs to go in order to keep those numbers up. :woman_shrugging: It is how he makes his living.

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Because you are claiming he needs to stream to pay the bills when he is a multi-millionaire lol.

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Asmon is already set and has said multiple times he doesn’t need the money. You’re right about the general bandwagoners, just not him.

High-end streamers can earn as much as 80%, or $4.00 per $5.00 sub (source: I used to work for someone who ended up meeting this threshold and peaked at around ~20k subs which was somewhere between top 20 and top 60 on the site at the time) and Asmongold is easily one of the top 10 streamers on the platform with his 40k+ before factoring in donations, sponsors, ad revenue, etc.

I don’t agree with a lot of what Asmongold’s been saying about WoW (outside of lawsuit stuff where he’s being super based about it obviously) but the guy you’re replying to has no idea how much a guy at that level on Twitch makes.

Oh, very interesting. I was just going off Google. Thanks for the info.

Asmongold is literally streaming from the house he grew up in too. All the money he has he said he is saving.

Idc, what anyone says. If you are willing to be a multi-millionaire and live with your mom so you can take care of her and set her up for life and also your dad, then he is a good guy in my book. Furthermore, he is just playing a character and has already stated multiple times he is. His other channel on Youtube ZackRawrr is where he is more his authentic self without his persona.


Multi-millionaires have bills to pay too. Plus, you’re making an assumption that his company doesn’t have business expenses to pay.

LOL, yea I am done with this thread.


No prob! I specifically remember the guy I was working for telling us about all this and at the time he exploded in popularity on the site after late 2017 or so. Things might’ve changed in the last four years or so, but before said streamer admitted to doing some extremely heinous stuff in July last year he lost basically everything (and justifiably so) he was making a pretty large sum of money with sponsorships, his TSM and later Tempo Storm partnerships, a metric ton of subs at his peak, by far the biggest YouTube following in that community, and beforehand a metric ton of tournament earnings.

A lot of this info is publicly available regarding the streamer in question so if you wanna go digging I’m sure you can find a lot about ZeRo after a five-minute google search.

Don’t take my response as a personal attack, sheesh lmao.