Preach and Asmon are both done

Asmongold has said many times that he hasnt quit WoW. Preach as quit though.

And yet here you are…

I understand that Blizzard-Activison is separate from Activison but I have such a hard time not seeing similarities in the developers feelings towards their audience, how they address them, and the quality of work being put forth. I am still of the opinion that the company had an influence on our game and perhaps even the culture of the company itself. Not in the harassment accusations way but what I can only perceive as what the OP called it -disdain - for the fans.


Kinda like gnomes in WoW. Not meant to be taken seriously.

Oooh…so it should be Mooglegan as their home city.

Preach played on a level of WoW that I do not enjoy and I am not really concerned with him leaving. Did he have valid points, yes, everyone does from time to time.

As well as Asmon, yes, but they are a small minority in a larger picture. The developers, however, need to PLAY their game. They need to stop pushing quantity over quality. The player needs to speak up with money though. If you’re fine with the state of the game then keep giving them money, but if you’re not then leave. It doesn’t need to be dramatic, just go.

Just to laugh and mock the faux outrage.

dances gleefully

Good, all they have done is complain for 15 years


Hazel is the only streamer / youtuber that I have found useful. She helped me get Jenafur and sometimes has cool news about new features in the game that the website leaves out. The other sreamers just complain a lot.

You honestly don’t think an article written by someone who has tried the game doesn’t have even the slightest bit of personal bias in it? If so then your delusional.

Was more about would you have ever started, not about stopping.

The point is that streaming has become the biggest source of advertisement for games, not the only source. I’m sure there are a few people who don’t watch streamers and are clued in just fine, but I highly doubt thats the majority.

Drama Time isn’t going away. As for the other guy leaving, maybe he will have time for a shower and equip a toothbrush in his off-hand.

And the internet is a fad.

That would be great.

To be fair… Yes and no. The games actually do somewhat dictate your audience retention if you switch from something you play regularly and are known for playing, re: Ninja swapping to FFXI out of preference/enjoyment and losing half of his viewership.

We all have our theories. I personally think streamers are given too much credit, but that’s me. Some of the things people claim they’ve done are outrageous but they’re free to think whatever they wish.

Preach literally wants WoD, he wants to log for raid and nothing more and i don’t think that is good for the overall game.

Preach hated WoD as well. Thats when he, and many others including myself, stopped caring about pushing their dps for logs because the rng of damage was pushed over the limit of what should have been acceptable. He did a video about it.

I saw an article on this and it sounds like preach has been looking for an out for a long time. They also mentioned madseason but asmanwho did not get a mention.

Watched Asmon about what happened. He talks like gary busey… very annoying.

Preach is a pretty big deal.

I had never heard of preach before this topic …

But they could. They could actually work on a player housing system that last across expansions as the “system” and quit with the throw away systems. Those have been huge talking points on the forums for years that most ppl agree on. They could keep the status quo of leveling, daily content and instances content. Just have housing rewards tied to it all including old content and crafting, hell even archeology. Maybe even put more effort into the darkmoon faire and not make it timed content. I love the brawlers guild, bring that back too