Pre-Patch Event vs. MoP Remix

You probably don’t remember pre-patch events well. MoP is unequivocally the worst Pre-Patch of all time. There was 0 content and you had a 1 week window to do “Fall of Theramore” scenario that was unfinished

I mean, it’s a temporary experience of being OP in content while it’s “current” I rather like that. Especially as it was a way to re-experience MoP for those of us that played it the first time.

I like the fast-forward mode. It was neat. And it’s nice to be OP as opposed to the usual struggle. It’s a change of pace. It’s not gonna be fore everyone and I get that.

MoP Remix was an abomination. All it did was give away a ton of mounts to people for no effort.

Tell me you’re an elitist without telling me you’re an elitist.

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Oh no, people got access to ancient cosmetics by grinding instead of engaging in RNG nonsense every week for years.

What a nightmare!


What we are learning here is that in order to succeed as a franchise, just add pandas to everything.

Kidding, but remix is pretty great.


And that affects you how exactly?

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Tell me that you are entitled without telling me that you are a entitled.

Lmao, typical elitist troll. Report and move on.

Lmao typical beggar troll, report and move on.

do they give exp?

I remember the legion one gave insane exp.

Spamming isn’t really helping your cause, kiddo.

Sadly the EXP is pretty mediocre, both the events, and the grindable mobs.

What you are saying is against the ToS btw.

I’m not going to apologize because my opinion hurt your fragile ego or that I called out Remix for what it is.

And I would like to add, “If you want to look really awesome in a murloc onesie, be a panda!”


Entitled because I leveled 26 characters in Remix with no effort whatsoever. No time spent in the game at all. :face_vomiting:

Eh, engaging with him is just feeding the troll at this point. He thinks he’s winning if he gets attention. On the plus side, it gives the mods more ammo to work with if he plans on earning himself a timeout.

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No, not for that. I feel bad for the people that dedicated thousands of hours of their time farming mounts that Blizzard decided to turn around and give away.

Keep in mind that I don’t farm mounts, but I can understand how that must feel to have your time invalidated.

Learn to handle people disagreeing with you, it will serve you well in life.

Yes, yes. Whatever you said.

MoP Remix was a very successful event, and if they learned anything from how it was implemented, they should be able to fix the Pre-Patch Event.


They keep saying that they are going to respect our time, but their actions go 100% against their statements. Time to stop believing what they say, and believe what they do instead - they don’t respect our time at all.

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