Pre-Patch Event vs. MoP Remix

I keep reminding myself that WoW is one of the most premium games out there and we pay monthly for this. Their bar needs to be higher, this is trash for what we pay for it. I am not talking 15 a month, I am talking years of paying for this stuff. Get better, Blizz.

I feel like in general they create teams, give them the assignment to create [finished product x] and give them zero guidance as to what guidelines they should follow. The teams never interact with each other or with management, which is why there are dramatic differences between certain types of content.

In this case, though, I think management, knowing that the whole thing was going to be rushed, gave the teams guidelines to create a barebones product, which players got.

Over the years they have been stripping away what they see as superfluous. What went into this is a template that was only about cosmetic rewards and making players waste time.

Ion told us many years ago in an interview that fun is impossible to quantify, which is why they use engagement to determine how much fun the playerbase is having. “Engagement” is a 43 minute play session.

Increase drop rate of echoes to 5 or 10 per mob. Have the bosses respawn every 10mins during when its active in that zone.
Fix the lag. I did a Time Rift with at least twice the number of people and zero lag on the boss.


To be fair, there would still have been complaints at 30 minute rotations because the event takes less than 10 minutes to complete. But, yes, I think something needs to change.

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They thought they could get the playerbase to accept this.

I play less. The waiting game take too much time. I do not dare doing anyhing else. Maybe a visit to a bank in Dalaran to drop off some Warband loot. And a quick prep for the next characyer to be elegible. No actal WoW playing thou. No time.

I really like the transmog. That’s only half good though because you have to deal with all the yuck to get them.

Ah… I used “the event” to mean the 3 stages. Like in 90 minutes there would be approximately 9 3 stage sequences.

I always used prepatch to level/catch up some Alts and past events made this easy. I haven’t been able to fully participate in this event but is this even possible this time around? I killed some lingering memories and it is decent experience (I am rested) but I feel like I’d get just as much grinding elsewhere? Do the bosses give you a ton of exp? Is there any point to level Alts in this event?

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Criminy. I just did another one of these awful boss spawns. Weird how even KICK has a cast time when you cram EVERY PLAYER INTO THE SAME ZONE EVERY 90 MINUTES.

It’s almost like if there were more opportunities to go, the ones we have wouldn’t be so overloaded.


And this will get worse as the event goes on because the shorter time in between spawns.

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Hahahaha, bait used to be believable. Keep trolling, it’s adorable.

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Remix is a very grindy event if you are looking at rewards only.

Yeah, but at least you’re free to grind it at your own pace, instead of on some asinine schedule.

  • Called me a liar and dishonest
  • Agreed with everything I said

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Sadly it feels like the answer is no. The event isn’t fun to level in, the gear that drops on low leveled characters isn’t even the same stuff you get from a max leveled character, so you can’t use them to farm the mogs. You’re using an “Attempt” you could have used on a max leveled character, so that feels bad.

It just stinks.

Just have all zones be always active and the respawn timer of the bosses so short that people can just zone in when they want to. If there is too many people at the spawn point return back ten minutes later. I do not know what happen if you kill a boss again with the same character the same day but you shouldn’t get anything. That will motivate people to leave to reduce lag. The minor mobs could have an increased drop thou so it will be worth grinding them. Now they fill absolutely no purpose.

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This is the only way to make this event function as designed. Any amount of respawn on the bosses over five minutes is just more “Hurry up and Wait” garbage that doesn’t respect our time.

Eliminating complaints is impossible. Creating a good playing experience for most players is possible. Unfortunately I doubt this prepatch hits that mark.


As did I but the power grind seemed silly. Go OP to lose it all when you don’t even need anything from any of the content.