Pre-1.10 Alterac Valley


Undo these:

Most of the NPC guard units have been removed.

Creatures that remain in Alterac Valley have had their hit points reduced.

Korrak the Bloodrager and his band of trolls have packed up their bags and left Alterac Valley for greener pastures.

NPC difficulty has been scaled down. All NPCs have had their power reduced by 15-30%.

A great avalanche has closed off both the eastern and western segments of Alterac Valley. This has displaced the Syndicate, the Wildpaw Gnolls, and many of the Winterax Trolls.

Each Battleground has an individual turn-in quest associated with its related victory/loss condition. Upon completion of a Battleground, the winning side will be awarded three Marks of Honor while the losing side will be awarded one Mark of Honor.

Shredder removed

Minefield removed

Dead players no longer drop body parts

Add Hunter Pet normalization and Melee Hunters there too.

Point is, if you want to change one thing then it opens the door for other changes.

You can’t just change one thing and leave other things unchanged. If you change AV then you must also be willing to restore Hunter pets to their original state, and return Survival to it’s melee roots.

But yes, I agree to changing AV, just like I agree to changing Hunter pets or Survival to it’s original state. Just know what you are asking for when you request changes.

If we used patch 1.5 AV as a baseline, these are things that I think should be included:

WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12):

  • Each team will now gain additional bonus honor if their towers are not destroyed by the end of the map. The more towers that remained intact, the more honor received.
  • Korrak the Bloodrager has gained immunities to many different spell and ability effects.
  • Players of Revered or higher reputation may now call offensive air strikes if they have managed to rescue their respective Wing Commanders.
  • If you manage to keep your faction’s Captain alive for the duration of a battle, you will be granted extra points upon victory.

WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-22):

  • Fixed a bug that would cause players to stand up when a turnin was made in Alterac Valley.

WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.8.0 (2005-10-10):

  • In order to keep teams in Alterac Valley more numerically balanced, players will now enter Alterac Valley on a one-for-one basis (i.e. if there are 30 players in the battleground for each side with 10 players in the Alliance queue and 2 players in the Horde queue, only two players from each team will be added, bringing the total to 32 per side).
  • The Frostwolf Relief Hut now has appropriate guards.

Not sure about this one:

  • Graveyards and graveyard capture points are now at different locations. The banners players must interact with in order to capture a graveyard have been distanced from each other somewhat in order to alleviate “graveyard zerging” and make graveyards more meaningful to both defense and offense.
  • Several terrain changes were made to fix some geometry exploits as well as to adjust for the new graveyard mechanic.

WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.9.3 (2006-02-07):

  • The default graveyards in Alterac Valley for each side were moved further up the tunnels away from the battleground exit. This should prevent accidentally leaving the battleground.

WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.10.0 (2006-03-28):

  • Tower Banners in Alterac Valley can no longer be used through walls.

Also, we’d obviously want the Field of Strife to be full of NPC’s and there to be the minefield. If they work their way back from 1.12 AV, it’s going to be a lot of work and is going to require a lot of input from the Classic community. If they somehow managed to start from 1.5 AV, it’s going to require a lot of bug testing and input on what should be included from later patches to improve on it.

There’s probably more that would have to be discussed and/or tested but this is how you provide feedback.


?Says who?


Looks like we found another guy to report after every post. 100% troll here boys.


Here’s the thing farthir.
Old av actually has a strong backing of people who want it, as far as I have seen, more people actually want old then new.

On the other hand, your desire to return survival to melee does not have a strong backing. As a matter of a fact the only person I see asking for it is you.


Here’s the problem with farthirs thought process.
Old A/V actually has a strong backing and it appears more people want old A/V then new.

However his melee survival hunter has almost zero support.


This is the best post so far. Deserves attention

I mean hell, as far as the “bugs” that were asked about earlier, I would welcome a discussion about moving archers to be in view of the flags and fixing dumb crap like the horde fence snowdrift.

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Nearly all of the AV changes from 1.5 to 1.9 were positive, either bug changes or improvements that didn’t neuter the AV experience. It wasn’t until the final patches that AV started to receive heavy nerfs. Blizzard doesn’t need to use 1.5 AV; they can use 1.9 AV and the BG will still retain the old-school feel.

1.8 is when they closed off a large part of the map, removed npcs and nerfed all npcs by 15-30%. It is also the patch that saw marks of honor appear, the first large step toward the BG becoming a race.

If there was a high water mark for AV I would say it was 1.7 (but with the “fixes” that came later in 1.8). The shredder and mines would be missed, and perhaps those could be put back in for more fun.


Think we can get list of the AV changes and in what patches? Might be better to start a new topic for that. The pre AV sounds more fun than the end of vanilla AV, but I would like to examine the changes that went through it’s history.

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You can click on each patch here:


You constantly push your agenda to pollute World of WarCraft with all the poison that destroyed the present live game…

People are going to just sit back and allow you to ruin it again?


For clarity, new thread:

lol…Get used to 1.12 AV…No idea why you people think it’s going to be otherwise…

You are correct. I overlooked the nerfing of AV mob health in the 1.8 patch notes. I guess 1.7 AV is the latest version we should ask for, then.


‘No idea why you people think Vanilla servers will ever be made’ was something commonly said for years.

Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things.


Heres another vote for pre 1.10 av

Also melee hunter needs to be brought back in all its glory, I don’t know why people are disparaging it, let us have the bleed at 31 in survival instead of that wyvern whateverthef#(k that sucks and does not fit with the rest of the tree

I wonder if it just makes sense that they roll it out with the rest of the content patches. Honestly, when i first started reading this thread, i was on the side of pre 1.12 since i would rather have the epic war effort that it used to be. I want to rip out dwarf spines and turn them in for rep! After reading through this thread, i am starting to think that they should roll out AV like they did in vanilla, bugs and all. I think they should start it with old timey PvPvE AV with quests and NPC’s and bosses and minefields; the whole shebang. As time goes on and we are all exalted, and on our 3rd alt, or whatever, we wont have the patience for long form factor AV and we will want the faster rush strat AV. Bottom line, i guess i am on the fence now. I think it is ridiculous to think we would have 2 different queue’s for AV.

hell, PvP and battlegrounds wont even be in classic until stage 2 of the content release plan as it is now. Meh, not like it’s a deal breaker or whatnot, but i would like to at least play 1 old AV again for nostalgia’s sake.