Pre-1.10 Alterac Valley

Yes. I also don’t care what version of AV we get, I’m just playing the enemy for sake of variety.

Hope to see you out in the world dwarf brother.

And actually looking back on it most people are generally okay with changes as long as they would fell good within what vanilla was.

The first words in that blue post are “I personally think”.

As I stated earlier, that post was a personal opinion, not an official statement from Blizzard. Another blue even stated a few posts later that “It’s more of a personal opinion.”

That did not stop those who wanted changes to Classic from taking that personal opinion as a Gospel statement from Blizzard, though. This is evident in posts like “OK, folks, Blue has spoken. It’s on.”

While I did see a lot of pro changers acting like God himself had spoken blessing their desired non vanilla changes, I did not see that blue “treated very badly” by anyone, let alone the “no change” faction.

As long as those “changes” occurred during vanilla, I think you would be correct. For example, using pre 1.11 threat generation would be acceptable to most, I believe. I’ve not seen any of the “no change” faction oppose using pre 1.11 threat generation mechanics.

On the other hand, changes that did not occur during vanilla would likely be opposed by the “no change” faction (and rightly so, IMO), no matter how close some want to claim their desired non vanilla change is to the “vanilla spirit”

Yes what it shows is that most people don’t care about the specific details of class balance or AV version they just want the old world back. They don’t care about things being the way they were just for the sake of things being the way they were and are actually capable of identifying what they did and did not enjoy about vanilla beyond just spouting it was vanilla and I liked vanilla so no changes.

What I saw was a lot of pro changers accepting of changes, not the “no change” faction. We all know that pro changers are accepting of change, since change is what they want. Pointing out that a lot of pro changers would accept non vanilla changes is not exactly an earth shattering revelation.

And as I said:

I saw a lot of pro changers acting as if GOD himself had spoken and personally blessed their desired non vanilla changes.

I did not see the “no change” faction treating that blue “very badly”, though. You still have yet to actually back up your claim, it would seem.

What you saw was a lot of people excited for classic who didn’t care if it was exact recreation of vanilla.

What I saw was a lot of pro changers willing to accept what they want–changes. You can try to intentionally misrepresent and smokescreen that fact all you want, but the truth remains.

I still have not seen you back up your claim that the “no changers” treated that blue “very badly” and “drove him off the forums”, though. BTW, that blue is the same one that has made several recent posts. Kind of odd for someone that was “driven away from the forums” wouldn’t you say?

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WELL aren’t you the MASTER Debater :slight_smile:

+1 for pre 1.10 AV. Those battles were epic. The current iteration is disappointment incarnate.


Actually they only stated that the version that would work with the new blizzard app was version 1.12 so they could use it as the backend engine nothing about it be the patch version they were going to use.

if you paid attention to the video actually they said the full 1.12 client was one of the earliest versions they had of the game. they had some data on some earlier stuff but it wasnt the full patch data that 1.12 was.

im hoping they have pre 1.10 av in there somewhere but if they dont i hope they can recreate it.

sorry to rain on anyones parade but i just remembered this.

anyone doubting it can go look at the classic panel and see what im talking about.

hopefully im not remembering properly.

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It would be easy to restore the NPCs to 1.12 AV. They just have to drag and drop Korrac to the neutral graveyard, for example.

As I mentioned repeatedly, AV went through a slew of different patch changes thruout vanilla. If they cannot figure out how to revert back to the earlier versions in the span of time that they have had and have until release, then they do not deserve the $15 a month.


Should they revert back to 1.5 AV with all the bugs or should they fix them? How long will it take to figure out how to recreate the bugs and then fix them? Simply reverting back to 1.5 AV with no bug fixes or changes from the other patches is a bad idea.

Oh look, here come the strawmen.
Nobody is (beyond trolling) asking for bugs to be reverted.


You can’t even have a conversation about this without being insulting.

Apologies if you find calling out your strawmen as insulting.

I am not talking about finding an old version of AV and simply pasting it in. I am talking about taking the instance as it is in 1.12, and undoing the changes to the various nerfed/removed elements and map changes.

Then post up a list of how you think Blizzard should do it. Make an actual effort in your posting.

The “list” already exists. It is what we in the know refer to as “Patch Notes”.

… What do they take and what do they leave out from each patch? You’re so quick to judge Blizzard and claim you don’t want current Blizzard to make any changes to Classic and at the same time you want them to recreate the old AV experience in the 1.12 version without even suggesting a single thing other than “look at the patch notes”.

I guess I’ll do it for you, since you’re so lazy. Give me a few minutes.