Pray For The People Of Turkiye And Syria

It is easy, I agree.

It’s far better to speak positively in vain than speaking hatred in vain. Both are easy to do, the one you decide to do speaks on your current state of morals though.

No I don’t live in turkey. I imagine what they need is resources that were damaged and are now scarce such as fuel for heating, building materials, food, clean water, ect. Iunno i’m not a natural disasteroligist.

They aren’t.

No sir. I stood up to someone trying to persuade others through their personal empathy to perform a religious ritual from op’s religion.

If you feel empathy and want to help, then help. If you don’t then that’s your choice, but trying to sit the fence by paying lip service and trying to get others onboard does nothing to help those in trouble and only has the effect of making op feel better. That’s gross and virtue signaling

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In April, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan asked the international community to recognize his nation by its traditional name, spelled “Türkiye" and pronounced Tour-key-yeh.

I’m glad something good is coming from this thread. Networking to actually help is awesome!

No worries. Just thought you might be able to help direct help we would like to send.

The current Farm Bill expires in 2023. We could just not pass a new one.

I think those are about equal. One just feels better.


I think you’d have to talk to a disaster agency that is managing the efforts for something like that. The odds of them being some random schmuck on the wow forums is non 0 but still incredibly unlikely to the point it’d be a fools errand.

Good. That’s the way it should stay. :smiling_face:

You must have suffered some serious mental trauma in the past because you’re just not normal.

You didn’t stand up to anyone except your gross misinterpretation. Just because you don’t believe in praying, how does that make you so confident you’re right? Like I said, you’re a text book definition of a narcissist. Did you say the same thing to the Americans that lost their families when 9/11 occurred? That they shouldn’t pray? Praying doesn’t equate to not donating, just FYI. The only thing left from the equation are your assumptions about what the OP did/didn’t do.

You belong in a mental asylum.

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I would argue that the one that feels better is worse.

Doing it to make yourself feel better is 100% selfish virtue signaling. The only person that benefits at all in that situation is the persin doing it. And putting that up, asking for others to join in their self driven exercise does nothing except say “hey look at me I’m a good person because I prayed.”.
When in reality all they are doing is making themselves feel better and brushing the issue they prayed about under the rug and thinking they did their best to help.

I’m of the mindset that prayer doesn’t require a god. Prayer doesn’t require a traditional belief system. someone said it earlier. Hope. You don’t need to ‘dial in’ to hope.

Atheist’s are sometimes worse than the religious folks.


Yeah it was a long shot, but ya never know.

No. It shouldn’t. My first job out of college had this big to do about being leaders and employees being more compassionate, truly speaking their mind, making sure all voices were heard.

One of my coworkers got up on stage and he fully bought in. It was very almost “hallelujah, I’ve seen the light!!!”

Am hour later one of the VPs gets up on stage in a hoodie and jeans (to show how he’s changed!) and gets a question he doesn’t like…immediately starts threatening the employee’s job. Yeah this is as crazy as it sounds. It pretty much killed that initiative instantly.

Just pretending to be “good” or “positive” means nothing. It’s weak minded.

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How is recognizing that hope is not going to fix anything a bad thing?

I feel it’s way worse to stick to the hope train with your head in the sand while people actively suffer. It’s just another mechanism to remove yourself and any not so great feelings stirred in you by the incident instead of acting on them to help.

I tend to agree. I do think there is some irony in people making fun of those that send “prayers” when their “hope” is just as useful.

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Faith is the last thing respected in social media. It is sad. I’ll be praying for them as well!

Pretty much the sort of nasty response I’ve come to expect from religious nuttos.

Thank you for displaying the personality deviations religions drive in their members so well.