I don’t find it vile. We’re pointing out that “praying” does nothing.
If praying did do something you’d find yourself in a very scary spot. We’re basically beings created for the amusement of a higher power. This higher power abuses us and may I repeat may feel generous and help someone out if we beg that higher power enough. The bible is really crazy.
Actually what you did was, saw a post that offended you, and instead of scrolling by, you decided to play at being the morality police, and got upset when people thought it was selfish and petty.
It is claimed that Constantine was baptised into Christianity. Up until this time he had been a catechumen for most of his adult life. He believed that if he waited to get baptized on his death bed; he was in less danger of polluting his soul with sin and not getting to heaven. HAHAHA
You know people in Turkey might not accept me because I am gay and majority of there population are Muslims. But I still am hoping for their safety and wellbeing because I feel like having empathy for others is very important.
Ah right. After you’ve cluttered up a wholesome post with your nonsense you’re gonna try the “I’m not mad you’re mad” thing. Who could have seen THAT coming.
You seem incredibly narcissistic. Your response to someone asking people to keep 5,000+ dead people from a natural disaster in their hearts was to completely ignore his good intention, and you instead chose to attack the fact that he believes in praying. By doing so, YOU attacked his beliefs by questioning the purpose of praying, even though to people who do believe in God/a god, it’s considered a good thing. No one asked you to come into the OP’s thread sharing your disagreement with his personal views. On top of that, you clearly chose not to say anything in your original response to him about the suffering people.
At the end of the day, you’re the cry baby. You chose to aim on the negative side of OP’s post and stuck to that, and now you’re crying that people are calling you out. If people just took the positive meaning out of what people say instead of getting offended by everything, the world would be a better place.
When you not only NOT actually do anything, but benefit from the situation. Sure, who cares about likes, but that says even more about folks who will do this for something so useless.
If people actually care, they are donating already or going to help out themselves. This entire thread is just s cluster F to make people feel like they are good people with no real effort.
Yeah, except loads of the people in this thread, who DIDN’T whinge about it, used the opportunity to network and find some good charities so they could help out. You’re the only one trying desperately to find something “insidious” about it because someone said “pray”. Hate to break it to ya, but you’re the weird one.