Power Rankings

Oh sorry I misunderstood.

But still, why not?

Tbh one-shotting a normal human is not that great of a feat for somebody in Gul’Dan’s tier.

Well Jaina was capable of destroying Orgrimmar with a single spell, and she would’ve doneso had Thrall not stopped her.

Azshara was stated to be superior to everyone in the Burning Legion bar KJ, Archimonde and Sargeras back during WotA. And she has only grown in power since then.

I have it the other way around?

Guldan basically pumped varian with fel until he exploded.
Also guldan is probably C tier at best in power. It the fact that fel destroys everything is the only reason he was a threat with out it he would be a 3rd rank shaman not to mention a cripple.

did you watch the video? only death is eternal?

The First Ones are in their own tier since they are assumed to be the omnipotent creators of the Universe. Zovaal should be around Sargeras’ level in power, who is also much more powerful than his Titan siblings.

I’ve got some criticisms, I’m sure everyone does, but it’s all from the source and the writer. End of the day it’s all about their Feats of strength, and a lot of those are a combination of Deus-ex-Machinas and story points.

If you look at it like this: Malfurion and Tyrande are just completely ridiculous and should have been able to more or less body the entire horde in Darkshore, gone out for a quick lunch date, taken a short nap, and then destroy Orgrimmar without too much trouble… but they end up getting fought to a standstill by… nathanos and a valkyr?

Illidan completely made a joke out of Turalyon for example, in the Xera cinematic, but in the books Turalyon was able to basically drop and then torture a 1st Gen Deathknight without much trouble, which is impressive considering the DK was running around Dalaran killing Archmages and was decidedly no joke.

Bolvar SHOULD be super powerful, but all we really see is him getting destroyed by Sylvanas in their 1v1… they did him dirty. It sure would have helped if he did something like, idk, attack her with a whole flight of frost wyrms while destroying the top of the tower by dragonback…

Jaina was going to SOLO ORGRIMMAR with an army of water elementals until Thrall stopped her. Malfurion is just REDICULOUS at his full power (when he’s sad, the continent floods LOL), There’s really no telling how strong Medivh is, etc etc…

If you look at someone like Cho’Gall he was able to ressurect C’thun in the (now non-cannon?) comics. And then there’s Medan… /sigh…

I agree with you that Azshara is below Deathwing. I misinterpreted their statement and thought they believed Azshara was above Deathwing, which is why I questioned it.

this was done before… behold, the end of the Shadowlands.

No zovaal and the rest are above the titans and sargeras blizz made the order titans tier 2 of the titans.

Zovaal-death pantheon.
Sargeras> order titans
Ra-den -Keepers
Old gods mop old god being strongest cant think name atm.

Exactly. Hes a warlock not a shaman. Are we talking about draenor pre- manaroths blood ? Or are we talking about op WoD legion guldan.

Jaina can’t compete.

I did but how does that answer my question regarding the Old Gods being far above Archimonde and KJ?

Tbh jaina pre bfa would be a ragdoll to guldan post bfa she would probably use a fleet of flying ghost ships and wipe him out.

Old gods are above KJ and archi because they have the ability to reshape reality create their own life or recreate what already exists and enslave the very elemental forces.
Not to mention they are basically the void lords version of the keepers.
KJ and archi are basically half demon warlocks who lived along time.

And guldan would just open up a portal to Argus, what you mean boy

it doesn’t. i was comparing him with Arthas who is also in tier B.

Now going waaaaaaay off-canon, and very far into nostalgia, in Tales of the Past 3 Jaina tells us that Arthas wants to summon Kil’jaeden in Azeroth and defeat him for his torture of Ner’zhul.

the old god - legion general comparison is up for interpretation. I don’t have any canon soruces that’d indicate it either way. Although, there is ONE exchange. In Arcatraz. Here: Harbinger Skyriss

I thought it was stated more than once that Medivh was the uncontested strongest Guardian ever, even way stronger than his own mother Aegwyn, or am I reading your statement wrong?

He would require time and a standing army to defend him while he opened the portal. Kinda the whole back drop to broken shore.

Mediveh is stronger mainly due to the sargeras/“fel” being inside him.
He’s not as powerful as he was predeath currently khadgar is more powerful in fighting strength but not knowledge.
His mother was just plain powerful she would have been atleast KJ equal she was able to take down the avatar which had 1/3 sargeras true power or something solo.

I believe I’ve read it somewhere that Medivh was the strongest even before Sargearas awakened inside him. Maybe I’ll look into it tomorrow.

And wasn’t Aegwyn strong because she had Alu’neth or something?

i think we can assume Mediev and Gul’dan are comparable since they mirrored each other when the portal was opened.

What makes you put Arthas in B-tier?

Either way, it’s clear Yogg-Saron in that instance was only referring to Arthas, not KJ. I doubt Yogg knew anything about Arthas’ plan.

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