Power Rankings

Power rankings I came up with based on various books, cinematics, and other lore material. Curious to hear other peoples rankings and thoughts?

S Tier:
First Ones

A Tier:
The Arbiter
Void Lords
Titan Pantheon/Death Pantheon

B Tier:
Illidan Stormrage
Old Gods
Queen Azshara
Lei Shen
Titan Keepers
Prime Naaru
Elemental Lords/Dragon Aspects
Wild Gods

C Tier:
Sylvanas Windrunner
Malfurion Stormrage
Prophet Velen
Jaina Proudmoore

D Tier:
Lich King Arthas
Anduin Wrynn
Princess Talanji
Tyrande Whisperwind

F Tier:
Lich King Bolvar
Alleria Windrunner
Lor’Themar Theron
Huln Highmountain
Tirion Fordring


Whaaaaaat? I feel like Khadgar is at least B tier if Velen gets to be C tier. Arcane is the strongest magic there is. Otherwise very good list, generally agree :+1:

Interested to hear why you think Velen is weaker than Khadgar?? That wasn’t one of the rankings I thought would be controversial, in fact I thought that would be one of the most commonly accepted.

For me, I think Khadgar is more powerful than Velen. After all, he destroyed the portal to the outland, he has Ateish, and he has power over Kharazhan. I’d say for sure that he is stronger than Jaina, too, especially right now. Please correct me if these things about Khadgar are wrong because I don’t usually follow the lore.

The thing with Velen is that unlike almost everyone else on this list, Velen is a pacifist and we’ve yet to see the full extent of his might. We know he was the strongest of himself, Archimonde, and KJ, so that’s kind of what I’m basing this off of. I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with you though given how vague Velen is.

As for Jaina vs Khadgar, I disagree. Jaina has feats that are well beyond Khadgar’s, such as her scene during the BFA intro and having the ability to destroy Orgimmar with a single spell. Karazhan doesn’t actually grant Khadgar more power either, it just grants him more magical knowledge.

Your list is flawed. Jaina should be S tier for obvious reasons.


GOKU is the strongest and that’s final.

Super sayin Goku or super duper sayin?

What would those reasons be?

Oh Malfurion, how you have fallen…

Like Piccolo from DBZ

Khadgar is more powerful then jaina and velen through his knowledge of magics.
They op is prob going on the cinematic of her flying a battle ship.

Malf is probably the strongest non titan/god/demigod in existence with thrall literally number 2 from the training he gets from malf and cenarius.
He is the only one to beat illidan post demonic corruption, which would put illidan on same level slightly above thrall overall due to his knowledge of spells and past magi/druid training.
Malf, illidan, thrall, khadgar, are at best B tier collectively they are possibly half the power of an aspect each.

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I’d certainly not put Illidan anywhere near Malfurion, Thrall, or Khadgar. Not only are his feats quite a bit beyond any of theirs, but his implied power is as well. Malfurion himself should be pretty far above Thrall as well given he could replicate Thrall level feats during WotA. Khadgar and Thrall are decently close, though I still have Khadgar ahead due to being Medivh’s pupil, having a metric ton of mystical knowledge, and of course wielding Atiesh.

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Knowledge wise
Malf- illidan
3 on that list right there are over 25k years old nothing can replace of overcome 25k yrs of battle exp and life hint it’s not thrall or khadgar.
Khadgar has the knowledge of medievh who would probably be the only one possibly equal to malf or illidan in power.
But madievhs mother would be malfs equal hands down like combining velen and khadgar.

I agree with you. That’s why I have Illidan, Malf, and Velen above Khadgar and Thrall.

Illidan is nowhere near Archimonde/Kil’jaeden level.

Kil’jaeden/Archimonde are nowhere near Old God level.

What makes you say that?

the third war.

also Arthas beat Illidan 1v1. and yogg’saron was not even interested in LK even AFTER the crown as any form of threat.

given the interactions between both Illidan and Ner’zhul with Kil’jaeden, it’s fairly obvious how they rank.

you ranked Illidan same tier as Kil’jaeden. here’s an interaction.


Actually he is part of his lore was queen azshara gaging his ability to ignore her enchantment. She saw him as far more powerful then manneroth this was pre mark of sargeras/eating skull of guldan.
Once he got to the point of eating the skull he was achimonde’s equal and with in striking distance of KJ.
Archimonde is actually the weakest of the 3 the one he replaced who became the warlock floating head in legion, was KJs equal and in the warlock legion lore velen is the strongest among the original 3.
As for the old gods they are stronger then KJ/archi hands down.

See the above.

Legion Illidan is a massively different beast from TBC Illidan.

Arthas while being empowered by the Lich King himself was being toyed with and dominated by Illidan, only winning due to Illidan’s arrogance and Frostmourne acting on it’s own. This is common knowledge to anybody who has the Arthas and Illidan novels. That’s also an Illidan who is far weaker than his TBC self, let alone Legion Illidan.

Again WC3 Illidan is infinitely less powerful than Legion Illidan. You can’t apply anti-feats WC3 Illidan has to Legion Illidan.

Also why do you think KJ and Archimonde are nowhere near the level of Old Gods?

Legion illidan is non-canon.