Power Rankings

Lol. Fine I’ll put TBC Illidan in C-tier.

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now, old god vs Legion Commander:

yogg’saron’s 3rd vision makes it fairly clear that he is comparing himself (the god of death) with LK (the king).

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Bro he one shot illidan, whattttt is this tier list

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he didnt have the crown yet either.

although… Illidan did fight in elf form.

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Have you read the Arthas and Illidan novels?

Brother have you not played warcraft 3?

Couldn’t care less about the novels, arthas one shot illidan, wasn’t a close fight at all.

Rubbish tier list is rubbish

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it wasnt a one-shot. Illidan one-shot X’era though.

Arthas won because the LK nerzhul super charged him with the last of his strength to make sure he made it to ice crown in time.
Yogg was more interested in breaking out and was the one who basically started the plan for emerald nightmare. Shadow priest dagger explains yogg pushed his reach out to the world trees infecting them and leaving behind sarionite his blood.
As for wc3 lore/playthrough.
Illidan was more or less putting an act of being afraid of KJ to be able to take over outlands with out having to deal with a legion invasion. At that point he wouldnt mind killing more demons and giving himself even more power.

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I have. Though the cinematic is even stated by Blizzard to be incomplete. The novel gives us a much more in depth perspective of the fight.

So an appeal to incredulity?

And an Ad Hominem? :confused:

So you’re telling me deathwing = Azshara.

Come on

and yet… there’s no gnomes?


Nah what

Azszszszszszahara does have the habit of … hanging out with bad boys and surviving…

I think she should’ve played Sylvanas in SL. Her and Zovaal are made for each other…

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What has Azshara done that puts her above Deathwing in your opinion?

Same here.

I think DadGhar would be much higher than he is ranked. He killed Medivh, and has at least the same power as the Guardians of Tirisfal if not greater power (which I think he has).

I also think you put Queen Azshara and Xavius up higher than they should be. The only reason she survived was because she made a bargain with N’zoth. Sure she is cunning, but not B tier - I don’t think any one of us champions would have actually let her go the first time we beat her if it wasn’t for bad writing.

Without the Dragon Soul, Deathwing had the same power as the other aspects. And that power was returned to them when Rhonin destroyed the dragon soul. So their power was on par with Deathwing until they gave it up to make the new dragon soul.

You also left out Galakrond. Had the keepers not interfered, the world would be a different place!


I’m confused as to what you’re getting at here.

She shouldn’t even be on the same tier as deathwing.

Guldan literally one shot varian, opened the port for the legion ect ect I don’t even need to explain. Jaina runs around throwing blizzards around and teleporting.

Tell me how Jaina, or azshara are even NEAR Their tiers.

You legit had the LK above jaina

Zovaal should be S tier as per Blizzcon comments on which devs mentioned that the jailer was Titan^2 power, i wonder how are we gonna deal with that on the next raid…

She is below deathwing TBH her own delusional view of herself she compares her self to sargaras and his equal.
In reality she was about on par with archimonde and above manneroth which is why she was surprised when she met illidain pre mark of sargeras being immune to her enchantment and vasty more powerful then manneroth.
Especially after the mark and eating the skull of guldan the only one who could be an issue was KJ/sargeras.
Everything else childs play then you turn to malf who whip his rear post empowerment.
Thats where you see how aszhara ranks overall shes in the lower side of B top tier C at best.

Probably with the junk the first ones used to create everything including the jailer and what created the arbitor.
Bascially BFA heart 2.0 would be surprised in the slightest.