Power of the primus quest bugged

Same problem same auto response, been playing WoW long enough Blizzard did that. Fix your bug and allow us to play our classes at full potential. Stop ignoring the issue at hand and give a response not an automated reply.

this sucks, after changing covenants and hitting this bug, i literally cant play. no soulbinds no nothing. no group will take someone at renown 1


We’re technically renown 0 because we cant even select a soulbind haha

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I managed to complete some base dungeons and PvP and I’m up to Renown 9 with no soulbinds or Primordial Wave. The struggle is real.

was it mythics or will any difficulty do?

yo tengo 203 de ilv y puedo hacer hasta 6 e 7 pero las 10 me matan insta

I got renown from base dungeons and heroics, I was just bombing through them hoping whatever phasing issue was happening fixed itself with time. Lord was I wrong

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A GM was good enough to fix it this morning for me! Total time probably around 36 hours.

The good news is that there’s a CS article about it now so maybe at least other folks will have a better experience going forward: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000284475

Not going to lie, I half-expeted that to be a Blizzard link to a supposed Wowhead fix.

That being said, it wasn’t much better. Although, at least they acknowledged it’s an issue affecting more than just a few random people.

Update- had a GM whisper me in game and auto-complete Power of the Primus. They acknowledged it’s a widespread issue and they’re working on a fix. Good luck to those of you still suffering with this problem!

que suerte tienes :C

how long did you have your ticket open?

Mine was open for about 40 hours

christ. im in for a wait

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Diamond hands and all that. Good luck, man! On the plus side, you can bomb through base/heroic dungeons, PVP, and some other stuff to work on your Renown while you wait.

48 hours after I opened the ticket, my issue has been resolved by a GM. It seems like they are now well aware of the issue and how to fix it properly.

Reading this thread it seems like a lot of people are only complaining about being unable to access soulbinds and conduits. I was also unable to get my covenant class ability (Adaptive Swam). It sounds like there might be multiple different ways to get stuck in limbo when swapping to Necrolord.


So Arkadia Moa has been fixed, but in order to progress I simply have to complete Power of the Primus which is also bugged and they don’t have a fix for yet…

Just got this resolved here, not sure why GMs change my transmog each time but I don’t mind fixing my pants now that I can play again!

I still think this is a very upsetting situation though and hopefully they get it sorted out much smoother than a 48h wait for the rest, for sure.

Also Blizz staff may need to have a meeting or something. I was told this morning it wouldn’t be possible for a GM to fix it and to wait on the hotfix yet this afternoon It’s been done… just strange miscommunications it seems.

Personally a little communication goes a long way to ease my nervous soul.

Having same issue. Feels great playing without soulbinds, conduits and covenant abilities for an entire day so far…


Maybe if we give Bliz a link to wowhead they can figure out how to resolve it on their own.