Power of the primus quest bugged

My covenant just fixed itself an the guy appeared after 2 days! no response from blizz

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Same, working now for me!

also fixed for me. Thanks for the heads up!!!

Looks like they finally hotfixed it. I am able to continue my campaign now

Did you have to do anything to get it to work for you. I am stuck at Chapter 3 and I am unable to talk to Arkadia Moa in order to turn in “Anima is strength” and “Bringing it all together”. I also dont see the NPC for the power of the Primus to pick up that quest.

So last night I left my ticket open and dropped the quests that you need to hand in to Arkadia Moa. I logged on today after work and Baroness Draka seems to have been fixed and I can properly go through “Power of the Primus” and continue the campaign as normal. Cancelled my ticket because it was no longer an issue for me.

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I didn’t have to do anything special but I was stuck on the very first quest to get the covenant ability. So far so good but I am 1/9 for the campaign.

I disabled all my addons and abandoned all quests related to my old covenent and it worked for me today! Was able to pick up Power of the Primus

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I found a sort of solution to this while waiting on a ticket reply.

If you farm out the 5 renown it shifts the phase for the Seat of the Primus.
I farmed the renown by doing the world boss and random heroics.
Which forced the unlocks for the covenant upgrades. Then I had to relog again to continue the quest and it seems to have fixed it for me now.

I think they hotfixed it

Can confirm it appears to be hotfixed, They never got around to my ticket but I logged in today and it was appearing so I just closed the ticket off.

It was in todays hotfix.

Can anyone else not complete the first chapter still? I did the other 8 but the first one has no check mark so it wont complete the campaign

Yes, my first chapter is missing.

I wonder if it’s the reason I’ve run into the renown catch up bug again?

UPDATE: I contacted support again and a GM came and flagged the first chapter as complete for me. They said that Blizz is working on a fix.

If it’s something that super bothers you though can reach out like I did.

I switched my Disc Priest from Venthyr to Kyrian (in preparation for going holy)–now I have no soulbind and no covenant quests. Stuck.