Power of the primus quest bugged

How long did your ticket take?

I just ran into the same issue swapping from Venthyr to Necrolord, currently waiting on a ticket myself now.

Question: Is this the questline that unlocks Soulbinds? I’m playing without Soulbind and it’s frustrating me.

yeah its the campaign for necro which gets you the soulbinds, companions, everything atm. Hopefully a hotfix is pushed out soon, a lot of people are rendered pretty ineffective in content right now…


Blizzard set my ticket to resolved with an automated message to look at forums on how to resolve this… Seriously blizzard!!!


Ticket at over a day now with no response beyond the automated one.
So much for my plans to play through the covenant storyline on this character.

I wish they did this for me! GM Sylcraes said i should finish the Calling to Maldraxxus quest! when I can’t even see the NPC that gives it? what a waste of time this has been.


Maybe someone with a Twitter should poke at them during working hours? They seem to respond fast there, the only downside is actually having a Twitter.

Sorry for getting antsy, I just am a little surprised I haven’t had access to my main for 2 days now and depending on the next GM I will either get to play or wait another day it seems.


I too received a response of

  • Abandon and pick up the quest again
  • Relog
  • Check wowhead or icy-veins.

Fat rip of playing my main for raids.


I get this feeling of not wanting to be antsy or bother someone. No one wants to be the angry MMO player having a tantrum–

But the way this cuts people off from playing their character in any significant capacity is kind of a special circumstance especially when it’s their main. If there was an issue that prevented us from logging in on a character, it would be a big deal with knowledge base articles and an ETA to a fix, etc.

This is only incrementally better than that. But there’s no acknowledgment beyond overworked GMs. And that’s what really has folks up in arms, I think.


So im on 48 hours now no actual response. They gave me the automated one then when i reopened i havnt heard anything. For two days now I have not been able to do anything on my healer… kinda unacceptable. They havent even made a post about it or shut off covenant changes to necrolord… likes its no big deal you cant play your character for two-three days.


Ticket opened: US78171972

Same issue…no conduits because of this. LOL


A GM responded to my re-opened ticket and logged into my account to finish the quest for me. While I do appreciate that, I do feel bad for the others here who are without their soul binds and condies.

The fix, right now, seems to be:

  1. Open a ticket
  2. Your ticket gets set to “resolved” with an automated response
  3. You re-open that ticket by responding to it (in my case I insisted this was a real issue and linked this forum thread)
  4. Wait for a GM to look into your case and manually fix it for you

From start to finish it took about 32 hours to resolve this issue (others have been waiting longer).

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I guess it depends on if you get a GM that cares to look into it or not. I’m at 48h with the automated response and 2 separate GMs that have just marked it as answered and pushed me to the back of the queue.

I’m about to break 48 hours on mine. Had the typical “check Wowhead” response at first (marked answered), reopened it, GM responded and marked it answered after telling me to complete Power of the Primus… I reopened it with a link to this thread and specific post numbers of people who’d had it fixed by GMs autocompleting the quest. That was 19 hours ago.

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Just at about 24 hours here. Same story as those above me with the canned response marking it answered. Replied as well with a link to those testimonials claiming GM intervention solved it.

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como puedo abrir un ticket? tengo el mismo problema :c y cuando quiero informar al soporte de wow me redirigen a la pag principal o me mandan a los foros :c es muy estresante

how the hell is this still not hotfixed


Coming up on 24 hours for me, no gm response at all. just the automated “check a fansite” “google it nerd” insulting auto-reply

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I tweeted them about it, we’ll see if that does anything. Who wants to bet a gold that they respond with a tweet saying “Check Wowhead”?

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