"Power" Leveling

Can I use a higher level toon to “power level” a lower level toon in this game? Like a 110 power level a level 1. Sorry for the noob question, brand new to game… and if so, how?

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Hasn’t been a thing since like wrath. Even RAF is gutted nowadays.

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You would have to have two accounts and put your lower character on follow while your higher character obliterates the dungeon.

But leveling is so easy now, it’s not worth the effort.

Short answer: No. Blizz heavily nerfed xp to lowbies when getting carried through content.


You can but the levels need to be close. So someone can spam run you through freehold from 110-120 for example but anything less probably not

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Don’t you have to be like max 12 levels apart to share xo or something

Yes I can do it for you. Pay me gold, you just sit afk and put on a custom made macro and you will gain levels just by sitting there nd doing nothing while I do all the work with a friend. Takes two people. 30 minutes a level.

Only 10mins faster than just questing… Lol.

Yeah, power leveling really isn’t a thing anymore. BUT–I don’t know what happens if you do the thing that lets a higher level character rerun content. (Party sync?)

Either way, really not worth the cost of a second account. Just play the lower character. Do quests and dungeons. Use heirlooms if you have them.

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I can get you from 100 to 120 with 30 minutes per level at the MAX. That is the longest that it takes. Doing it at the low levels is about 5 minutes per level at the max. I am a very, VERY good power leveler. I had over 50 level 80s back in WoTLK when I used to do it. Cant PL like that anymore. Fun detected, nefred. But still

Wanna level fast and level hard, do it with me. I can get anyone to max level in less than a day starting at level 1. I can do it, I have done it multiple times.

Power leveling is very stressful as you do the same exact thing over and over and over again for many hours. I have a hunter that I power leveled even last expac.

I to 110, no boosts, less than 8 hours /played it was already doing Mythics, Skinning and LW both maxed with both legos unlocked and a level 3 garrison no boosting on my toon.

I can do it. I can level really, really fast if I so chose.

The only time I bother to drag a low level character is when that low level character can’t seem to beat something, like a boss that requires 5 players, or something, then I’ll have the low level lead the party and follow the higher level through the area, until it’s complete.

The low level character only gets about 10% of the XP, maybe a bit more - but not enough to level with any efficiency. It can work for running a dungeon quest, and you will get full XP for the quests, just not the mob kills.


this was nuked in 7.3.5 it was a “bug” that lasted for only 14 years according to a blue post.


this is what i do as well. especially when my lowbie encounters a quest mob that obviously overdid the scaling tech. for example the ‘class dismissed’ invasion quest in Highmountain has mobs that appear as level 111 to sub-level 110s, and they do hit very hard and respawn like the worst gauntlet ever

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Yeah. Most of the time I’ll run whatever it is with my sister (even though I have two accounts). It’s just a little less tedious to do it with someone rather than run your own characters.

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Powerleveling is for the most part dead now that boosts need to be sold.

It has been nerfed and is now largely irrelevant, anyway. Level with heirlooms and it’s super fast. And just buy a boost if you cbf’d.

Exactly lol.Ya that dungeon xp thread. It had links posted to it from youtube with upload dates as far back as 2006, and 07 showing people power leveling lol. And during Legion after allied races became the gimmick of the day, they decided that something folks have been doing since TBC years at least was all of a sudden a bug :rofl: I guess the 200,or 300% raf xp bonus they had for several years was a bug also, so they nerfed it to lol.

Oh like when they did this?

Power leveling basically went away when they made all the old content sync to your level.

Best you can do is get heirlooms and XP boosts (your high level toon can send your lowbie some BOA potions from BfA).

Leveling is faster than it was before, but it will still take some time.

Just use Heirlooms, warmode, and the xp potions from BFA (also DMF buff if the fair is up). You’ll level very fast. The key is to level in areas where the enemy doesn’t go. For example Ghostlands on horde side.

It goes very fast.

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