"Power" Leveling

Yeah, anything outside Silvermoon is a good place to get started.

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Fun fact, if you do all of the bonus objectives in a couple of WoD zones, except for the very last kill, then pop one of those XP potions and complete all the objectives, you can basically power level through that expansion in a couple hours.

On the alliance side, the space goat starting area is fantastic

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As a space goat, I approve of this message.

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Actually, what happened was that during the legion prepatch invasions, lowbies could get 2000xp by soloing elite mobs. But if a max level character tagged it, they would get 6xp. They fixed that, then had to go back and remove it when they were implementing allied races and level scaling, because they didn’t want people to be able to level fast anymore.

110-120 powerleveling is now done by a highly geared max level character.

Well now the jig is up.

I didn’t play vanilla. When I played classic, it was impossible to carry a low level through a dungeon, because they got hardly any xp. If this is different from how it was in vanilla, it’s just another one of the many ways they silently changed authentic vanilla mechanics while adapting it to create classic.

Having done a lot of soloing dungeons in retail before and after level scaling, I also noticed level scaling in dungeons in classic.