Potential return of MoP CMs

Oh yea, if they come back this guy is going to be big mad.

Got years of feedback and responses on my side.

What do you got?

ā€œcAnT wAiT tO sEe the SalT cuZ ThInGs ChAnGeā€

Dream on lol

People are really amped up assuming its gonna be challenge modes, so if itā€™s not that, anything cool they mgith have concocted is gonna likely feel like a huge disappointment.

Well one more time, donā€™t hold your breath for your pipe.dream

Wait. Are you me?


Yeah, whole lot of hopeful speculation. :dracthyr_a1:

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I know, itā€™s hilarious how delusional people are with their expectations despite how many times blizz says no.

So Iā€™ll help.


People said that mop gold CM is easier than 20s, is that true?

Well M+ is designed to get harder and harder while CM were fixedā€¦

Iā€™d say MoP CM is like +15 difficulty

I want them to come back but as mythic+ dungeons and give the exact same challenge mode rewards but as a +1, +2, and +3 for the key (and an arbitrary key level like +16 or so because challenge modes were objectively easier). I even think these should have fixed affixes per dungeon for whatever seasonal/holiday event so you donā€™t just have folks waiting for a push week.

The reason I donā€™t want them to be challenge mode format is because challenge mode was more about farming very specific gear setups that prioritized dumb things like gem sockets since gems didnā€™t scale down like the gear did as well as certain gimmick effect trinkets that also abused the scaling bit.

I absolutely want them to be the exact same rewards because NOTHING should be FOMO and otherwise be accessible to folks to earn/chase down. MoP tryhards have had literally over a decade now to enjoy flaunting their stuff. Plus seeing those same tryhards cry about losing their special snowflakeness (in their own over-inflated heads at least since otherwise people donā€™t care what they got) to ā€œbadualsā€ would amuse me.

Nice ty ok so people can just hop in and do it? That could be fun, I like a sure thing. At least weā€™ll know how to do Temple of the Jade Serpent :smiley:

If it was happening, which itā€™s not.

Unless unused sets

Donā€™t mind me Iā€™m just falling for WoWhead bait articles again lol

Hereā€™s an idea. If you are a news provider, if youā€™re literally just guessing or wondering about something, thatā€™s NOT news.

That same smooth brain author compared it to T3 coming back as crafted while forgetting they were available in the BLM since.MoP

So itā€™s even worse.

Foaming at the mouth at the thought of something changing.


Only a few people cared about them and they aged badly. If you like to wear them, sure, but you will look like a clown.

At the thought of revoking prestige rewards because some whiners donā€™t have shiny cool stuff while others do?

Yup. Commies are bad, mmk?

The point was that stupid wowhead authors spreading false hope with fake news.

Something else to keep in mind is that CMs scaled you down to a fixed ilvl as well, which can be kinda jarring the more geared you are. Kinda like timewalking, but with a timer and harder tuning.

If they do return, the rewards will almost certainly be recolors of the originals if not something different entirely. Thatā€™s been Blizzardā€™s pattern when it comes to bringing back achievement-based rewards.

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