Potential return of MoP CMs


Ainā€™t even come back yet and just pure raging.

Iā€™m fine with them bringing back the old MoP CM mounts and armor IF they bring everything back:

  • AotC mounts
  • The WotLK raid mounts
  • WoD CM weapons
  • Mage Tower weapon skins
  • Etc.

Itā€™s not about crying, itā€™s a recent interview with Ion. He said he wasnā€™t going to do it.

Now, Iā€™m not saying ā€œneverā€ but Ion would have to be overruled or fired for it to happen and even then itā€™s not guaranteed because they could hire someone that agrees with him.

Thatā€™s why he said ā€œdonā€™t hold your breath.ā€ (I assume)

Arenā€™t these still available? I havenā€™t messed with the Tower since Legion was current, but I thought you could still get them during Legion TW?

You call this rage?

Iā€™m mocking your delusions.

Iā€™ll save my rage for when it happens, which it wonā€™t. So the only ragers are the commies.

And everything stays as it should.

If you completed the challenge in legion you can still earn the alternative appearances, but not on a new char.

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Nope, canā€™t get them as of the BFA pre-patch.

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This man truly is a serious problem for WoW in general. Many of his visions were always wrong and turned out to be mistakes. He should have stayed at designing raids, it would have allowed to blossom the game in a much better state.


And since itā€™ll be a cold day in hell before blizz brings back all fomo, itā€™ll never happen

I dunno. Maybe. I donā€™t know enough of the inter workings of WoW to say one way or the other. I know heā€™s said or done things that pissed me off but thatā€™s true of any dev that gets in front of a camera.

However, I donā€™t think heā€™s wrong on this subject and I hope he sticks to his guns.

Kind of hard to speculate on that.

Scarab lord wasnā€™t fomo. FOMO implies anyone who wanted to get it before itā€™s gone reasonably could have worked towards it and now canā€™t. Te reality is the grind was absurd for it and 99.99% of the players, even in classic where it was understood, completely noped out of trying to do it.

Iā€™m fine with the the really old school things (basically Vanilla) they took out being left alone, but as the game evolved the stopped doing it and then randomly started doing again and thatā€™s the crap they should be bringing back.

You know whatā€™s ironic?

This entire thing was sparked by ignorant wowhead authors using crafted T3 naxx as proof of shift in philosophy about fomo.

Not only is T3 still obtainable prior to this in the BLMA, but fomo was further reinforced by Blizz refusing to bring back the OG corrupted ashbringer due to the prestigious value put upon by fans.

Yet people expect rewards that were specifically advertised as fomo to comeback because ā€œwaaah he has it and I donā€™t and itā€™s soooo kewlā€.

Lol Christā€¦

If something was taken out due to oversight, like the cata revamp.
Thatā€™s fine to bring back, since they werenā€™t prestigious rewards and were just casualties.

Ashbringer is different though because of the value players put on it.

Honestly, I think the Ashbringer thing was just the specific example they used to clarify that old Naxx wasnā€™t returning. All of the T3 stuff got added to the current version of the instance in Wrath, rather than bringing back the old instance like they did for Scholomance. Bearing that in mind, I imagine thereā€™s more than just Ashbringer that didnā€™t return as a result.

Iā€™m pretty sure nothing from OG naxx is missing.

Itā€™s just the ashbringer.

Yeah, I think all the missing armor and weapons can now be crafted, the plans are just annoying to get.


So if the ashbringer ainā€™t coming back you can bet your WW beta access MoP cms wonā€™t.

Oh, is it really just Ashbringer that wasnā€™t brought back? Iā€™m assuming everything else was probably just renamed for the Wrath version but with the same models? I honestly never bothered checking all of the drops :sweat_smile: