Potential return of MoP CMs

Not the point of my post but sure, I certainly don’t give a damn about what other people have. I just try to make myself look cool for me (i know no one else cares about my look or what i have) and get some memories along the way

Yes! Bring back CM sets

The originals, yessss


And recolors.


That’s one of the few things I’d argue for them to keep limited, only because it’s impressive anyone actually was able to play through the lagfest technical nightmare that event was - let alone be successful.

Zeppelins randomly flying to Stonetalon, disconnects left and right. Sheer madness.

How if it won’t happen? Blizz knows what lines not to cross.

Again, don’t hold your breath :slight_smile:

No shot. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Participation trophy mentality is so cringe.


How many “won’t happen” in wow have happened?


Yeah, the competition is the enjoyment. There’s already an almost infinite amount of boxes one can casually tick while collecting stuff. Most people could play for 16 hours a day for the next 5 years and still not have everything, so the whole “give people more content” angle ain’t it. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Return of CM as a mode, improved and added onto other than just a M0? I guess okay?

Can’t say I’m shaking at the bit for those old sets to come back. They’re, uh. They’re pretty not great.

Nope, just recolors.

Got to know who the big boys are now.

They’ve said time and time again they’re. Not bringing back the OG CM rewards.

At most prob the unused colors, which is fine.

Accept and move on, pls

Remember the “wall of no” about classic servers? How’s that working out?


What a weird thing to say. Big boys? What? You alright?

Any way. I’d love for them to bring back the original CM rewards.

Would love for them to put them on the trading post for some Tenders. That would be great.

You gonna compare prestige rewards, to an entire game with an entire player base to generate money.



OG CM sets for TP? Haha now that’s toasted.

And how is it weird?

Just saying that the colors would separate the prestige few who got the OG rewards, and the ordinary many who don’t.

I agree but at the same time I don’t think anyone who got it even still plays anymore. It’s one of those things that makes you wonder, at what point does it go from being an extremely rare item, to just being plain non-existent?

The irony is, the Black Qiraji Battle Tank, one of the single most “prestigious” and impressive mounts in the game that probably should remain unobtainable, is probably also the one mount that would lilely receive the least amount of backlash if it ever came back.

Well, making blanket declarative statements about what the company will or will not do - when you’re not inside the room privy to those decisions - is kind of a fool’s errand.

I think the last time I saw one was early in DF. Rare for sure. And I agree with you; I don’t think many people would actually care about that one precisely because so few have it to begin with.

Honestly I’d be happy if they just unlocked the AQ-only versions for use outside of the raid zone. It was always a weird, arbitrary restriction.

You’re going to act like you know exactly what Blizzard will or will not do.


Not really, it was advertised as such during MoP and reinforced for years inside many cry baby threads and interviews requesting their return.

So not gonna happen. Like EVER.

At most we’ll get the unused colors.

Like the red paladin one.

Would be sick to mix and patch that with the amazing prestigious blue one.