Potential return of MoP CMs

I’m fine with the red and silver recolors, it the OG blue

That red set would look AMAZING with the Blood Knight tabard.

oh please no. do you mean the mods or the cms?

If this happens then I look forward to making a lot of gold for these runs again. :slight_smile:

It’s absolutely criminal that they took Wrathion, an NPC who we spent at least FOUR different expansions with, had the title: The Black Prince then gave his forgone Aspect title to a random nobody who you saw for a single quest-zone in Legion, and never saw again… Baron Sablemane is also in the same boat, and he was the other contender?! Blizz has done Wrathion dirty…

Lol, they are not giving you guys free cm gear. Hate to say it.

Better luck next fomo event. This is certainly something different.

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Just because he’s visible doesn’t mean he deserved it.

He sent the rogue champion to his death. He told them to kill his father but secretly he knew Deathwing would kill them instead. Of course we know now that Wrathion underestimated the rogue champion but it doesn’t change the fact that he tried to kill them.

He freed Garrosh under some misguided belief that it was for the best. This situation falls under “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Freeing Garrosh started a chain fire that killed thousands of people.

And in Dragonflight he turned into a 5-year old child, even going so far as to tattle on Sebellian to Alexstrasza.

I would have rather had an unnamed NPC become leader of the black dragon flight than him.

I would love to see them return just so everyone with this take right here starts gnashing their teeth and crying.

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I wouldn’t mind seeing their return either. Most of the sets aged badly and only two sets are actually really good to have due their color scheme and lack of alternatives (Mage/Monk)

This set is way better than either.

Nah, the mage set is one of, if not the best cloth set in the game.

If it returns, I will level my mage just to get it this time.

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The horns on my shoulders and helm glow orange when I’m moving.

Cool, still not better than that mage set lol.

On the other hand I find it hilarious that they released a trading post monk weapon based on the FOMO design from the MoP CM design. Absolutely insane but that’s nothing new from these people.

They did the very same thing with the current hunter class trading post set. It’s actually a Highmountain Tauren heritage armor alternative. These people really don’t know what they are doing.

Yeah don’t hold your breath lmao

Another one that would gnash teeth and cry.

I have collected some “rare” things from playing since tbc and there has to be more people like me who don’t care if they re-release all those “rare” things into the game

I mean tbqh they might as well bring scarab lord back. Is anyone that got it even still playing? I feel like the only backlash there would be would be from people who are trying to protect the “prestige” of others and likely weren’t even there when the AQ gates event was a thing.

The game has no “prestige”. I would even go so far to say that FF14 offers more prestige simply because it’s a community-driven game, where everyone is there for the enjoyment and not the competition.

I agree but you have people out here acting like bringing back something would be the worst thing in the world.