Potential New inclusivity update

Nor does whomever at Blizzard implemented this about yours. It’s straight up extra customization options and if you want to carry on the “traditional” way you still have that option. More options are pretty much universally a positive. It takes nothing away from you, and gives more options to everyone else.

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I’m sure you can figure it out. Look I think a lot of this stuff is goofy but it’s just a sign of the times. I wouldn’t spend too much energy complaining about it.

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Oh fantastic news!!!

Now all we need is rainbow armor and pony mounts. :heart_eyes:

:sunflower: :rainbow: :sunflower:

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Its not even a new thing in gaming industry to refer to it as body types

I recall seeing significantly less rage from the MH/DS fans when it happens when it was announced you’d just pick a type/voice for your character in elden ring and monster hunter rise

To harm? No, that would imply malevolence that doesn’t exist.

I don’t assume abject evil in the minds of people making changes I don’t approve of, even though malice is being attributed to everyone objecting to it.


this is this thread


I never said thousands of years, I said it has always been a social construct.

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I couldn’t care less about the pronoun thing. That’s cool for the people that want it. I’m mostly pissed that they can’t even call our characters Male and Female at creation anymore. That’s beyond stupid.

Being inclusive is good. Being woke is not. There is a stark difference.


You missed the point of my question. I will rephrase it. If no one cares, why change it?


Yep. It’s really not a big deal.

So they’re accidentally hurting the group that gets angry over muscular people not being called male?

Well, who cares then, its just a small accident, and you can still click the male option on the same screen, nothing changes except for giving more options

Pretty much, I’ll never really do anything with it, but I’m not gunna get mad over it either

I still made my character being a burly dude with the gruffest voice as possible as usual, nothing changed for me but someone somewhere got happy with that ability

If no one cares, then why not change it?


People get more options. If they’re not for you, then don’t use them and continue on as you were.

Getting angry over nothing here. :snowflake:

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I didn’t. You just ignored my answer.


We’re too busy getting murdered every other minute to care too much about that sort of thing.

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I want to do the opposite. A pretty little female with a buff burly man’s voice.

That’s the point, people do care, that’s why it was changed. It does impact identification, and hence it is taking away options of those who did identify as male or female. That’s what my line of questioning was trying to lead you towards.

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Oh, well. The pronoun picking thing is interesting, and I wonder how it’ll tie into titles.

But there is no more male option anymore?