Potential New inclusivity update

good call. this never leads to incorrect conclusions!

I did, actually.

Sumo wrestlers, and other wrestlers only tend to have 1 of those. Can you guess which? It’s almost as if diet has more to do with it then weight.

I mean you’re lying to yourself and anyone else by spreading your misinformation there.

You just did.

I gave examples where that’s not the case.

1 those that are skinny are often not mentioned unless it’s in this particular conversation as a counter to overweight.

Because you are.

BMI doesn’t work out that way.


I just want to get gear and leet dps, you all have fun :wink:

If you are basing that off the bmi, I would recommend stopping. The BMI was never intended to be used on it’s own and so gives wildly off measures if other factors are not involved. For example, Dwayne Johnson is considered obese by the BMI, as are many others who have more then average muscle mass, since muscle weighs more then fat.

Do you know what obese means


Sorry, your link doesn’t work. Should probably figure out how to make links here, but I guess you’re about as good at figuring out stuff on the forums as being an online doctor. :3

Obesity occurs when a person’s body mass index is 30 or greater, as per the definition, by that definition, again even bodybuilders and other athletes that are far more healthy than you are obese. You get it yet?

It’s also why when people go “Wow there’s so many obese people in x and y countries!” a lot of people roll their eyes because it goes off BMI and it’s a poor indicator.

" The Rocks BMI is 34 , which puts him squarely in the ‘obese’ category according to current standards in the US."

Of course, he’s quite shredded. He has a lot of the same joint issues as others, given he’s 260 lbs. There are quite a few positions in football, as well as Strongmen where they have a higher fat content but are still considered extremely healthy. Same goes for a lot of sumo wrestlers.

It gets even more obfuscated for women that workout, lift weights, etc.


I have to say obese because calling it “fat” my bring me some forum vacation. Obese are fat people who are one breath away from cardiac arrest.

Body builders have muscle mass but they have low fat. And they’re not considered obese based on fat. Obese tee used for fat people who have high percentage of fat. Do I need to open paint and explain it in picture?

There are sumo wrestlers over 500 lbs, so you’re already incorrect. Some of the highest ranking power liftings/strongmen are also 400-500 lbs.

Only if you expend more than your intake, clearly you don’t know much. But welcome back. :3

Take your own advice.


Yes and those Sumo wrestlers are still unhealthy. I can tell you have never played sports in your life outside of elementary P.E. Those powerlifters while strong are also not as healthy as let’s say a soccer player. STOP spreading misinformation.

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Really? thats your retort?

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This person will argue just for the sake of it.


As far as sumo wrestlers. Their average lifespan is about 20 years less than the average Japanese male

And. They have 10 times the amount of diabetes and heart problems as the average Japanese male


They’re not. Some of the best in their league, just like Strongmen. Yamamotoyama RyĆ«ta 600 lbs

Akebono Tarƍ 514

Konishiki Yasokichi 633

Robert Oberst weighs 375-415+

Terry Hollands 300-430lbs

Eddie Hall 362 lbs

Brian shaw 385-440

Glenn Ross 474 lbs,

Actually, soccer players are the ones that tend to die on field from overdoing themselves. Not very healthy, issit? :3

Yes, you should. Stuff has less to do about weight and more to do about what you eat, your activity, among other things.

Yes, there’s tons of research to show Sumo wrestlers are a lot healthier than the uneducated people think they are because they can’t get it in their heads weight itself isn’t generally what makes someone unhealthy.

If you check regular contact Athletes, actually, their average lifespan is even worse than sumo wrestlers.

They actually do not.

But since we’re going that route

soccer players average lifespan is 30-40 years less than the average of their respective country.

AND they have 20 times the amount of diabetes and heart problems (including heart giving way mid-match) than the average of their country. uwu

my like to post ratio is a lot higher than yours, wonder why?


Notice on almost every thread no one ever agrees with you, wonder why?

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Aaaahhhh, Im gonna go with no

Dude I love how you use examples of things that rarely occur and try to make them like they are the norm. ONE soccer player died on the field ONE! That doesn’t make it the norm. Brock Lesnar is 375 pounds and he is healthy, but he ISN’T the NORM! Most people who weigh 500 pounds or 300 are not healthy that is it.

I read your other replies and much like your PvP rating you are just making stuff up. My god you should be the poster boy for misinformation.

It’s not while they’re playing in the sport it’s when they retire

And every single serious medical journal on that says it

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This kid argues for everything and even makes things up that aren’t true. You are better off trying to convince a wall.

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There’s no research to suggest that, weight doesn’t = unhealthy. Unhealthy eating, lack of exercise, among other things are. Weight can be a side effect of such things.

I mean you’re the one that only does rbgs so you can get carried but even then, low rating.

Ah, then the whole thing about sumo wrestlers and such is the same/?

Every study-proven medical journal sides with me, not you. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Lots of misgendering and name calling, guess you lost the argument and are trying to take it out on me. Better luck finding a better target for your misgivings.


My god you’re expletive delusional, or just trolling to troll

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