Potential New inclusivity update

2 months later.

Posting in a Tuullner/Talonel thread.

Hmm? What’s that?

This isn’t a Tuullner thread?

So it isn’t. Weird.

They have to call it plus size. American system depends on taxes and debt that US citizens own to the country. Why do you think they never wanna talk about free healthcare. There is a reason American western culture promotes all unhealthy stuff.

It is not disgusting, it’s the realty. If someone says to a person that they are proud of his/her confidence while that person is obese or it’s clearly over normal weight, they don’t mean well to that person. They put feelings over healthy life.


oh cool you’re a doctor, what medical school did you go to


Always follow the money.

It’s OK to be morbidly obese - you’re worth much more to Big Pharma that way.

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lol. you need the medical studies that show it is scientifically proven? LMFAO what reality do you people live in?

Do you think the people in 1000 pound life shows are just faking the many medical conditions they have or it is just a coincidence they have a bunch of issues at the same time they are 500+ pounds?

lol the 1000-lb sisters saga, one of the girls was 36 and a doctor said she was going to die in 5 years.
I’m sure that had NOTHING to do with her weight. nope. not at all.

you can say “it is just a reality show!” but there are tons of studies you can just google them that say it is bad for your body.


I’m not a doctor it’s common sense. I struggle with weight, and I’m only 20 lbs over my recommended weight. My energy is low, my cloths are tight. So I’m working on myself to fix it.

It’s the fact. I was taking medication for acid reflux (American food didn’t agree with me), and doctor was honest with me. You either gonna watch what you eat and live without pills, or you will change the diet and ruin your life with medications.

Depends entirely on their heart and how much exercise they get, along weight height and other stuff. Those that are skinny are often just as unhealthy, it all depends on what you eat, how your body interacts with it, and how much exercise you do. I don’t imagine you exercise as much as say a Wrestler, or a Sumo athlete.

Should probably check into the studies there that show regular exercise is healthier than ‘losing weight’.

Yes, you do.

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It’s ok to put feelings over healthy life?

That’s what you’re doing, I didn’t say that. I stated, you’re putting your feelings over healthy life.

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I responded to that person saying “they put feelings over healthy life” By that I mean they rather support their bad choices so they wouldn’t hurt their feelings, instead of telling the truth

Yeah and I said you’re the one doing that, not them.

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Explain how?

I did, in this post.

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lol often as unhealthy? sounds like major cope to me.

Nah. being fat puts more stress on your body. being at about 20-25 bmi doesn’t.
You are more likely to develop health conditions when you eat McDonalds 3 times a day, your heart beats faster your whole body has to work harder.

I’m 22 bmi and never exercise. I just eat healthier and don’t eat fast food.


Seeing all the necro’s of specific topics let’s us get a good idea of who are alts, given they have all been missing for the same amount of time and they are all posting at once.

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are you advocating for the option to customize into an overweight body and voices to be more inclusive?

Not at all, feel free to check sourced studies in regards to exercise.

Not exercising and eating a bunch of bad food even if you’re not gaining weight has a lot of negative effects on your body, generally more than just strain on your joints and everything else. Even being way too tall has a lot of negative effects on the body if you looked into the history of some of the tallest people alive. You should also perhaps look into studies done on Wrestlers and Sumo wrestlers.

Yeah, that’s what I said. It’s unrelated to weight, though weight can be a side effect from poor diet and lack of exercise - weight isn’t the issue in those regards.

Why BMI is a very poor metric of health in the first place and shows you’re not particularly educated on the subject. I doubt you’re ‘healthy’ either way.


You didn’t explain literally anything. A overweight person is a overweight person.

I didn’t see a single overweight person or obese that doesn’t have some issues. High blood pressure, cholesterol, swollen joints etc.

And again if you put someone’s feelings over a healthy life and truth you’re lying to that person.

I’m not laying here to anyone. I’m straight up saying if you’re obese you’re not healthy. If you’re too skinny something is wrong as well. How it the name of King Varían Wryn did you come on the idea that I’m putting someone’s feelings over healthy life and truth?


everyone knows bmi isn’t the best metric but most of the time it is. 99% of the people here aren’t 300+ pounds of pure muscle. 80% are probably pure fat neck beards who are 40+ bmi where the metric DOES matter.