Potential New inclusivity update

YES there is! Just stop it, being overweight is not healthy. My god some poor kid is going to read this thread and heed your advice only to die of heart failure because you give misinformation.

I will ask you again, why is it that on almost every thread no one every agrees with you?


I swear this person wakes up to this, literally has an account to argue with people on forums rather than actually play the game.

I already disproved that notion, it has nothing to do with weight and more to do with the other things they’re doing - weight gain can be a side effect of such things. But a skinny person can have all the same issues that you claim is ‘weight related’.

Wonder why heart failure is a pretty big thing with those afflicted with anorexia, bulimia nervosa. They’re not overweight generally, they’re underweight. :3


Notice, just as Patronus tried to state. It’s all about ‘after retirement’ and has nothing to do with their weight but more to do with intake vs exercise. You have higher intake, you generally have to do more exercise. All there is to it, weight doesn’t = unhealthy just because you are unhealthy. :3


Yea that’s a healthy lifestyle just stop
And you’re wondering why they have heart failure???

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But someone overweight has a higher percentage of having more health risks than somebody that’s normal weight. For f sake dude

What are you going to argue that point?
And defy all of science


You could point that at any job that’s not active, too, and it has nothing to do with weight and more to do with people being not active.

Also, don’t try to bypass forum censors.

You’re the one trying to defy science, not me. I disproved you and the other with ease, over and over. But you’d rather make personal attacks.

You’re the one not linking any studies or articles when I did. Whoops.


Yea now you just trolling to troll

NOW!? lol


Ok, fair point

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the new race is still genderless though eh? No gender options?
kk, just checking.

I wish it had more than one body type though. The only body type isn’t my speed.

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that’s what I was getting at. I’d like my character to look tougher than I am.

Yeah, a dragon should look intimidating, not like he just popped out of a 4-year-old’s cartoon.



Honor means nothing to dead men.

…there’s 4 body options.

If you mean the general silhouette, that’s never going to change. That’s like asking for us to be able to create a vulpera that runs on all 4s or such lol.

The only inclusivity update I would support is the one where game becomes free to play. That would certainly include more people into the game.

For the dragon model? Where are you seeing that? I have seen the single dragon model across all media. There is no option to be a more beefy dragon, only the current slender one.

There’s only 1 model. But you can change how big your torso is. Those are the body options supplied.

Well thats new to me, no one has been talking about that at all