Potential New inclusivity update

Sure! I’ll link to where you spammed that same video in again.

Happy to help, see you later!

You mean like gender identity triggers you? :thinking:

Don’t read BG chat either, which is pretty notorious for getting bad?

Oddly enough you don’t interact with the in game chat basically at all but you’re like “Nuh uh, none of this stuff exists in game even though I wouldn’t know because I don’t interact with it!”

Too bad you don’t know how conversation, words, contextual meaning, or implied language work.

Where in that quote did I EVER say I was against gender identity? My god your reading comprehension is horrible. All I said was people have a right to feel the way they want, nowhere does it say I am against or for anything.

The irony of this is you are telling me to play a single-player game when you are the one that gets offended by trade, battle, or any chat in the game. I am not the one crying that the sky is falling.

Like you aren’t even posting on a level 60 and your player achievements are hidden, but I don’t play the game?

Already linked it.

Ah, since you take only specific words literally I will assume this means you’re religious too?

Yes it does, if you understand that saying it shouldn’t be in game as distaste/against it.

I am not offended, nor am I crying. If you think I am, then by your own logic you are doing so doubly.

Correct. You play a minigame. Nice of you to catch up.

You didn’t link anything of the sort. Last I heard PvP was part of the game, you on the other hand post on a level 50 with your profile hidden. If you weren’t offended you wouldn’t have mentioned it on the forums. So now being religious offends you?

I feel like I am posting to someone in The Twilight Zone.

Remember kids, when in doubt and you can’t win an argument on the wow forums, profile shame.

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I’ll be honest, I’m confused on the back and forth.

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Me too to be honest. This person stated that he/she comes across a lot of people who say racist things, I simply responded by saying I don’t have that experience. That is it, then the person goes on to say I myself am racist because my gaming experience is different.

I thought it was about pronouns o_O

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They’ve never rendered and animated definitive anatomy for either male or female characters, that would give the game an entirely different rating.

Yup we are ALL Ken and Barbie dolls killing dragons.

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Wouldn’t surprise me if someone took the wow assets and turned them “M” rating worthy lol XD

Yes I did, I linked your previous post. Given your penchant for saying I’m ‘angry’ and ‘offended’ by text despite me never saying so, you already know what ‘implication’ means.

A minigame a smaller and smaller selection of people play around in, yes.

Then why are you so offended by gender identity, or me in general? :thinking:

There you are, doing it again.

My only mention of it was in response to you making that claim when I never said so here. :3

More evidence, btw.

Nah, you were one to throw stuff like this at me.

Then go on to say

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It’s already been done (ehhem…cough “SFM”).

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Oh dear…

OMG, your reading comprehension is awful. So now you are trying to imply that I meant I was angered in my comments, dude just take the L. Yes PVP is part of WOW not the whole game, but if you think it is easy we can duel IF you even have a level 60 toon.

Trimac 1537, add me I will be on Saturday afternoon.

I am not offended by gender identity, I am simply pointing out that you log on WOW to find something to be offended by rather than actually play the game. So not only is being religious wrong but now being right wing?

One more thing I might add is why do you post on a lower level toon and why is your game activity hidden? I ask because it seems like you have a WOW account to simply log on and report people you don’t agree with :thinking:

obviously a pvper

My pvp’ness is huuuuuuge.

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Only in america do people want to make their character unhealthy… sorry overweight… no that isn’t the word… the politically correct word is “plus size and healthy at any weight”.


Looks like you’re going around saying a bunch of disgusting stuff this afternoon. You are unworthy of being called Alexstrasza.

What is disgusting about it? Being 500 pounds is unhealthy. Stop pretending it is and stop promoting it.

Also it isn’t afternoon.

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