Potential New inclusivity update

im waiting to see what rolls out with the prepatch but if i start seeing pronouns on mouse over and having female voice effects coming from male characters and vice versa i will be strongly reconsidering my ongoing involvement in the game. Its a tough decision and i havent made it yet but things like those 2 especially would be game breaking.

Theres nothing inclusive about girl voices on men bodies, theres nothing even real about that. Just some sort of strange fantasy. Maybe pandering more to fetish folks who only want to dress up? Still why cant they roll a female alt and live out the fantasy?


And down the Rabbit hole we go…

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This doesn’t take away from my statement. For someone, who just called people a few postings before “dissents” you really play the political card pretty high in avoiding the conflict.

And as a woman, please don’t say things like “your sex doesn’t actually affect the world around you”, because you clearly have no understanding what it means to be a woman and female at times.

there was a thread during the pride month spam wave in which a person was staing how they were happy that people that disagreed with them would soon no longer be alive. That thread OP was flagged then revived, and the overall thread remained for like a week before it was finally taken down.

Do i think people saying stupid stuff like threats is cool, heck no, but no side isnt the only one. and besides lets be realistic, your group of people arnet the only ones marginalised. I mean, wheres the massive ongoing support for people groups who have been diminished for centuries, and still are being so. Groups that predate the community these changes are for by generations? I myself am often marginalised because of unavoidable birth defects, I dont recieve any special treatment, I dont ask for it, I dont berate anyone who giggles or makes dumb comments. I guess i need to start stomping heads untill i get my special piece in the community as well? . No.

All this “special stuff” for “inclusivity” just marginalises the people that its not aimed at, and then what, are they rest of the players going to get soemthing specific for them? either we all get pedestals or not one gets pedestals. Eliminating the hate though, Yes please and how do we do that? well actioning the heck out of this social contract, and legitimate forum moderation, not the wonky bias thats going on of late. These people posting violence need to be shown the door permanently. A community of peace comes through everyone being equal, no one feeling slighted.

How could they achieve this? I dont know maybe make the body neutral/pronoun thing selectable before the game even launches after the content is implemented “Hi we have some new inclusivity options, you can toggle them on now (they can be toggled off again later via x in game menu).”

Opting out keeps everything as it is right now, male/female, no pronoun picker etc. Opting in gives a modified character select screen with the body types and the pronoun selector. That is a way to foster some inclusivity. All or nothing doesnt

I know this is a chunk of words but theres actually more than just 2 sides to this. It is not “christians vs you”. Theres people who just do not agree that invalidating the “normal” boring folks is fair, it diminishes them for the sake of raising you. That flies in the face of what “equal” and “inclusive” really mean. I thought you guys and girls and non-binaries just wanted to not be hated? Going about it all wrong by picking apart everything thats been “fine” for so long


I’m not gonna get into a debate over this, don’t have the energy or the coffee. I think Blizzard screwed the entire Alpha process up by making it open and not controlling the flow of information. Now the whole project has a cloud over it.

i get you, half of what i wrote there on re-reading it is full of typoes and grammatical bleh. Im sure i could translate it when im more awake, im finishing my farming run on old school rs then going to bed personally

Just be grateful it happened now.
The moment it hit the retail servers, the true problematic people will come and dissect all of these supporters. It will affect sales, the gameplay and the reputation of Blizzard anew.

Not really, You don’t release a half baked character creation toolset that isn’t feature complete. They are doing a major overhaul to an important system, don’t need to see a “Hello World” button as proof of concept.

And also, some of those devs need to close their mouths when it come to something as volatile as this. This whole thing was a PR bungle.

You keep moving the goal post, first you assumed that I don’t play with other players when I log on, I stated to you that I do. No, they aren’t friends but we get along and many of these players I have known for 15 years.

You are logging on to find something to get offended by because you stated that. YOU are the one that posted that every time you log on someone is saying something racist or mean. Once again link where I said I was angry about customization changes, you can’t because I never said that. Once again your reading comprehension is horrible.

I log on to play the game, I am not the one that posted about people being mean or racist, that was YOU! I stated that the majority of players are good people.

Yes, you are annoying to me because you lie abut things constantly. I never said I was upset about any of this. The only complaining is YOU, if the community is so bad maybe you should switch to a single player game.

Nah that’s something you do.

Goal posts moved.

Nope, I don’t log in to find something to get offended by. In fact I’m not offended by much, I’m just posting that such things are against the CoC, EULA, and can be considered offensive, racist, etc.

Again, more references that you say ‘you don’t care about’ but you get offended by. Those are your favorite words, not mine.

Once again link where I said I was angry, or offended. You can’t, because I never said that.

Again clearly you don’t, you’re here for starters and like I said, you mentioned such things are not around in game which I pointed out is almost assuredly because you’re one of those that perpetuate such behavior.

Annoy yourself a lot?

You seem to be complaining a lot at me about text on the forum, so IDK.

Maybe if you can’t handle the rules of an online MMORPG and interacting with others in a society respectfully you shouldn’t partake in either?

Body 1 and Body 2

This is like calling saying my arms end in my West hand and my East hand because I don’t want to use the words Left and Right.

Once again what in heaven’s name are you talking about? When did I ever say I couldn’t handle the rules of an online game? You said that when you log on people are mean and constantly saying racist things. I replied by saying that in 15+ years of playing I could count the amount of mean or racist people I have come upon on one hand.

What do you mean I don’t log on to play the game? The toon you are posting on isn’t even a level 60 toon, and your player activity is hidden?


Aren’t you the one that created a thread about removing /laugh?

Pot let me introduce you to kettle.

There you go.

Happy to help.

Feel free to quote where I said that.

You say you don’t see such stuff in game, and since stuff is pretty blatant in game I can assume you either don’t log in or don’t interact in game. shrug You’re like the people that say none of the stuff said in trade chat or general chat happens, but as it turns out they have those chat channels off.

Meanwhile, you’re offended by ‘gender identity’ because it doesn’t ‘fit the game’.

A. It was just a prank
B. Stop stalking me omg

I dont overly care about inclusiveness in a video game, I find this whole thing a little patronizing tbh, but the idea of not having to hear female worgen chain smoker voice is interesting.

I am NOT offended by gender identity. If you can link where I posted that I will leave the forums forever. Sorry, but yes this kind of stuff doesn’t happen to me when I log on Warcraft. I don’t get why that triggers you so much. When I log on, I log on to do random battlegrounds or rated battlegrounds, so I don’t pay attention or bother to even look at general chat. You know why?

That is why I log on, to queue BGS and try to win, that is it. Apparently you are the type of person that gets triggered just because someone has a different experience than you. Sorry that I don’t run across people in game that are racist or mean, but it is what it is.

It’s a case of if I don’t see it, so must not exist or doesn’t happen.

How about Fran Drescher doing the voiceovers?