Potential New inclusivity update



This is cool but also – what real plans does Blizzard have to provide material support and respect to its LGBTQ, women and poc employees?

Okay but the times AREN’T changing. A tiny, vocal faction of attention-seekers are trying to force their beliefs on everyone around them, and companies cave either to gain woke points or to avoid being lambasted by the screeches. The actual real-world science doesn’t back this garbage up; real-world science says only 0.01% of the population actually has sexual dysmorphia — that is, has a clinical claim to being trans. For the enormous majority of people, you are what your chromosomes say, and it’s not anyone else’s job to tiptoe around your feelings because the hot “I’m a special individual” fad for this generation is declaring oneself some nonsensical gender.

Idgaf what you make-believe in your personal life, but they second it starts getting shoved down my throat and I’m forced to kowtow to cuckoopants nonsense, that’s now infringing on MY rights to not have to have anxiety every time I interact with someone ‘cause “oh no, what if I say the wrong neopronouns and get banned!”


Map of the Week: 57% of Languages Do Not Have Gendered Pronouns - Sociological Images (thesocietypages.org)

Which again is wrong. Not all languages or even a majority use gender.


I mean, there’s a really, really easy way to avoid such a horrible fate.

You could just look at the provided pronouns in the ID window and, well, respect them.

Then you’ve got a 0% chance of being banned!


As we have seen. I think just calling them options would have been best. However, I also think that anyone who has a conniption due to these changes needs to take a chill pill.

Far too religious people, as proven by current laws in certain states and the supreme court?

It does, actually. Sorry you had to find out this way.

You’d be incorrect in both cases there.

Nothing is being shoved down your throat, thanks for explaining that’s a phobia of yours I guess.

I’m wondering if all the “hostile and venomous” posters railing against a change that doesn’t harm anyone in-game, had “one” of those encounters or saw something in real life, where their body reacted in such a way, where it confused them. So they are resorting to flexing to sooth a confused ego. Sometimes called “The Haggard Reaction”.

The phrase “Shoved down throat” shows a sign of a oral fixation in some circles.

If this is how she feels she has that right. Not you nor I have any right to tell someone how they should feel! I find it funny that many players like yourself get your panties in a bunch over things that either aren’t true or aren’t relevant to gameplay. When I log on I could care less about pronouns or someone’s sexual preference. What I do care about is if they can play the game at a high level, THAT IS IT!

Like do you log on to play WOW to actually play the game or to
find something to be offended by?

Most of the statements were stats, not ‘opinions’. In the same post, and your previous post at me you tried to tell me how I feel and in fact what I was feeling while posting.

Says the one having their panties in a bunch over a customization change on the menu.

Feel free to find a good single player game for the experience you’re looking for, in that case.

Something to ask yourself, I suppose.

If you look at my achievements I regularly play mid to high level PvP so I am constantly on discord making friends. Unlike yourself who log on to find something to be angry or offended by.

Why would I ask myself if I log on to play? I am not the one calling a community racist or mean, you are the one logging on and saying that people are mean to you.

Stop putting words in my mouth, I could care less about these changes, please link where I EVER posted I was upset about body 1 and body 2. Not only are you angry but you put words in people’s mouth.

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Looks like you want to “shove him down his throat” the idea to leave a game against his will?
You better apologize for assuming his identity as Single Player-person, this was rather offensive.

Having people adding you to play arena/RBGs, because voice is generally a requirement isn’t the same as making ‘friends’. It’s closer to making an acquaintance.

Oh no, more assumptions! Oddly enough for bnet I generally have to purge my list of inactives. Discord does get a little annoying to keep up with between all the servers and people but I have plenty there too, I even have a ton on Telegram!

I’m not ‘logging in to find something to be angry or offended by’ you are, in this case you haven’t even logged into the alpha and you’re angry at it for a customization change.

Because you log in to find something to be offended by, clearly.

I am, and there’s actual instances to prove that while you continue to deny it.

I’m not, though you continue to try to imply things about me and others so I suppose I should?

Sure, look at your early posts in said threads.

Sound pretty angry to me, tbh~ Definitely offended.

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I think this is unrealistic, characters in game or in story have never been sensitive to a characters preferred pronouns because they wouldnt know them if they just met a complete stranger.

Now some injured dying Quilboar who speaks broken common and knows absolutely nothing about us is going to know to call us They or She.

Reading through a good amount of these I have recognized an issue. Dissenters see the change from Male/Female to Body 1/ Body 2 as the removal of Male and Female. This isn’t true. What Blizzard is doing is adding more options and customizability to how you create your character.
If I want to create a character who is a Female Kul Tiran using Body 1 (previously known as male), it wouldn’t really work if I was a Female Male Kul Tiran now would it?
if I want to make a cis-gendered Male Kul Tiran I would just pick Body 1, pick He/Him pronouns, and boom I am done.
You get to decide if your character is male, female, non-binary, gender-fluid, etc. By giving you less restrictive options, the game is actually giving you more options to make your character whoever you want them to be.

That is good, but Blizzard shouldn’t do it piecemeal in public, Have the system all completed, then roll it out for testing. Right now, people got their panties in a wad over a system that isn’t even feature complete or finished.

That’s not on Blizzard’s end, that’s on WoWhead’s end for pushing out every single tiny bit of news they possibly can to squeeze out ad revenue. It’s respectable, but can cause trouble. I also imagine that they probably didn’t think anyone would look at more inclusivity and think “well that’s terrible” or at least didn’t consider their opinions worth validating.

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Actually, I do feel it’s in Blizzard’s laps. In my opinion, Alpha’s should be closed, with NDAs signed. To prevent what wowhead did and the mess it’s caused. Blizzard need to practice better PR.

That is what you get for FAILING to reading the room and environment. Did they really think posting something that politically charged in the environment we are going though now, and expect people was gonna be civil? Right now, people have been suspended from the forums, a LOT of threads deleted and accounts actioned over a change of text and two icons.

I have screenshots of people telling me and my “kind” should be killed, over this. I get these threats all the time now. And all I said was “I fine with the change, it didn’t bother me”

But the player character isn’t “male” anymore in your brought up example. It’s the assumption that the character is male but you have no proof of it.

Because your sex doesn’t actually affect the world around you, it has no impact. What you’ve got between your legs and in your genes only really matters for your doctor, and any romantic partners. (which wow is unlikely to do.) Whereas NPCs might start using your character’s actual pronouns to give the world more personality and realism.

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