Potential New inclusivity update

“I am in favor of inclusivity, unless you disagree with me. Then GET OUT! I am 100% EXCLUSIVITY ALL THE TIME!”

You realize you have no morals, right? You either are in favor of inclusion or you aren’t.

You, specifically, are not an inclusive person. Others’ opinions offend you.

And, this is NOT an option when I can NO LONGER choose male or female. An OPTION would be “Would you like the creation screen to say ‘Male/Female’ or ‘Body 1/Body2’? Check the box that you want to use.”

That is an option. An option isn’t “We are removing male and female and putting body 1 and body 2 instead.”

That is erasure of gender.

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I want to choose their gender. I don’t believe in “gender identity.” That is nonsense.

I understand what you’re saying about capitalism; however, I disagree. This is gender erasure–something which the far-Left is currently pushing.

That’s my problem with it. They want to erase gender everywhere–even in something as trivial as a video game.

This is an extremely important issue, even though we are merely talking about a video game.

It is a complete destruction of gender across the board.

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It is called the paradox of tolerance. Look it up.

Gender is not being erased. You can still choose your pronouns. The only change here is how the body option is picked.

They shouldn’t be giving in to the mental illness of such a tiny fraction of the player base. If you think you’re a woman, choose the woman character, it’s easy


And this is precisely why they adding these options. Its not an illness and if it annoys people like you so much the better.

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At least this makes sense. Taking away the 2 genders in-game, doesn’t.

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It doesn’t take a scientist or DNA test to figure out what gender a person is, yo.

Well it is though it’s called gender dysphoria

Gender identity disorder: World Health Organization removes gender dysphoria from list of mental illnesses, a win for transgender rights - CBS News

Is Gender Dysphoria A Mental Illness?

Most experts do not regard gender dysphoria as a mental illness though it appears on the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition). This is because the feeling of not belonging to the sex you were assigned at birth is not a mental illness in any way; it is the discomfort that the gap in identity may bring that may highlight specific mental health issues in gender dysphoria.

It’s annoying that that they’re adding identity politics into a game that people also play in part to escape from that kind of nonsense from the real world.

The majority of the player base shouldn’t be forced to cater to the minority on such a polarizing subject.


This is the same excuse I heard when Blizzard wanted to expand the human cutomization option to include Asian/Black looking NPC. And look where we are now. No one cares we now have these options and it is just a fact of WoW life.

Also, WoW has ALWAYS been political. Did you complain when Moira/Agywynn story revolved around the discrimination they face from men because of their gender?


This is something a lot of professionals have changed their views on because of political correctness. They don’t want their careers to be in jeopardy by not supporting this leftist BS. It’s a mental illness which is why 50% of them do you know what

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This is, I think, the crux of the issue. Polling data shows that about 8% of people in the U.S. self-identify as “Progressive,” and believe that your chosen pronouns determine your gender.

That means that 92% of the U.S. population does not self-identify as “Progressive,” and therefore does not hold the “Progressive” idea that “your chosen pronouns determine your gender.”

Instead, most Americans and almost every single person on the planet (Progressivism is really an anglophone-only phenomenon) believe that a) sex and gender are the same thing, b) you cannot choose your pronouns, and c) changing your pronouns or cutting off limbs/doing plastic surgery does not alter your gender.

Therefore, this is a very big issue for most people, because by erasing male and female, you are erasing gender for most people.

Understand what I am saying?

Conflating real life features to made-up pronouns makes zero sense.

WoW as a story is political but it’s also a story that you can read and watch because it’s something that doesn’t affect anyone in the real world. You really think there is a correlation of people getting upset about real life politics vs a made up story like Garrosh bombing Thermamore? You’re literally spitting nonsense.

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How is gender dysphoria different from any other body dysmorphic disorder (all of which are forms of mental illness)?

If a 75lb woman says “I am 600lbs,” you would say “No. That is incorrect. Your thoughts do not align with reality.”

If a man says, “I am a woman,” why are we saying, “Yes. You are right. To hell with reality. Your reality is based on what you want it to be.”

It doesn’t make any sense.

And, scientific data shows that plastic surgery does NOT at all reduce the suicide rate of trans people. Therefore, we NEED to start looking into actually getting them the help they DESPERATELY NEED.

There has to be some way that we can help them that is similar to other ways that we help people get over their body dysmorphism…

At the moment, I believe that we are willfully harming people who are suffering from gender dysphoria by not getting them the help they NEED because we think that it’s “mean” to disagree with them and tell them that their perceived reality is incorrect.


Proof? Or did you get your opinion from some talking head with a clear conservative bias.

Or more likely they realized the old definition was out of date.

Male/Female are not being erased. You can still use he/she for all most people care about.

How Americans view gender-neutral pronouns | Pew Research Center

Overall, roughly half of Americans (52%) say they would be somewhat or very comfortable using a gender-neutral pronoun to refer to someone, while 47% say they would be somewhat or very uncomfortable doing so.

Among Americans ages 18 to 29, about six-in-ten (61%) say they would feel somewhat or very comfortable using a gender-neutral pronoun to refer to someone if they asked them to do so. By comparison, roughly half of those ages 30 to 49 (52%) and 50 and older (48%) express comfort.

About two-thirds of Democrats (66%) say they would be somewhat or very comfortable using these pronouns to refer to someone if asked to do so, compared with 34% of Republicans. Party divides are present among young adults, too: Roughly seven-in-ten Democrats ages 18 to 29 (72%) say they would be comfortable referring to others with nonbinary pronouns, compared with 44% of Republicans in this age group.

Why should it be changed when it was just fine before?


can we now have a “whites only” forum or a “blacks only” forum, or an “asians only” forum?

Yeah this just isn’t true sorry. I’ve never heard of anyone IRL talk about using specific pronouns or supporting any of this trans stuff

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pew research? lool