Potential New inclusivity update

Mental illness of being delusional thinking that you can become a different gender via surgery. You have DNA that does not change!! You can mutilate your body all you want to, you can take hormones, and call yourself whatever you want, but if your blood is ever tested, it will ALWAYS say that you are either male or female as you were born.

You want to get cosmetic surgery, knock yourself out. But if you think you can change what you were born as, is complete mental illness because of the undisputed fact that your gender is determined by your DNA.

There is no getting around that fact. Your feelings do not matter. You are born either male or female, and nothing you ever do to yourself will ever change what you actually are. if you were born a Male, you will die as a male. Therefore, thinking or saying anything contrary to that fact is being dilusional, which is in fact, a mental illness.


Again, what does birth sex matter? If I can change my appearance to look feminine, if I can change my identity to have feminine pronouns, and I am happier as a woman, there is zero downside to it other than someone else wanting to shackle me to a sex I’ve got no interest in being.

Some people are born with faulty organs and get xeno-transplants when they can from non-humans, or artificial limbs because theirs never developed. Are they being delusional in just not accepting the ~truth of their biology~?

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Look, you do you. No one cares who or what you are. Just be intelllectually honest about it. All of this garbage about there being more than two Genders needs to stop. It’s factually wrong, as proven by the scientific method.

I don’t care if you change your body, and live your life as something else. Hell I vote Libertarian. I honestly don’t care. My point of all of these posts is the misinformation that has been fully debunked by science is being claimed, as science. It’s wrong and everyone who is saying it is lying to themselves, or is mentally ill if they honestly believe it.

The trans community needs to stop spreading the lie of swapping genders. DNA can’t be changed and no one ever will be anything than what they were born as. If the Trans community wants to earn any respect or acceptance, they need to shut down any conversations about more than two genders and condem anyone spreading those lies.


Firstly, assuming the best-possible case: If science can replicate working testes, install them on a human being that did not have them before, and create a working male genitalia for a human being that did not have one before, and safely attach them to said person via whatever medical means would be necessary (likely surgery, but who knows!), then is that person not, at that point, a biological male? Does their birth sex still matter at that point? Would you even be able to verify it with a glance or close study?

The point is that we exist without our consent, and we are labeled with no consideration for what we believe we should be. You’re saying they should accept, essentially, the ‘Random’ button on character creation instead of being able to take the time and dictate for themselves what their ‘self’ should be.

If the person before you has a body that could be described as rubenesque, fatty deposits on their chest, an overall slender build and wide hips, what gender are they? And what if you’re told you’re wrong? What if someone has powerful shoulders, a broad chin, thick musculature, and a flatter chest, what gender are they?

More rubbing normal peoples’ noses in degeneracy.

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Whatever their DNA was when they were concieved and born. Sure science can build a man part on someone who was born a woman, and vice-versa. You can live your life as whatever you want to be. No one is saying you can’t.

All I’m saying is that no matter what you do to your body, no matter what hormones you take, how you live your life, what pronouns you use, the fact is that you will ALWAYS be what you were born as on a genetic level. It’s not possible to change that now. One day in the future who knows? But for the present there are two genders and whatever you were born as, is what you will always be on a genetic level.

You can lie to yourself and others. You can live your life as a different gender, but you can’t fool your DNA.


that’s because there’s a difference between sex and gender

sex is the stuff in your genes and is typically assigned at birth by a doctor looking at your genitals, gender is how you personally relate to a society’s cultural expectations of the sexes and how you choose to express yourself along those lines


Again, you do you.

Your gender btw is determined at Conception. Also, again, I am not bashing anyone’s lifestyle. If you want to declare yourself the first emperor of Mars, knock yourself out. What I am saying is that the lies of more than two genders needs to stop. Also all of this pronoun stuff needs to stop. A majority of people are tired of this woke garbage and agenda.

Live your life! Love who you Love! Be true to yourself! No one is trying to take anything away from you!! We Are just asking for those in that community to stop spreading false information and claiming it as scientific fact. We also ask that community to not demand that we agree with the delusion that a person can be anything different than what they were born as on a genetic level.

We don’t agree based on the scientific method. Again, you do you. Just stop demanding that the rest of us who rely on proven sceince agree with you.


I agree with most your statements but why are you blatantly hating on mentally ill people? I don’t even think most gender related stuff could be described as an actual mental illness. It’s just someone wanting to be what they believe is who they are.

actually it could

believing you are something your not is a big red flag

if i believe i cna fly i hope someone gets me help

if i believe i am woman
 when i am clearly not and never cna be
 i hope someone would get me help not pop pills and lie to me and pretend my delusion is real (insert jesus/woman/reptile/bird or whatever you want in this)

you can’t pretend to be gay if you are gay

but a man can never be a woman and anything he does is only pretending.

(NOTE: if you are happier pretending GO AHEAD free country, but the outrage is coming from these people wanting society to accept their delusions as fact)


I’m not bashing the mentally ill. I’m asking for intellectual honesty. I’m also saying that the lies of multiple gender needs to stop. I take 3 different medications to keep me from being a complete A-Hole IRL, so in a way I’m mentally ill also.

The difference being is that I am honest about my condition, and I am not demanding anyone else to believe that I am something that I am not. Im also not spreading lies that has been proven to be false via the Scientific Method.

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the proven science says that there’s a difference between sex and gender and that there are more than two genders. it’s said that for a while, actually. the problem is that people like you don’t actually rely on proven science. relying on proven science would require you to change your worldview, and you’re way too comfortable where you’re at.

there are plenty of conservative politicians who have been lobbying against transgender rights for decades, and are doing it to this day. you’re firmly in their camp. please just be honest about this, it makes everything a lot easier.

Except that you’re 100% wrong. You have XX or XY Chromosomes. That’s it. There are no other combinations. So if you want to find someone who claims to be a scientist, who will go along with your agenda, then by all means go ahead.

However there is no evidence via the Scientific Method to back up any claims of more than two genders. Are there people who claim to be more than that? Absolutely. There are also people who think that smoking Crack is a good idea.

If you’re so sure that there is more than two genders, show us your homework. Show us a paper submitted to the AMA (American Medical Association) where it has been proven via the Sceientific Method and I will change my beliefs. Until evidence that has went through the scientific method is produced, claims of anything else but what has been proven and accepted since biology and zoology have been created, is flat lies or agenda.

Good luck on that though because it doesn’t exist.


uh, there are tons of other combinations

XXY is a pretty common one, and so is XO. come on dude, you literally learned about this in high school.

it absolutely does, and no, i’m not doing your homework for you. if you’re actually interested in learning, just google “difference between sex and gender” and read any of the scholarly articles that pop up. you’re not gonna do this, though, because again, you don’t actually care about science.


Short for I have no proof to back my claims. I’m done arguing with philistines.

Man some people just can’t function without essentializing the snot out of everything. Show them a trans person utterly indistinguishable from a cis person and they’ll start talking about bloodlines and genes like they’re a D&D character awakening their sorcerous origins. God forbid we keep things simple and down to earth.

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For real. You’re not going to analyze their DNA, you’re not going to see what’s in their pants, you’re going to have the information they volunteer to go off on.

Does this guy do an Ancestry dot com check on everyone they meet just to make sure they ain’t fibbin’? XD


Be very careful about going on about science as though it is perfect because inherently science is never 100% perfect. That is the point of science to always leave an opening for observable and testable data to submit new findings.

That being said I have read extensively about most of that topic and outside of some testable things most of the ‘science’ you claim are just a group of psychologists coming together and testing what they think is the outcome but because you call it science doesn’t make it so. That is akin to saying Freud is still relevant in modern psychology because it’s not but at one point it very much was. This is why there are also scholarly articles about dishonesty in scientific research and a lot of people are clinging to the science around this with dishonesty.

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I just love the absolute redundancy of it.

Other than that, I don’t really care
 call it whatever. The shapes of the bodies still make them male and female.

Oh I got my 23 and me back.

Turns out I’m part Egyptian. I thought that was cool. :smiley:

I wonder though how they came over here cause great great
 great? Granny was part Egyptian and she was in the same town my dad lives at now (she was born in the 1800s).

Sorry I had a tangent.

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