Potential New inclusivity update

Not really much data to support that theory, but I know the stats support at least puberty blockers if they want to wait to make a decision. Especially given some sports are now requiring trans athletes to do so to be able to compete later on.

Is that safe medically? It sounds like a really bad idea to take drugs that block puberty.


Ngl I have a female Ne druid that I’m playing rn lmao, for practice

Puberty blockers are considered to be very safe overall . Research so far shows that the effects are minimal in regards to bone development and height, as well since again, it’s temporary blockers. They also help eliminate the need for future surgeries.

There’s many studies to support this, and it’s why so many Doctors support them and the general field allows them to be prescribed. I will add, puberty blockers actually don’t contain any of the hormone replacement stuff to START a transition.

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I’m glad you can just remove people from your group that you don’t feel like playing.

It’s funny what you mention on the latter, because people on this forum arguing for the change have basically told me that there is no distinction between sex and gender.

Understandable that it’s not a monolithic belief. I just think it’s funny how even people in favor of the change don’t even agree with the sentiment “Sex and Gender are different things”.

They just think that Gender Identity trumps everything else.

That’s completely untrue :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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It’s not and many Doctors have spoken out against the idea that “puberty blockers give kids time to make a decision”.

It’s a really bad idea.

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Communist china did this by forcing everyone to wear grey clothing many years ago.

One blocker was known to age the persons skeletal system by 80 years.
LOL!!! No the changes the blockers make can not be reversed.


Can already tell you don’t get your data from any scientific reports.

Considering they’re only temporary blockers, what effects are you trying to reference - you’re free to link to anything for said claims.

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The irony of this stament is RICH! Mental Patients like yourself making all of these claims about having more than two genders have absolutely no scientifically proven, peer reviewed, recreated and confirmed data to prove any of your idiotic claims yet, you would argue against the exact Sceintificaly proven, peer reviewed, recreated and confirmed evidence that has existed since the creation of the Scientific Method!

How long has the study of Biology existed? In every single study of the Human Body ever done since the Scientific Method was created, there has been 0 evidence ever found for even any hypothesis to have been created to claim that more than 2 genders exist! Hell, even Zoology in the biological study of non humans, has again confirmed that in Nature, only two genders exist! Sure, there are more than one method of reproduction found in Nature, an example being of Asexual Amphibians, but their Gender has never been questioned.

It is diseased Human Brains in the last Decade that has started creating the idea of more than two Genders. Those claims have never been proven by the Scientific Method, and they never will be!

Hell! Do you realize that on this topic, devout Worshipers and devout Aethiests are in complete agreement??!! In this area, both the Bible, and the Sceientific community are in complete agreement!!
So how are you, or any other mentally ill person’s who believe the more than 2 genders garbage, going to reconcile your theory against both Faith and confirmed Science that both say that you’re 1000% wrong if you honestly believe that more than 2 genders exist??!!

Are you also of the belief that the Earth is flat? Which btw, has also been proven via the Scientific Method to be wrong also.


You’d be quite wrong there, you must be another person that’s quite behind in regards to science and the data therin. Especially given your insult at the start would be behind the times in what you’re trying to reference, given the DSM ratings.

You’d be quite wrong again, since you’re confused on what Gender even is very likely.

If you go really, really far back for history you’d know you’re even wrong here.

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Show your sources. Prove any of your claims.

Im a male 
 what about my inclusivity ? Body 1 or Body 2 ?? Where is male or female. Your excluding 100% of the worlds population with these options.


I really hope we get more than two voice options, if so, this may be one of the things I’m most looking forward to in the new expansion.

I have wanted “older” voices to match “older” physical feature options since 2004.


Body types are body types, not genders.

Giving us a body type selection makes the old sex selection redundant, though, as the old sex selection determined your body type too. This change mostly just opens us up for more than 2 body types in the future. I hear the new dracthyr have a bunch of them.

If you’re a male, use he/him pronouns, as you currently already do. If you’re female, use she/her pronouns as you would already have.

Literally zero has changed here for you.

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The fact that we even have to talk about pronouns, shows how far we have fallen as an educated society.

You do realize that these discussions don’t happen in other countries right? I was in Mexico in May, and I can assure that no one was talking about pronouns, trans people, gay rights, etc etc. We have amazing freedoms in the U.S. and it’s a GD shame that the free’est, most advanced, and powerful Nation in the History of the World, is being split apart by a small group of degenerates with MASSIVE narcissism and other mental illness disorders!!

There are 2 genders. There never will be more than that. DNA can NOT be changed, is the “blue print” on which we come from, and there is established scientific evidence that has been fully vetted, and proven true by every single measurable standard, using the scientific method, and has no debate on it’s authenticity by any reputable memeber of the scientific community.

Anyone who claims anything other than those established, vetted, and confirmed as being correct standards of 2 genders, has mental illness and should be treated as such.


Uh? Intersex? Hermaphrodites? I don’t know the term for it but there are also ‘non-functional’ sexes as well.

Mental illness for, what, affirming your own identity? We already have multiple surgery options for dealing with unwanted aspects of ourselves, are people seeking that kind of affirming treatment suffering from ‘mental illness’?

Get over yourself. Birth sex doesn’t matter because we’re past that point in science and technology. We’re approaching a point where artificial wombs might enter prototyping. That doesn’t ‘invalidate’ a woman, because a woman’s purpose is not to be a breeding chamber.

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