Potential New inclusivity update

The first paragraph is exactly my problem with it.

It’s essentially a belief that relies on pseudo-spiritual ideas and conversion.

This so-called “progressive” movement has said some of the most regressive, sexist, and homophobic ideas I’ve heard within the past few years.

Also yeah, it’s basically proven that the vast majority of people don’t subscribe to the ideas of “gender”


Move forward LMAO it’s called BIOLOGY. There as TWO genders, Male and Female, your confusion lies thinking gender and sexual preferences are the same thing. As a society we actually, in reality where some of us still live, are moving backwards into crazyville. The “Progressive” movement is far more harmful to society than helpful. Back when this country still had morals and standards there were very few mass shootings and guns were Far easier to get, when a new virus emerged we didn’t act like cowards hiding in our home with a facemask on, that is just two examples. But trying to explain reality to someone that has been programmed I found is impossible.


Don’t worry about it buddy I’m gone and nope there are still some left like private servers for starters, Blizzard will not get another dime from my family. I will appose the Woke ideology at every turn, I unlike some still have standards. Yes Blizzard has been moving this direction for a few years now and this is the final straw.


I’m really hoping people are mining for outrage here, because if this is how you react to a change of some text and some icons, I have concerns about how many of my fellow HSPs are running around undiagnosed.

Just edited:

And are you so defunct you can’t determine for yourself which of the body types best aligns with male or female? Are you admitting that without an explicit title dictating gender, gender is not strictly defined by other characteristics? Isn’t that the whole shtick of this “anti-woke” position?

its a shame we have de-evolved to a point where we believe there are more than 2 genders… but this doesn’t bother me enough to care outside of this comment.


If you actually researched about biology you’d know you’re incorrect, but you don’t.

Of course, no research for any of your claims there especially since the progressive movement isn’t the one restricting peoples bodily rights, guess which side is?

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They aren’t mutually exclusive.

I don’t agree with Republicans on the issue of abortion.

But I also don’t agree with some groups pushing that it should be legal to chemically & surgically transition Children.


So you think children shouldn’t be allowed to have any surgery that might be considered life altering, even if it puts them in danger? Let alone any medication? Such things are just a part of those, in case you were not aware.

Oh yes, the argument that all surgery and medication are equivalent to each other and exactly the same.

That transition is no different than surgery for cancer, or removing diseased limb, or medicating for diabetes, etc etc.

This is called a “False equivalence”


I didn’t make any reference to the other things, if you noticed in my post. You did that, I trust Doctors, the Parents/Guardians, and the Child in question to make the right decision for them. IE, I give them rights over their body and what they want to do with it especially in cases regarding surgery and medication.

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Incredible this thread de-evolved from possitively and pointing the Lord/Lady tittles (tbh the entire tittle selección need a facechange) into polítics and hate

Just wow

And I didn’t say that I “think children shouldn’t be allowed to have any surgery that might be considered life altering, even if it puts them in danger. Let alone any medication.”

But you went right on ahead and assumed that was my position. No other reason to do that unless you were making the equivalence between Transitioning and something like treatment for Cancer.


You were heavily insinuating that equivalence. That’s exactly where it was going. I’ve seen this talking points over a hundred times.

A: “I don’t think we should chemically & surgically transition children”

B: “Oh so you think Children shouldn’t be allowed potentially life saving treatment”

A: “That isn’t what I said, and I don’t think transitioning children is life saving”

Not gonna deal with this disingenuous kind of behavior.


Welcome to WoW

You did, actually. Since Transitioning can be considered just that and you are clearly against it and deny it being a ‘life saving’ treatment, despite the stats and evidence to prove otherwise.

I am not going to deal with it true, hence I am using a nice forum function.

To be fair, you likely notice this exact sort of rhetoric on both sides of every issue.

“We should have more thorough background checks for firearm purchases.”

“So you want all Americans to be enslaved under a tyrannical government? What a monster!”


“Perhaps we should be understanding that it is hard for people to understand the position that sex and gender are not synonyms.”

“You’re erasing out entire existence and crapping on our graves!”

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Aren’t most people against minors getting transitional surgery? That seems like a pretty reasonable view.


God this post is a great read, what a time to be alive. Did a blizz forum mod edit most early posts??


I’d say 80% of this game is a bunch of dudes playing as females so not sure why anyone would be upset. More options for people that care is a good thing.

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