Potential New inclusivity update

Truth. The next step is usually calling you (or anyone who has the smallest amount of common sense) a racist, or phobe of some kind.


Well you said player base, which I assumed meant the whole player base and not just the forum playerbase.

“Such a simple thing really.” Imagine walking into the room as a woman and then a group of people come up to you and go “Hey, you have to tell us what you are” and the woman goes “I’m a woman” and then the group goes “Ok, can you say that again so we can record that you are saying you’re a woman” and she says “I’m a woman” and now everyone knows she’s a woman.

“Such a simple thing”.


I just want to inform you that you are living inside a very small bubble inside of North America and parts of Europe at best and there is no “past” to this because it has to do with biology and science. Science is about objective observance and experiment that results in as close as perfect outcomes. A bunch of scientists coming together and deciding that “this is this and that is that” is not scientific and there is identifiable factors such as transgender which is observable and testable but things like pronouns and other factors are being ‘decided’ upon and implemented as reality which has absolutely nothing to do with science.

I think that a lot of you folks are being very disingenuous about this conversation and just drawing a childish line in the sand and saying “If you don’t think like I do, than you’re wrong, bigoted and deserve to die off” and that is not how the real world works. It doesn’t work in a society either and as I’ve stated before there are a lot of things that I’ve read about this that seem very scientific but there is also a lot which is not science at all.

My last problem is this holier than thou, sanctimonious attitude a lot of people have in this conversation that think “their” way is the only way the universe works which is where the disingenuous comment comes in. Every single time I see one of these conversations it always has an element of people who just think everyone else should lay down at their feet and worship their ideas or that it’s just the way things are and that everyone who doesn’t agree with it has to either be apathetic and not resist or should shut up and die more or less.

A lot of normal people are really and truly getting tired of being talked too like this and as funny as you may or may not find it
 a lot of adults are really getting fed up with these childish insights into how WE should leave our lives according to what some corporation says so that said corporation can get a better ESG rating while a bunch of people mindlessly bicker and act foolish on behalf of said corporation just to virtue signal to “fellow thinkers”.


So is Elden Ring ‘stupid’ too? Because last time I checked absolutely nobody batted an eye that it referred to gender as ‘body type’ as well.

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They live in denial about the fact you’re either male or female.


I suspect this is being done based solely on their employees. I’m pretty sure they had at least one gender related lawsuit.


That section is dead on accurate. What’s even funnier about this is that these person’s are really just playing the game of “look how progressive I am” to others of their same mind set, creating an echo chamber where things like Scientificly proven, peer reviewed, recreated and confirmed results, are not allowed into the conversation because it runs against the narrative those person’s want to present.

They are not “thinkers”. They’re fools. People who are so self obsessed, and reinforced by garbage parents and schools who gave out participation trophies, and told each individual how special and important they were. This created a generation of brain dead, super narcissists, who lack on a fundamental level, basic, critical thinking skills. These person’s rely on feelings, demanding those feelings be respected over scientific facts, that has proven true since the scientific method was created.

You can’t argue with those who lack the most basic skill of being able to look at what any given thing is, and saying yes, that thing is exactly what it their 5 senses, along with again, scientifically proven, peer reviewed, and results both recreated and confirmed data tells them, exactly what it is, because their narcissism, and sense of entitlement are so great, that it over rides the rest of the most basic levels of understanding, and thinking processes. In short, they argue their feelings over what even their own brain is telling them, in an attempt to twist theirs, and everyone else’s reality into what their feelings are telling them.

Don’t you get it? These extreme leftist, progressives, honestly are suffering from Mental illness! A healthy Brain does not operate the way that these people’s do! They’re sick. Mentally ill.

I am honestly shocked at all of the responses saying that there are more than 2 genders, and that mutilating their bodies changes their basic DNA!!! You either have XX Chromosomes, or XY Chromosomes! If you were born a Male, you will always be a Male, no matter what you do to mutilate your body, you CAN NOT CHANGE YOUR DNA. Your blood tested will ALWAYS say what you were born as!!

Any argument against that 100% scientifically proven, peer reviewed, recreated and data confirmed FACT, is being argued by a person who is 100%, mentally ill!!


Nah, it’s Activision Blizzard doing this because their company has a low ESG rating.

" An ESG rating measures a company’s exposure to long-term environmental, social, and governance risks . These risks – involving issues such as energy efficiency, worker safety, and board independence – have financial implications. But they are often not highlighted during traditional financial reviews."

There is a website out there that you can check a companies ESG rating and Blizzard is not doing very well. If they have a low ESG rating it makes their investment portfolio look bad on the global market. Big $$$ is all it’s about.


This makes more sense. It’s always about money.


has Elden ring been out for almost 20 years always saying male/female and only changed it to fit the current pandering for woke points?

also Elden ring is overrated garbage game (JUST MY OPINION - refunded it on steam after hour of play as the game has very poor UI and it was obvious when I had to Google how to turn on PC settings on a PC because it wasn’t where I would expect it to be)

also there is this


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It’s also, to a degree, a belief system being pushed and pandered too and there is proof of this out there. There is a Forbes article about Twitter that proves 80% of tweets are by 10% of the users so it’s a false sense of scale for starters. Most of the world operates on the “male” “female” dynamic with or without this incredibly small populace of peoples input also and this is largely in large cities and on campuses where echo chambers are easier to maintain.

The other scientific part, which these people have also figured out, is how to influence and change society which, surprisingly, takes very little people to effect change in a society. They have research that shows 20-25% of society can alter society permanently which is exactly where this all started especially with social media in tow to inflate the sense of how large this movement is when in reality it’s not.

Don’t get me wrong either I have no problems with how people view themselves or their self-narrative because you only have a short period of time on this planet so why not try to be as happy as one can. But what I won’t play ball with is this holier than thou attitude that all who oppose must submit and act apathetic or else feel the wrath of virtually no one except your own sensibility. I wish no harm on anyone or others who just want to live their life but I have done nothing wrong and am not going to change my sensibilities about how I treat others because an incredibly small populace in the country wishes it. That isn’t how society works and I wish more people could be nice towards one another instead of trying to force doctrine upon others.


Demon Souls released in 2009 and has had a cult following since then.

You’re fine to think that, but you can’t deny the gravity the game series has.

I remember when I did my one (and only) playthrough of Elden Ring I just used the Giant Smasher hammer. Just an old strength build where I would say cheesy one liners like “I don’t mean to be blunt, but its HAMMER TIME!!!”

From said website, as an example, Microsoft ESG rating is Triple AAA which is recognized as a leader and influencer in the software and services industry while Activision Blizzard is a Triple BBB which is average in the entertainment/media world and they’ve been like this for 3+ years now.

Money makes the world go round and small changes to diversity, inclusivity and their carbon footprint will have them in the up direction on the ESG scale to appease global investors.


Honestly sounds like Elden Ring was just too difficult for you and that’s ok. It’s a Fromsoftware game- they do not hold your hand. They instead give you a tough challenge. And yes thats a possible build but a newbie to elden ring wouldn’t know about that spell or how to make a build around it, it also requires 60 intelligence to use.

If you gave Elden Ring a good hard shot, you might actually learn to enjoy the suffering and it would only make you better.

A few more things related to that GIF you posted:

It requires drinking a flask with a specific buff that comes from a very north-area boss that lets you cast anything mana free for 15 seconds, then you cannot reuse it until you rest again and enemies respawn

~60 intelligence and you still need a good wand(they require stats too), its not just a lvl 1 build.

The spell requires the enemy doesn’t move much. Bosses like Malenia will jsut dodge it and you can’t shift the aim of it. Other bosses like black knives will just jump around non stop. And humanoid Ais will get out of it. This only really works on some bosses, not all.

Source: I’ve done this build for fun. It’s OP but not for everything. You’d honestly be better off spamming full moon.

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Avoiding the “Woke” culture in RL is exhausting, now in a videogame :clown_face: Yeah I’m out, other ways to spend my money. Body 1 and Body 2, completely ridiculous. Inclusive to 1% and exclusive to 99%.


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I’m surprise you are still here if you want to avoid “woke” content. In any case, goodluck if your still going to play an MMO.

Last I checked, most of the big ones are pretty “woke”.

Gender Ideology and the Trans movement is NOT the same as Gay Rights.