Potential New inclusivity update

Thanks, I dont normally spend all day online to be familiar with the confusing posting system Blizzard uses.

I dont have an identity either. I dont identify as woman, I AM a woman. Just like I dont identify as human or an adult.

You are in the minority to be confused as to what pronouns men and women use.


I don’t think those changes are necessary but they don’t harm anyone.

I also do not understand the problem with pronouns. This has become so complex
 it makes 0 sense to me.

People will start raging at others when you call them by the wrong pronoun in a video game while doing a boss mechanic. This has become so important
 Soft-skin people will cry about this.

I don’t want to deal with this. I will make calls based on “The Class” the hunter, the warrior, etc; and be done with it.

Thanks I didnt catch that. These people, man.


If you’re the type of person who still, to this day, only sees two genders, despite their being scientific evidence of there being more than two and that transgenderism is a thing, then you are living in the past and not keeping up with the times.

That type of mentality may have been welcome back in the 1950s, but it’s not acceptable now, in the same way racism was considered welcome back in the day, but is not welcome now.

You can either keep up with the times, or you can stay in the past. But if you chose the latter, the world will move forward without you, and the world will continue to do things you don’t like. Just like this.

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Okay, so male and female body type is still what I see. Thanks friend


“Too far away!” “I must get closer!”

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Local forum community in search of a hill to die on finds Holy Grail in the form of 
lmao, am I reading this right? You’re kidding me. They’re mad about optional pronouns??

Wow. We sure have fallen as a community. I’m going to get the popcorn.

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Yes! I was too stupid to know what men and women are until the white man civilized me. I am no longer a savage, egg depositing person.


Meh, nice to see them letting people have their options, I imagine however there will be a lot of screeching about this on the forums.



On what objective basis can one say that this specific change to WoW is certainly a move “forward” though? Change doesn’t always entail improvement. That’s a large assumption being misused as a supporting argument. Popular in some modern circles in the West? Most certainly. “Forward?” Highly debatable.

Without an objective standard to measure such developments against, it boils down to groups of disagreeing people just arguing over whose personal preferences are better, and arguments from “forward” motion are really just a form of the bandwagon fallacy.


Please share those scientific articles

"Gender expected behavior " has been stablished by society over the years/decades.

For example, people expect males to behave in some way, to like X, Y, Z, W, things; just because I happen to like X only, does not mean one cannot consider himself male.

Males used to wear high heel shoes and skirts in the past. Then society changed and decided that those were for females only.

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Make it look like the devs are doing their job.

The only “scientific” articles these people have are their pseudoscientific “gender” studies and some nuts claims over Twitter. Biology still defines only 2 genders, either you have xx pair of chromosomes, hence a female and able to get pregnant and give birth to offspring or xy (male). And these natural rules not only apply to humans, but also to animals and it’s been like this since the dawn of life on earth and it will be like this till the last day of life on this stupid planet. Has nothing to do with “50s mentality” or “white males”. I wonder when these woke fellas are gonna start cancelling nature, biology and common sense because they don’t align to their political ideology/agenda.


Inclusivity doesn’t include anyone who is not a hardcore leftist. In fact, if you’re a White Male, you’re a direct descendant of that guy who caused all of those problems in Europe from 1939 to 1945.

“Inclusivity” is a dog whistle term to mean that if you’re not an extreme leftist, your opinion doesn’t matter, you’re not part of the conversation, and you will demonized for being born a certain race / gender combination.


I’m aware. I was trying to get them to say it. Their position decays the moment they have to admit their inclusivity isn’t actually inclusive


Cool can’t wait for the usual crowd to get triggered and call everyone else snowflakes and what not gonna go grab the popcorn and watch the show lmao

Thank goodness, it’s read like some edgelord teen’s fanfiction for way too long. The rainpuddle depth of any excuse to keep the chest-thumping faction war going, the complete bastardization of the word “honor”, and drunks being passed off as High Comedy are some of the weakest aspects of this game and needed to go at least eight expansions ago.

At least you got the Cool S in Shadowlands. :clown_face:

Don’t hold your breath. You know they will never admit that. Facts and Logic are Kryptonite to liberals.

“Liberalism is a mental disorder”. - Dr. Michael Savage


No, but the sudden swerving deflections still make them look pretty bad to the more undecided members of the community