Potential New inclusivity update

Wait WHAT? I like being called Champion :frowning:

Isnā€™t that how we are referred to now? Maybe Iā€™m wrong I donā€™t go nuts reading quest text

it in the gameā€¦ you lost ā€¦ deal with it.

Harpy women are unattractive, amirite?

hateful people are unattractive yesā€¦

[quote=ā€œMalgorok-zuljin, post:702, topic:1279526, full:trueā€]

I shall only refer to use using neutral pronouns now to respect that, I hope youā€™re ok with this

I didnt know women dont have pronouns. How do you refer to a woman who doesnt tell you her pronouns?

It is going to be an option, and since day 1 of WoW weā€™ve always had our character referred to with gender neutral terms by NPCs. Itā€™s always ā€˜heroā€™ or ā€˜championā€™ or ā€˜commanderā€™, nothing that actually gives our characters a set gender identity.

Could that change in Dragonflight with NPCs referring to us by the pronoun we choose? Yes it could, and if it does thatā€™s going to be really important for some folks. For others, it may just be a way for them to use titles that are currently gender locked without actually changing how their physical model looks, for example, female characters getting access to the ā€˜Lord of Warā€™ title rather than the ā€˜Lady of Warā€™ title.

I imagine, by default, your pronoun will be selected based on your body type. So when this change goes live, your character here will be referred to as he/him and have all the male titles. You likely wonā€™t have to change a thing. But if you want to change it, youā€™ll then be able to go to the barber shop and make that change to something else.

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Nice quote job, also you said you have no gender

So thats why Iā€™ll only use gender neutral terms, seems kinda self explanatory

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He says, after having earlier cut off her quote to exclude her declaration of having a sex.


Correct, I cut the point I was referencing, instead of whatever they did

Thanks for the W.


That really isnā€™t the same at all.

It forces players who strongly believe that oneā€™s biological sex determines oneā€™s supposed ā€œmaleā€/ā€œfemaleā€ status to play along with this new fad that oneā€™s biology (or ā€œbody typeā€ in this case) is actually separate from oneā€™s ā€œmalenessā€ or ā€œfemaleness.ā€ That is, your characters are ā€œmaleā€ or ā€œfemaleā€ based only on your choice of pronouns in this new system, not the character bodies you chose for them.

As it is now, my characters with male bodies are undeniably male within the game world. They donā€™t simply identify as ā€œmalesā€ to NPCs via some pronoun selections. It may seem subtle, but itā€™s not a trivial change.

Now, using ā€œbody typesā€ may make sense for a purely androgynous race that has no biological sexes, but for races that have always had two distinct sexes coded throughout the game itself, it doesnā€™t. As for the argument that Blizzard is adding more body types for the older races, those still could have been made sub-choices under the current male/female binary instead of throwing it out completely.

Regardless, a compromise would be Blizzard adding an option in the game settings that either (a) keeps character creation exactly the way it is now for all races except the new one in Dragonflight or (b) enables this new scheme of numbered ā€œbody typesā€ and pronouns for those who want that. Then, everyone gets to use which system they want and feel ā€œincluded.ā€


just another reason why wow is failing, and if DF further sinks the game I wonā€™t be surprised. WoW is not a fun getaway from RL anymore, its a in-your-face drama game now with some side addition of fantasy elements.

And on the note you made earlier of black skin thing, your comparing apples to oranges. Black skin was honestly overdue because its natural, and thatā€™s cool. Am I going to use it? No, Iā€™m not black, I wasnā€™t even born in the USA despite moving here. But Iā€™m happy you and others got black skin, should had been a day 1 feature.

Then you have these ā€œpronounsā€ that only actively came into existence not so long ago, back when revolutionary war and WW1 and stuff was going on, no one was going around ā€œcall me pronounā€, they were living life without technology working hard or fishing or w/e else they did those days developing America. This group has become more annoying over time now thought with the in-your-face pronoun stuff like people actually care who they donā€™t know, and now its being forced in our faces(us as in we who do not care about this hot topic) through a new ingame system that will honestly continue to be ridiculed for all of time

Notice the difference? One was natural and got added as a side option, not a ā€œdo you want to make your characters skin black?ā€ upon login, the other is a forced NPC dialogue change for ALL characters and we have to go, for every character, to choose our preferred ā€œpronounā€ because of a more recent artificial and unnatural movement.


And thatā€™s fine. Itā€™s called keeping up with the times. People need to accept that society functions differently now to how it did years ago, and they need to move forward rather than insisting that everyone should remain in the past because it makes them uncomfortable to be confronted with things that interfere with their world view.

If society didnā€™t move forward then homosexuality would still be considered a crime, inter-racial marriage would be illegal, racism would be running rampant (just like during the days of the red menace and the yellow peril) and women would not have the right to vote or be allowed to work in what men considered ā€˜their industriesā€™.

This is just another step moving forward.

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I just assume this is the same thing as people from previous generations rebelling.

Lmao of all the unhinged posts, this one tickled me pink so far. So how old do you think language is? XD

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Which language to be exact? Earlier languages were more basic and structured to keep society going, like in Egypt, they talked yes, but it was mostly low workers who built the pyramids and were told to keep working or else and served the Pharaos, or Spartans in a constant state of war and keeping a strong society. Iā€™m sure they didnā€™t have to deal with anything weā€™ve had to. Ours is a special age because people could share feelings of the same type through the internet and it became big groups, without being in person.


Eh, sometimes your character is present for conversations between NPCs, right? After allā€¦if your character wasnā€™t present, the dialogue wouldnā€™t even exist since your character is how youā€™d be seeing (or hearing, if we want to be ā€˜realisticā€™) it!

Anyway, Iā€™m not really weighing in with an opinion on having these options. As I said initially, I was just pointing out instances where theyā€™d actually be reflected in-game!

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Ah yes, the good ol days where the average life expectancy was the ripe old age of 30. Those lucky fools didnā€™t know how easy it was not having to deal with scary things like pronouns! Calling someone a man or woman? What will they say next, that the Earth is round? XD


So, me still seeing male and female body type only is wrong of me and a sign that Iā€™m not keeping up with times? Lol


Oh, itā€™s special alright.

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