Potential New inclusivity update

There are some real life loonies on this forum

Well, that seems to be a matter of opinion, just like most of the rest of the posts in this outrageous thread and all the others like it exploding on the forum at the moment.

Oh one of them legitimately tried to compare this to sexism/homophobia.

No joke.

This forum has a lot of special people in it, and not special in a good way.

Iā€™m hoping itā€™s trolling otherwise ā€¦ yeah I got nothing


Alright maybe stupid is an understatement to describe some of these people


Lol na man, itā€™s real

I just canā€™t believe some of the comments are.

The person telling someone every breathe they take is a waste? That would only be for someone like hitler. Not a single comment Iā€™ve read today of opposing opinions deserves to be told that.


No itā€™s not an opinion- itā€™s literally scientific fact. Intersex is not a third sex category.

Intersex people are getting really tired of their issues being used for Trans ideology.


Iā€™m guessing the Twitter warriors have invaded and planted their unholy Old god whispers in the forums now.


Do people still read twitter? Fascinating.


Sadly true.

Blizzard needs to come in and nuke this thread. Itā€™s beyond saving at this point. Infested by too much stupid.

Itā€™s people with a bad case of self perceived moral superiority.

They have an extreme sense of self righteousness which is rooted in shallow pandering for internet points.

In response to disagreement they resort to ā€œmoral shamingā€ as a way to make themselves look bigger and silence others.

Itā€™s a mob mentality


Honestly yea, the stupidity is too much to even handle such a mild change that changes like nothing mechanically

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Very sad. Enough of the forums for me tonight. Take care

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I dont have a gender. I have a sex.


Iā€™m not trying to espouse any ā€œideologyā€. If my science is in error then okay, I donā€™t profess to be a geneticist.

This thread has gotten way to crazy, so Iā€™m just gonna grab some popcorn and watch from here on.

I want this to happen in gameā€¦


Like, Iā€™d understand the outrage if say, Blizzard was giving everyone a single body type like the Dracthyr dragon form, that showed absolutely nothing that could be considered gender identifying. That would be a big mechanical and visual change and if that happened, Iā€™d be wondering why and asking Blizzard to revert the change or, if it was only being proposed, donā€™t go through with it.

But all this does is replace a UI option and add some more UI options. Itā€™s such an extremely minor thing to get upset about. But show a bigot inclusivity and theyā€™ll rage to the extreme.

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I shall only refer to use using neutral pronouns now to respect that, I hope youā€™re ok with this

It could also just be a bug cuz its not even on alpha atm and the body type things are supposed to only be listed for dracthyr

It should be an option is all Iā€™m saying, because of how hot of a topic this is IRL. Were all being changed ā€œchampionā€ or something neutral by default upon DF which most of us do not want. If someone wants some pronoun, just like black skin in barber shop - it should be added as a side option they can go seek. Not a forced change for every character JUST to satisfy less then 0.1% of people.